You're Workin' Me Too Hard
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- May 14th, 2014
- Date of upload
- May 16th, 2014
- Duration
- 6 minutes 56 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Katelyn Salem
- Radius
- Index
- Matthew Gaydos
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Michael Aranda's Apartment
- Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang
- US Post Office
- Michaels
- Monkey Bar Gymnasium
- The Source Health Club
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael's Apartment
(Michael Aranda is facing the camera, He dramatically flips up a knife and slides a cardboard box into frame.
Michael : I got a package.
(He spins the package around, cutting in to the edges, and pulls out a black box with the Linkin Park logo. Michael proceeds to make a holy angel choir sound. He then lifts the top of the box off slowly)
That's actually, It's kind of heavy all by itself.
(Michael then opens the top of the next revealed black box like a book)
Woow. So this is the special edition of Linkin Park's Living Things and Recharged albums. It comes with a certificate of authenticity. Just in case you thought it was fake. Got all kinds of fun artwork and stuff in there. Ooo
(Michael pulls out something wrapped in plastic and places it to the side. He then pulls out two small black pieces and puts them together.)
This is a weird thing. Comes with a little obelisque, thing.
(Michael unwraps the plastic item, revealing a globe.)
So it's got a lion's head in this globe. And you can use this little obelisque thing, which has a magnet in the bottom, to pull up some of the magnetic stuff that's inside and move it around. I can't see why Linkin Park didn't sell more of these. I don't know how anyone would live their life without one of these in their house. They made 500 of these little sets and I have number 374. And it's been out since Christmas, so it doesn't seem like it's selling that quickly.
Given how much money I spent on this, I'm not that surprised. I probably should have used that money to pay off a student loan or something.
The safety and care instructions that came with this thing specifically say not to drink the water in the globe.
(The camera pushes in and out quickly on the Subbable page) Subbable's at 8%!. Here's a good example of where that money goes. Uh, I broke my tripod last week, so now I need to get another one. And decent tripods are not cheap, unfortunately. So, your support on Subbable means I can maintain and upgrade my equipment, which is a thing that I need to do sometimes (chuckles)
On a related note, this is the shirt in which I ran the Color Me Rad run and I had the thought of offering it as a one off Subbable perk. But I can't tell if that's gross or not. So if you wouldn't mind, let me know what you think about that.
Michael's Apartment Parking Lot
Michael: I'm just tearing through my to-do list today. Look at that kitty in that window right there. K, we gotta go to the bank, we gotta go to the post office, we gotta go to Michael's.
Michael's Ford Mustang
Michael: Just went to the bank. And deposited checks. Next.
Outside the Post Office
Michael: Post Office.
Michael's Ford Mustang
Michael: In the P.O. box, we got cookies from Australia. Wooo! And something from the IRS. Euh.
(Katelyn Salem laughs)
Michael: And now it's time...
Michael's Craft Store
Michael: For Michael's. This is a picture of me and my mommy and daddy that I want to get in a non-wooden looking frame. And some pictures, some paintings that Katelyn got me that I want to get framed. Too many frame choices. I kind of like this one (Michael is holding a solid black frame corner sample) But, I'm just not sure. What we've learned today is that custom framing is complicated.
Katelyn: And expensive.
Michael: And expensive. But complicated.
Michael's Apartment
(Radius and Index are lying on the top edge of the couch)
Michael: Is it kitty cuddle time? Oh look at that yawn, mmm.
Monkey Bar Gymnasium
(Michael does kettle bell lunges, runs and leaps onto a pile of wrapped foam blocks)
Whoever is holding the camera: Nice.
Michael: Whooo! One. (Michael runs back around and jumps up on the blocks)
Whoever is holding the camera: Yeah!
Someone else: He just like, floats up there.
Whoever is holding the camera: He does float.
Michael's Ford Mustang
Michael: Well, I'm done at the Monkey Bar Gym. I think now I want to get a jog in before it gets too dark.
(Michael jogs across a bridge as the sun begins to set)
Michael: Somebody got busted up there. Oh dear.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: 8 miles. All done. Well, time to go to the gym.
The Source Health Club
(Michael smiles as he arrives at the gym and points to Stefan Chin and Matt Gaydos. He begins working on a machine where he pulls down on a thick rope)
Michael: How do you like that machine, Matt?
Matt: (Sitting on a different machine) Working my calves with zero weight.
Michael: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Just keep doing that.
Matt: I'm not gonna. I'm gonna stop.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: I have successfully exhausted myself. I only did like half a workout at the gym, because I was like uhhh. Stefan, you're workin' me too hard.
Stefan: I didn't do anything.
Michael: You're workin' me too hard.
Stefan: I didn't do anything.
Michael: You're workin' me.
Stefan: I steee, I stayed in the gym, talking to Matthew Gaydos the whole time.
Michael: Did you feel like there was enough Matthew Gaydos in the gym?
Stefan: Well, yes.
Katelyn: Matthew Gaydos was in the gym?
Stefan: I watched, I watched him to squats and gave him some pointers. (Stefan gives a suggestive eyebrow raise)
Michael: (as Katelyn pets Index) That kitty over there is being all cute and stuff.
Stefan: (slightly lower voice) He's bein' real cute.
Michael: He's being so cute.
Stefan: Aww.
Michael: I've never seen a kitty so cute.
Stefan: Aw, so cute.
Michael: Look at that.
Stefan: Aww.
(Index adjusts his paws. Michael and Stefan react immediately with a chorus of Ohs and Ooos.)
Michael: He's being so cute.
(Stefan has been reduced to just making intense Awww related sounds)
Michael: Oh god, I don't know if I can take it.
You know how, in Spanish, they have the u, upside down exclamation point before an exclamation and the right side up exclamation point afterwards?
Stefan: Si!
Michael: And, you know how, in English, if someone's really really excited about something, they often put a bunch of exclamation points afterward?
Stefan: Uh, si Señor.
Michael: Do you think in Spanish they have a bunch of upside down ones before the thing?
Stefan: Si! (Michael laughs)
Michael: Ok, I'm opening the box of cookies from Australia from Stephanie. (A popping sound occurs as Michael uses a knife to open the box) Stephanie, if you're watching this, I think maybe you did too good of a job in sealing this box. (A second popping sound occurs). Ok (Michael pulls out boxes of Tim Tams) so we have chocolate orange, we have salted caramel, turkish delight, chocolate brownie, raspberry white chocolate, wooaah, white? I don't, is that different than white chocolate? I don't know. And, double chocolate vanilla. That's intense. Thank you Stephanie for sending these and, of course, I will update everybody on how I feel about these flavors. And I will attempt to not eat them all in one night (Michael grins).