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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 19th, 2015
Date of upload
July 8th, 2015
5 minutes 59 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Logan George
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Mickie Halpern
Claire Grosvenor
Brought to you by
Brittany George
Lacy McCoy

Location[edit | edit source]

Toronto, Ontario
Toronto Pearson International Airport
Atlanta, Georgia
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
Sublime Doughnuts
The Vortex Bar & Grill

Weather[edit | edit source]

Toronto, Ontario
Mostly Cloudy
High: 65°F/18°C
Low: 46°F/8°C
Humidity: 69%
Atlanta, Georgia
High: 86°F/30°C
Low: 66°F/19°C
Humidity: 76%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 183.2 lbs/83.1 kg

Body Fat: 20.6%

Heart Rate: 53 bpm

Blood Pressure: 111/75 mmhg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 107.4 mi/172.8 km

Flights: 14

Bacon Slaps: 5

Hikes to the M: 7

Pizzas Consumed: 28

Visits to HuHot: 8

Visits to Chipotle: 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Hotel Room

Michael: I didn't really intend to fall asleep when I fell asleep last night but, now it's eleven hours later and, uh, at least I feel rested. That was actually probably one of the nicest, most restful sleeps that I've had in a very very long time.


Michael: That's it?

Unknown Voice: That's it.

Michael: Sweet, thank you.


Michael: So for my last breakfast in Toronto, I'm gonna have Fran's.

Mickie: Again.

Michael: Again. (ambulance sirens) Woah!

Mickie: Fran's is next to a hospital.


Michael: Often a creature of habit, Michael once again opted for the omelette. I also got a piña coloda smoothie.

Mickie: Grilled cheese.

Michael: Boring.

Mickie: Packed grilled cheese.

Michael: What's packed about it?

Mickie: It has bacon, tomato, and onions in it.

In Car

Michael: Alright, it's time to do that thing again where I go to the airport and try to go back to Missoula. I already said this on twitter earlier, but does anyone wanna take bets about whether or not I'll get stuck in an airport tonight?

Toronto Pearson International Airport

Michael: Well, surprise surprise, this trip is not going as planned. Traffic on the way to the airport was really, really bad, so by the time I got here they wouldn't let me check in for the flight I was supposed to be on, but I was able to get through security fast enough that I was able to watch the flight that I was supposed to be on pull away from the gate, so that was fun. But now I will be apparently spending the night in the Atlanta airport, and then leaving tomorrow morning to get back to Missoula by noon-ish.

On Airplane

Woman's Voice: Before we take off, be sure your seat backs are upright, tray tables and carry on items are stowed and -- and arm rests are lowered. Finally, please take a moment to review the safety information card in your seat pocket.

Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport

Michael: I tweeted out that I was gonna be stuck in Atlanta, and a few people offered to hang out with me for the evening. So shortly, I should be picked up and taken to a place called Sublime Doughnuts, which, I guess, is pretty popular around here.

In Car

Michael: Well, I've been picked up by Kurtis and Rebecca, uh, and now we're going to some kind of world famous doughnut place, that as I was just being told is apparently so good, that it inspired someone to start a doughnut chain in, did you find out where?

Rebecca: I haven't found out where yet. I think the Philippines though.

Michael: In some other country, the Philippines, Antarctica, I don't know.

There were some other people on twitter also that, uh, said that they were gonna try to meet us there. So we might have a little, a little meet up at a doughnut place in Atlanta. What's it called?

Rebecca: Sublime Doughnuts.

Michael: Sublime Doughnuts.

'Sublime Doughnuts

Michael: So this rather unassuming doughnut place is apparently the place. The place to get the best doughnuts in the world.

Steer me in the right direction.

Kurtis: Nutella doughnut.

Rebecca: They're out of the s'mores one, that one has like a marshmallow center. Um, they have the butter toffee one.

Kurtis: They have one that's all.

Rebecca: It has the reese's peanut butter cup one that has peanut butter in the middle.

Michael: So this is the nutella doughnut.

Rebecca: It's okay, he's a star, he can have that one.

Michael: I don't know what this is, she thinks it's reese's.

Rebecca: I think it's reese's.

Michael: We'll see.

Rebecca: There should be peanut butter in the middle.

Michael: Tastes like reese's. I also don't know what this one is. It's messy. Well so far it just tastes like cinnamon.

Rebecca: Oh.

Michael: Maybe it's like a cinnamon bun doughnut.

Rebecca: Yeah.


Michael: The group elected to move on to a place called The Vortex? Is The Vortex or just Vortex?

People from group: The. The.

Michael: The Vortex.

?Rebecca: You need the article.

Michael: I don't know what to expect but, I've been told that it's cool.

The Vortex

(restaurant chatter)

Michael: We grill up the best damn burgers in Atlanta.

So, what is this burger called?

Emily: The Ka’mana Wa’na Lei’ya.

Michael: The Ka’mana Wa’na Lei’ya. As reccomended by Emily. Uh, I don't remember what's on it. It has some kind of pineapple jalepeño jelly on it. That's really good and now I need a napkin. So many napkins. Thank you.

There's a, there's a, there's a big penis back there.


Michael: Thanks for hanging out everybody. It's time to go to sleep. Bye bye. This is difficult to get everybody in the thing.

Rebecca: Sorry, we could have tried.

Michael: Okay.

Kurtis and Rebecca's House

Michael: So Rebecca and Kurtis were nice enough to offer me room in their house here in Georgia. That was very nice, super awesome, I don't have to spend the night on the airport floor. It is currently one o'clock however, and we need to get up in like four hours-ish to t get to the airport on time for my flight tomorrow. They have some really adorable cats and dogs here. I was hoping to show them to you, but they haven't come in here yet. If they do. I will film them.

The kitty came back! I has a kitty!

Claire, do you wanna say hi to the vlog?

Claire: Hi vlog! I nicknamed you vloog.

Michael: Vloog?

Claire: Uh huh.

Michael: Do you wanna say goodnight to the vloog?

Claire: Goodnight vloog.