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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
August 13th, 2015
Date of upload
September 26, 2015
5 Minutes 8 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Logan George
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Henry Reich
Katelyn Salem
Claire Grosvenor
Sarah Meismer
Stefan Chin
Brought to you by
Adam Paterson
Charles T
Ronja Jaanu

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
EcoGeek Offices
Boomswagger Salon

Weather[edit | edit source]


Temperature: 74°F/23°C

Wind 3.5 mph

Humidity: 38%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 184.5 lbs/83.7 kgs

Body Fat: 21.3%

Heart Rate: 58 bpm

Blood Pressure: 114/72 mmhg

Season Four Stats[edit | edit source]

Jogged: 14.3 mi/23 km
Cycled: 10.3 mi/16 km
Driven: 1944 mi/3129 km
Flown: 2459 mi/3957 km
Boloco: 1
Bobby's Burger Palace: 2
Burger King: 1
Burger's Priest: 1
Caffe Dolce: 1
Chipotle: 1
Coldstone: 1
Denny's: 1
Earl of Sandwich: 1
Finn & Porter: 1
Fuddruckers: 1
HuHot: 1
In-N-Out: 1
Jimmy John's: 1
Lizzy's: 1
Market On Front: 6
McDonald's: 3
Mike's Pastry: 1
Pita Pit: 1
Pizza Hut: 1
The Squealing Pig: 1
Sweet Peaks: 1
Tagliare: 2
Tamarack: 1
Tasty Burger: 1
Wendy's: 1
Wok N Talk: 1
Flights: 4
Gym Visits: 1
Haircuts: 1
Papyrus: 2
Plane Issues: 1

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Outside Michael's Apartment

Michael: Good morning... oh no, I forgot my watch, I'm gonna have to get my watch.

In Michael's Car

Michael: (Camera mic) Ok, I've got three microphones going on in here right now.

(Lav mic) I'm wearing a lavalier mic.
(Zoom mic) I have my zoom mic in the cup holder
(iPhone) And I have my IPhone down between my legs
(Lav mic) Although I suppose, I'm gonna try and move my IPhone...
(Zoom mic) ...as close as possible to the zoom mic so that the location doesn't effect...
(iPhone) ... the difference in quality of the sound.
(Lav mic) The main purpose of this test is to see...
(iPhone) ...which of these microphones does a better job of isolating...
(Zoom mic) ...my voice away from the background noise of the car.
(Zoom mic) So here's some background noise of just the car... *car noise intensifies*
(iPhone) *More car noise*
(Lav mic) Now I'm gonna try and talk more softly...
(IPhone) ...to try and see if any of the mics do a better job of capturing...
(Zoom mic with clicking caused by the IPhone being on top of the zoom) ...my more soft spoken approach.
(iPhone) I should have really taken the freeway because that would be an even better test.
(Lav mic) At around 75 MPH the exhaust in this car gets really loud and droney...
(Zoom mic) ...so I'm curious what that sounds like with all these different mics.
(iPhone) I suppose it's also worth testing how the sound...
(Zoom mic) ...changes as I turn my...
(Lav mic) ...head in different directions.
(iPhone) My palm is itchy. This is probably enough testing for now.

SciShow Studio

Michael: It's a doggy.

Katelyn: It is a doggy.

Michael: Hi doggy.

Michael: It's a dog vlog... Say hi dog *Dog exhales on camera mic*

Michael: Eh, we're gonna film some scishow, it's an episode about chemicals, chemicals in food.

Outside the Office

Michael: I am now walking to boomswagger, the place I get my hair cut. So I can get my hair cut, it's gotten kinda unwieldy, and unmanageable as of late, so we're gonna get that fixed.

Boomswagger Salon

(Timelapse of haircut with passing period playing in the background)

Michael: Haircut complete, now it's back to work.

In a Shop

Michael: I'm exploring solar powered options for recharging batteries, and I asked a question which confused the employees, but Claire found a hat!

Claire: Look how cute it is, it has a bear on it (Michael laughs)


Claire: Oh hey are you vlooging?

Michael: Nice hat.

Claire: Thanks.

Michael: I've got an omelet and broccoli.

Claire: Ooh! How low carb have you been lately?

Michael: I haven't had any carbs today.

Claire: But like yesterday?

Michael: Yesterday I had ice cream.

Claire: From where?

Michael: Sweet Peaks.

Claire: Hmm, was it coconut fudge sundae without fudge?

Henry's apartment

Michael: So Henry is currently showing me the... the things necessary for backpacking.

Henry In summer.

Michael: In summer... I assume winter is significantly different.

Henry Yeah, or spring or fall.

Michael: Ok, eh, because we're going to do a backpacking thing this weekend an I've never done that before... I'm a newbie.

Henry Do you want me to trow it out on the carpet so it's more physical and better?

Michael: Ok, ohh, I knocked over the water.

Henry Ok, so in no particular order, whatever order is in my hands, it's like, long underwear, a winter hat...

Michael: For summer?

Henry Yeah, if it gets cold, you want a hat to keep you warm.

Michael: Okay, okay.

Henry: Eh, just a fleece top, wool socks, synthetic t-shirt, lightweight gloves which is also in case you get cold, polypro top, and I have these like windproof, waterproof glove cover things, because my hands get extra cold, so those are nice, but not required, anything else Alex?

Alex: Trekking poles.

Michael: Tracking poles? What's a tracking pole?

Henry: Trekking poles.

Michael: Oh trekking.

(Alex unfolds his trekking poles, but they are not connected)

Michael: I assume they stay more rigid than that when you're using them.

Henry: (Laughs) No, it's just like that. (Henry snaps them together)

Michael: Ooh, interesting, look at that technology.

Michael: Hey look, it's Montana.

Henry: So on our camping trip we're going to go to... *points to the same spot Michael is*... there.

Michael: So you're saying that we're going to go from right there, to right there.

Henry: Yep.

Michael: Wow.

Michael: So how many hours are we looking at of going in?

Henry: Well the shortest way in is... about... 10 miles of walking

Michael: Okay.

Henry: And how many thousand feet of climbing... it goes about almost 8000 feet there. And this is about 3600.

Michael's Apartment

(Stefan rolls out of a doorway and grabs a banana toy from one of the cats and rolls back into a room... the cat looks confused)

(Katelyn laughs)

Michael: I'm not even really sure what just happened.

Katelyn There was a banana...

Michael: There was a banana... and then there wasn't.