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Info[edit | edit source]

This is the page dedicated to the Youtube Channel: SyneMini!

This channel is a creative outlet for the employees of Synema Studios. This is a project without the pressure of demands and deadlines, and a way for us to share our ideas, skills, and company culture in one place. Consider SyneMini a channel where you get to see us take risks and try new things while at the same time sharing them with you!

Episodes[edit | edit source]

Name Date of Video Date Released Duration
Employee of the Month: Callie April, 2018 13:04
Employee of the Month: Josh May, 2018 6:03
Employee of the Month: Mr. Toddly June, 2018 6:24
The Prettiest Denny's (Synemini Roadtrip Vlog) July 24, 2018 10:46