Trash Compactor

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Trash Compactor

Episode Information
Date of episode Thursday
December 27, 2018
Date of upload July 26, 2019
Duration 5:50
Intro Zeke
Special Thanks Lily Jaquith
Scott Weeden
Nick Jones
This episode was brought to you by Chris
Kyle Hasse
Kaitlyn Lindsay
Logan George
Rachel Springdorf
Yesterday's Comment of the Day "Literally Christmas in July." – Radagastwiz
Songs "Intro"
Appearances Kelsey Cote
Stefan Chin
Anaheim, California
The Chin's House
Stefan Chin's Car
Tokyo Central
Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang
Translate Chinese Trash Compactor How To Crash A Lexus
Anaheim, California
State Mostly Cloudy
Temperature 59°F / 15°C
Wind Calm
Humidity 62%
Precipitation None

Weight No Data
Body Fat No Data
Resting Heart Rate 61 bpm
Blood Pressure No Data
Hours Slept 8:24
Fluids No Data
Calories No Data
Season Ten Statistics
Jogged 38.1 mi / 61.2 km
Cycled 25.9 mi / 41.7 km
Driven 2777 mi / 4469 km
Flown 1821 mi / 2931 km
Flights 4
Travel Issues 0
Haircuts 1
Gym Visits 7
Hikes to the M 0
Nice Sunsets 1
Bacon Slaps 1
Pizzas 23
Burgers 86
Papyrus 2
Merch Items Sold 2
Puns 0
Todd-Fives 2