The Whole Family

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The Whole Family

Episode Information
Date of episode Friday – Saturday
March 3 – 4, 2017
Date of upload March 24, 2017
Duration 9:46
Intro Emily Padgett
Special Thanks Mariah Kunts
Rachel Charlee Hoffman
Kyla Pyne
This episode was brought to you by Bruce Fong
Jason Buster
Kelsey Carty
Yesterday's Comment of the Day "i live in an asian country and receiving phone notification of new vid upload as early as 6-7 in the morning makes its so much easier to get off the bed. I can hear Todd's voice in my head be like 'Buddy, buddy buddy. You gotta watch this!'" – NI Z
Michael Aranda
Camera, editing, music
Katelyn Salem
Tyler Grutsch
Songs "Intro"
Appearances Michael Aranda
Katelyn Salem
Todd Williams
Glenn Kneebone
Kelsey Cote
Michael Morgan
Tyler Grutsch
Abi Rein
Kyla Pyne
Missoula, Montana
Katelyn Salem's Jeep
Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce
Complexly Office
Michael Aranda's Apartment
Synema Studios Office
Café Dolce
Not Spumoni The Whole Family How To Jog With A Nintendo Switch
  Mar 3 Mar 4
Missoula, Montana
State Overcast Rain
Temperature 39°F 4°C 38°F 3°C
Wind 4.6 mph 6 kph 4.6 mph 6 kph
Humidity 70% 97%

Weight No Data No Data
Body Fat No Data No Data
Resting Heart Rate 50 bpm 58 bpm
Blood Pressure 120/72 mmhg 123/69 mmhg

Season Seven Statistics
Jogged 68.9 mi / 109 km
Cycled 0 mi / 0 km
Driven 855 mi / 1376 km
Flown 5050 mi / 8127 km
Bacon Slaps 0
Flights 5
Gym Visits 10
Haircuts 1
Hikes to the M 0
Papyrus 4
Merch Items Sold 16
Pizzas 2
Todd-Fives 9
Travel Issues 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Emily Padgett: My name is Emily and I just ADed my first student film. And you’re watching WhatImDoingRightNow. Right cats?

(Emily points the camera behind her to reveal eight cats sitting by a door.)

("Intro" plays over the opening title screen.)

Katelyn Salem's Jeep – 11:21 AM MST

Michael Aranda: We are on our way to the Missoula Chamber of Commerce. We’re gonna give a presentation for a currently... unknown number of people in which we promote our services. One of the things that we would like to move into in the next year or so is creating advertisements – web-based advertisements, primarily – for local businesses. So we did that woodcut video for Claire a couple months ago. And we’re hoping to be able to do projects in that same vein for other businesses that are local. I think Claire is a really good example of someone who is really passionate about their art and not so much interested in maintaining a web page or figuring out, uh... how to connect with people online. And since that’s what we are good at, makes sense for us to help people who want to focus just on the art.

Missoula Area Chamber of Commerce

(The camera shows Michael standing in front of a projector screen showing the Synema Studios logo.

Michael: So, experiences are very powerful things. Uh, if you think about your favorite music, your favorite movie, your favorite book, some way, somehow it gave you an experience that stayed with you. What makes a good experience? What makes a memorable experience? And how can we craft those memorable experiences in a way that help you sell your product, or your service, or your message?

(The slide advances to show a couple sentences.)

Michael: So, we feel like "great content delivers cinematic, memorable, and engaging experiences that challenge viewers to think differently, to seek wisdom, and to crave understanding. So whether you’re selling craft beer or making a short film", we want to help you engage with your audience.

(Dance music plays over a Later That Day screen.)

Complexly Office – 1:31 PM MST

(The camera shows Michael standing in front of a green screen. He points at a fan that is out of frame.)

Michael: Why is that making so much noise?

(Michael is now holding a Nintendo Switch.)

Michael: Next up, I have to film some SciShow, but while I’m waitin’ for everyone to get set up, I’m just playin’ a little Breath of the Wild on the Nintendo Switch.

Alley near North Higgins Avenue and West Spruce Street

Michael: The work day is over. I am absolutely exhausted. My eyes, every time I blink, feel like they’re scraping. It’s like cinder blocks on concrete noise. I’m gonna go home, maybe take a nap, probably eat some unhealthy food because I’m really bad at making healthy choices when I’m tired... Maybe play some Zelda.

Michael Aranda's Apartment

(Katelyn and Michael walk into the apartment to find Glenn Kneebone in the kitchen holding Index.)

Michael: Glenn has a cat.

(Glenn laughs.)

(Kelsey is laying on the couch playing Zelda on her Switch.)

Michael: How far are you in Breath of the Wild?

Kelsey Cote: Farther than you, so you can’t look.

Michael: Oh, okay.

Kelsey: Sorry.

(A synth drones over the Saturday March 4, 2017 screen.)

Katelyn Salem's Jeep – 9:13 AM MST

(The camera points out the front windshield.)

Michael: There is a man, playing the guitar, in the rain, on the street corner. It’s rare enough in Missoula to see someone playing guitar on a street corner. But it’s also raining.

(The camera now faces into the car from the dashboard.)

Michael: I fell asleep super early last night.

Katelyn Salem: You did, it was like 8:30.

Michael: I was super tired yesterday. That felt nice. I guess I slept for about 12 hours. Today... and tomorrow, we’re having our annual Synema Studios Summit, where we talk about all of our projects and how we can be better at those things. And future projects.

Katelyn: Business-y stuff.

Michael: Business-y stuff. Y’know, business!

(A meme of a 90's business man excitedly talking on a cellphone that reads "Ha Ha! Business!" appears on the screen.)

Synema Studios Office

(Calm tribal music plays over a panning shot of the main table in the office. Michael, Tyler Grutsch, Katelyn, Michael Morgan, and Todd sit around the table, while a laptop connected to the TV shows Abi Rein and Kyla Pyne Skyping into the meeting.)

Michael Morgan: The second thing is to review the agenda, which...

(The music continues over a timelapse of the meeting from behind Michael's chair. The camera pans down a whiteboard covered in sticky notes and then resumes the timelapse.)

(Todd high-fives Michael with both hands, one after the other.)

Todd: Aw yeah, double those points!

Michael Aranda: Aw yeah.

Todd: Michael. We just finished a thing.

Michael Aranda: Yes sir.

Todd: What was the thing we just finished, Michael?

Michael Aranda: We just talked about lots of things. Lots of planning.

(Michael shows the previous whiteboard, now clear of sticky notes, and a year-long calendar with some things filled in on it. Then the camera shows the cover of a book that's sitting on the table.)

Michael Aranda: Uh, there were a bunch of sticky notes up there; they’re gone now. But we filled out that calendar, talked about “Rules for Revolutionaries.”

(Katelyn holds up a notebook full of writing.)

Katelyn: —my notebook.

Michael Aranda: Lots of notes. (To Todd) Are you ready to make 2017 the best year we’ve ever had?

Todd: Yes, and the well—a—and the well hydrated year... most hydrated year.

(Abi raises the roof through the Skype call on the TV.)

Todd: Abi’s big—Abi’s big on hydration. Um, one thing that we should announce... is that we have a new employee of Synema Studios. Miss Abigail Jean over there. She’s, uh, the new Executive Assistant. Congratulations, Abi, for handling all our stuff.

(Abi waves her hands and claps on the Skype call.)

Michael Aranda: Yayyyyy. And you’re going to be moving to Missoula when? May 28th! It’s on the calendar.

Kyla Pyne: Woo! Yeah! Write it on your calendars, everybody!

4:38 PM MST

(Todd and Michael sit at the table facing the camera. Katelyn works on a computer behind them.)

Michael: So. One of the things that we would like to be much better at in 2017, compared to last year, is staying on top of opening up stuff you guys send to the PO box. Today, we’re gonna open up stuff that was in the PO box and then... we have a whole box of stuff that has been sent to us over the years and we’re gonna put a bunch of it on our cork board so that, uh, everybody who comes into the office can see everything that has been sent to us.

(Michael starts to open a padded envelope.)

Todd: Maybe at some point down the road, we’ll have a live cam of the—of the cork board and you can just—

Michael: Oh, just live streaming?

Todd: you—(Laughing) Live streaming the cork board. So, some of this stuff came in, like, this is from Christmas so there’s a lot of Christmas cards.

Michael: Sorry for not getting to the Christmas stuff earlier.

This was sent to us from Danielle Green Illustrations. A gift for Marcus?! Marcus is not here. Uh... I don’t know if I should open it if it’s a gift for Marcus.

Todd: A gift for Marcus.

Michael: Next time Marcus is in the office...

Todd: I’ll, uh, I’ll let him know. Umm...

(A large, flat cardboard "envelope" sits on the table.)

Michael: Okay. Do you have a... cutting implement?

Todd: No.

(Michael rips the tape off the cardboard with his hands.)

Michael: This one comes to us from Hannah Montoya.

(A square is wrapped in candy cane wrapping paper and a silver bow with a card attached to the front.)

Todd & Michael: "Happy late Christmas!"

Todd: Just in time.

Michael: Happy late opening... Christmas... gift. "May your year be full of happiness and bacon." Maybe it’s happiness.

(Michael rips off the wrapping paper.)

Michael: I Heart Bacon 2017 wall calendar!

(Todd claps.)

Todd: Classy. That’s—that’s gonna go right next to the cork board.

Michael: Thank you, Hannah.

(Michael holds a Christmas card.)

Michael: "Merry little Christmas." This is a card from Nylah. “To everyone at Synema Studios, I hope you have a lovely holiday season, hopefully spent with Mr. Chin for optimum LOLs, and that you achieve as much in 2017 as you have this year. I don’t even know if you still have it, but I thought Mr. Smiley Toddly art looked a little lovely—

(A note flashes on the screen reading *lonely.)

Michael: —so I painted him a little family. (Laughing) Why are all of my gifts to you always ultimately so creepy, Michael?”

Todd: So this is what she is referring to.

(Todd holds up a square white canvas, on which a yellow smiley face is bordered in red and has blue hair.)

Todd: This is my, uh... my art.

Michael: She painted... companions.

(Michael holds up two smaller square white canvases with painted smiley faces mimicking the original: one with a purple face bordered in blue, black hair, a blonde stripe, and a black soul patch; and one with a gray face bordered in blue with brown/orange hair. Michael and Todd laugh.)

Todd: Oh man.

(Michael holds a second Christmas card.)

Michael: This is from Gavi. “Merry Christmas. The entire Synema Studios gang, thank you for creating such amazing content, for such an amazing community, and for being amazing on a regular basis.”

(Michael opens a letter written on stationary. Katelyn pulls a chair up behind Todd and Michael.)

Michael: This one is from Samina. Wow this is a long one. “First of all, I hope you can read cursive.”

(Michael, Todd, and Katelyn laugh.)

Michael: Thank you, Samina. That was a very nice note.

(Michael reads off an envelope.)

Michael: Someone in Twin Falls, Idaho. This one first. This is a very nice letter from Sarah Tillett, and she included a drawing of some kitties, I assume that’s Radius and Index.

This is another letter from Sarah Tillett, in which she says that the vlogs make her days much better, help her get through some hard times. Very nice. Thank you, Sarah.

(Michael opens another Christmas card.)

Michael: Kimberly. Kimberly says, “Have a great holiday, Michael. Wishing you and the Synema Studios family the best for 2017.”

(Michael picks an envelope off the table in front of them.)

Michael: This is from Stefan’s mom.

(Michael, Todd, and Katelyn laugh.)

Michael: It’s the Chin family Christmas card. Bryan and Lem and Diane, and Stefan and Nicole, and Brian and Mercedes.

Katelyn and Michael: Oooo.

(Michael reads off an envelope.)

Michael: This one comes from Miranda Farney. “I just wanted to wish you a wonderful holiday season.” She says, “Thank you for using my intro with my cat ‘Wifi.’”

This is another gift from Nylah.

(Michael opens another padded envelope and pulls out two more small white canvases with smiley faces painted on them: one with a black face and yellow hair, and one with a green face bordered in orange with purple hair. Michael, Todd, and Katelyn laugh. They hold up all 5 of the canvases together.)

Michael: Here’s the whole family.

(Katelyn laughs.)

Todd: Oh my god.

Michael: Merry Christmas.

(Michael laughs.)

Michael: Chloe Nagle sent us a Star Wars science lightsaber crystal growing lab.

(Calm tribal music plays over a timelapse of Michael, Todd, and Katelyn putting things up on the cork board.)

Michael: All right. Here we are. Now we just need to find a good place to hang this up and we’re all set.

(Dance music plays over a Later That Day screen.)

Café Dolce

Michael Aranda: We’re having our post-meeting dinner at Cafe Dolce. It’s been awhile since I had a lamb burger. Kelsey got a salad. (To Katelyn) What is—what did you get?

Katelyn: Lasagna.

Aranda: Lasagna, and uh... Todd and Michael are both having...

Michael Morgan: Lamb burger.

Michael Aranda: Lamb burgers.

Michael Aranda's Apartment Complex

(Michael walks through the parking lot.)

Michael: After dinner, a bunch of us went to go see that new Logan movie. I’m trying to decide if I liked it at 3 stars, or 4 stars, out of 5. I haven’t decided yet.


(Michael walks through the parking lot.)

Michael: I can for sure say that I liked it better than I like most superhero films, so if it does end up only coming in at 3 stars, it’s, like, a really well deserved 3 stars.

(Michael is on the chips and candy aisle.)

Michael: I think my favorite thing about it was that they went for an R rating instead of PG-13, which let them let loose and, especially for the place that the Logan character is supposed to be in at this point in his life, I think that made a lot of sense. If they had held back for PG-13—

(Michael picks up a bag of chips and looks at it.)

Michael: —I don’t think it would have felt as real or true to his character.

Michael Aranda's Apartment Complex

(Michael walks through the parking lot.)

Michael: I’m gonna talk some mild spoilers here for a sec, so, if you don’t want to hear them, maybe skip ahead like 30 seconds, but the main thing that bothered me story-wise with this film: Logan and the little girl are running away from this evil corporation that, numerous times during the film, shows disregard for the legality of the things that they are doing. But the way that Logan and the little girl can finally escape this company is if only they can cross the northern border into Canada. Because apparently, the one law that this company is not willing to break is crossing the border into Canada.

("Outro" plays over the end screen.)