This Is Cool, Or Something

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 25th, 2014
Date of upload
May 30th, 2014
5 minutes 47 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Caleb Sieb
Morgan Paige
Stefan Chin
Kristen Franklin
Katelyn Salem
Valerie Barr
Matthew Gaydos
Amber Blodgett
Danni Johnston

Locations[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Apartment
HuHot Mongolian Grill
The "M" Hiking Trail

Transcript[edit | edit source]


(Michael Aranda is examining the IHOP menu)

Michael Aranda: (whispering) Good morning. I'm at breakfast with these fine human beings. (Caleb Sieb and Morgan Paige wave at the camera) Stefan and Katelyn, I don't know what there doing.

Morgan Paige: Stefan made breakfast.

Michael: Stefan made breakfast. I don't know what Katelyn's doing. I mean, I still don't know what Stefan's doing right now.

Look at that eggs benedict.

Morgan: Yes, look at it.

Michael: Look at this omelette. Carb free. Mmm. With a side of broccoli.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: So today we're gonna go to a ghost town.

Stefan Chin: (slightly country twang) We're gonna go to a ghost town!

Michael: But, I'm not gonna film it with this camera.

Morgan: But how do you film any ghosts?

Michael: I'm gonna film it with this camera. (Points to different camera in a case)

HuHot Mongolian Grill

Michael: So we went to a ghost town. We are done at the ghost town. (Stefan leans into frame and makes faces) Now we're at HuHot. Stefan's making faces. Um.

Stefan: I'm just enjoyin' my meal.

Michael: How is it?

Caleb Sieb: Delicious. Uhhhhm, I'm lovin' it.

Michael: You're lovin' it.

Caleb: Yep.

Michael: I think you're in the wrong place.

The "M" Hiking Trail Parking Lot

Michael: We finished HuHot. And now, we need to try and get to the M before the sunsets. So—

Kristen Franklin: Race against time.

Michael: Kristen just pointed out (intensely) it is a race, against time.

Kristen: Dun, dun, dunnn.

Michael: I need to floss. (begins flossing)

We've lost a member of our party, to dysentery. And the sun, is still setting. We've got time. What is, what are you going Stefan? You are, you are, you are up there. (Stefan is slowly jogging right above the path.)

Stefan: I'm going faster.

(Michael and Matt Gaydos begin running to beat Stefan)

Michael: Ahhhh!

Matt: This is, we are gonna regret this decision.

Michael: Update: we have lost two members of our party. I can't see how many remain. Five? Seven-ish. I can't count.

Hurry, the sun is setting. (slightly out of breath) We have, officially, five minutes until official sunset time.

The "M"

Michael: I've made it. Officially, two minutes before sunset. The other guys are down there. Whooo. But look at that. (camera points to the sunset over Missoula) That is just real pretty.

You can make it!

Stefan: (tiredly) Woo.

Michael: You did it.

Stefan: (breathless) No problem.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: It was no problem.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: It was fine.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: I'm good.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: (breathing heavily) My breathing, my breathing is normal.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: My heart rate is normal.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: No problem.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: No problem.

Michael: No problem.

Stefan: Ok.

Michael: You guys made it!

Katelyn Salem: I'd like to thank my mom and my dad for doing track in high school. And...

(Stefan chuckles)

Michael: Did they do track in high school?

Katelyn: Yeah.

Michael: Both of them?

Katelyn: Yeah.

Michael: Oh. Did you do track in high school?

Katelyn: Uhm, I did it in junior high and I did cross country in junior high. And then I did cross country in high school for two years. But I couldn't do track because that was soccer season.

Michael: Oh.

Katelyn: Otherwise, I would have done track.

Michael: Ok. Look at that sunset.

So we're all sitting here enjoying the M. I don't really know what Matt's doing (Matt is sitting far off, on the M).

(Everyone laughs)

Morgan: Crab walker.

Michael: How do you feel?

Morgan: I feel accomplished. And a little winded.


Michael: I had a little accident on the M and I got kind of bloody. So that's, that's good. I'm ready for some first aid.

Kristen: Ok.

Michael: Nurse.

Kristen: Not gonna give you no second aid.

(Michael gasps. Stefan gasps and makes a weird face)

Kristen: And I'm not gonna give you Aids. Hold this assistant Stefan.

Stefan: This is a band-aid.

Michael: Thanks nurse Stefan.

Stefan: This is a band-aid.

Michael: (looking at the blood on his hand) It kind of made an S. Ssssss.

Kristen: This is an anti-septic wipe.

Michael: Oooo. It's gonna kill all that bacteria.

Kristen: It might sting. You gonna tell them what you were doing?

Michael: I was crab walking on the M. And something punctured my hand.

Now I got myself a real nice band-aid. At Walmart.

I didn't do the thing with the bacon. I know. I'm sorry. But, we did get some Baja Blast. Which I've never tried before, so this is gonna be an adventure.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: It's time for the Baja Blast. (Can makes Ksssh noise). First time ever (Michael takes a sip). Meh.

Caleb: Meh? Blast off man. It's Mountain Dew.

Morgan: (inaudible)

Michael: Honestly, I think I, my favorite.

Morgan: Did you have prior expectations?

Michael: I was expecting at least an 8 out of 10 I guess.

Morgan: Yeah, that flavor's like candy.

Michael: Um. My favorite mountain do is the White Out. And I don't think this is better than the White Out.

Morgan: Oh. Do you regret spending Katelyn's three dollars?

Michael: Ah, neh.

Ok, so I'm about to do Danni's impression of me vlogging. (low voice) This is cool or something.

(Everyone laughs)

Michael: Was that, was that pretty accurate?

Caleb: Yeah.

Morgan: Yeah!

Michael: Ok.

Morgan: Yeah, I thought you were just vlogging. I didn't think....

(Michael chuckles)