The Lonely Domino

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 12th, 2014[1]
Date of upload
May 13th, 2014
5 minutes 12 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Katelyn Salem
Nick Jenkins

Locations[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Apartment
EcoGeek Office
Monkey Bar Gynmasium
The Source Health Club
Stefan Chin's Ford Fiesta

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael Aranda's Apartment

Michael: Crash Course sound is done, but I can't just transfer the file cause the internet's being stupid. So I have to drive to the office and drop it off.

EcoGeek Office

(Abby growling)

Nick Jenkins: (offscreen) Is that for WhatImDoingRightNow?

Michael: Yeah, this is what I'm doing right now. (Abby continues to growl and bark while playing with a tug rope, followed by a slow motion experience of Abby doing the same)


(A view a field, some houses, and the mountains goes passing by as Michael and Katelyn Salem jog)

Michael: Yeaaaah! (Katelyn makes a frowny face) How's it going?

Katelyn: My stomach is not my friend.

Michael: Why are you not friends with your stomach?

Katelyn: Because I had Pita Pit and now it wants to come out.

Michael: Which way? The wrong way or just the normal way, expedited?

Katelyn: Maybe, probably a little bit of both.

Michael: Oh. (makes grimacing face)

Michael's Apartment

Michael: (while looking at a newspaper on the roof) That paper delivery man is always missing and landing things on the roof.

Katelyn: There's a domino on there too.

Michael: A domino? There is a domino. (Zooms in on domino) Some poor child lost their domino.

Monkey Bar Gymnasium

Instructor: And here, do 5 pull-ups, 5, and 10. Make sense? (people saying yes)

(Gym patron chatter as Michael does pull-ups)

Someone, maybe Katelyn: (as Michael does some hand stand push ups) I think the socks really help.

Michael: They really do.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: I just got back from the gym, so Stefan, want to go to the gym?

Stefan Chin: Hell Yeah.

Michael: Let's go to the gym.

Stefan: Pump it!

Michael's Apartment Parking Lot

Michael: It's after 9:00 and it's still kinda bright out here. Look at the sunset.

Stefan: So beautiful.

Michael: Looks real nice.

The Source Health Club

(Michael places weights on bar and begins doing squats)

Michael: (looking at another weight) How much is that?

Stefan: 260?

Michael: 260.

(Stefan begins squatting with weights)

Pump it.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: I said the name Subulba and Stefan said Subulba Fett, which I thought was funny. So, I tweeted it. (long pause)

Stefan: It's not that funny.

Michael: I wanna see A. what people say in response, like if their just "huh?" or if they think it's funny. B. I th, ugh, half of why I think it's funny is because my grandfather is gonna see it when it posts to Facebook and I expect him to have no idea what it means. It's just gonna look like gibberish to him.

Stefan: Yeah.

Michael: Oh, hi Katelyn.

Stefan: That, that's why you find it.

Michael: Oh, I was pointing the camera too high, so we couldn't even see you (referring to Katelyn)

Stefan: Oooooo.

Michael: Oooooo.

(slightly later on)

Michael: Katelyn?

Katelyn: Yes?

Michael: Oh sorry, I pointed it to high again. Um, my arms are so sore from going to the gym two times today that I could hardly pull on my pantalons.

Katelyn: Then why even put any pantalons on?

Michael: Because we are about to go out in public and people don't like it when you don't wear pantalons.

Katelyn: What people?

(A short pause on Michael's face, then he and Katelyn both laugh)

Michael: People.

Katelyn: Ok.

Michael: Are you done with this conversation about pantalons?

Katelyn: Yes.

(Later on)

Michael: Apparently, while I was at the gym, Radius (accusingly points to Radius), it's too dark. Lights! Aziz light!

Katelyn: Zis, zis?

Michael: Thank you Aziz, much better. Um, Radius pooped on one of my Linkin Park shirts.

Katelyn: Let's go see!

Michael: What do you mean go see? It's still there?

Katelyn: Wait, yeah.

Michael: You left the poop on my Linkin park shirt?

Katelyn: It's your cat and her poop.

Michael: Eugh. (Looking at his Linkin Park shirt) What the poop. (Zooms in on poop and sighs) WHy. Why kitty, why!

Stefan: (faintly) Why.

Michael: Well, I cleaned it up and it smells real bad. (in a slight country twang) So remember kids, always wash your hands after you touch poop.

Michael's Apartment Parking Lot

Michael: Earlier, when Stefan and I were leaving to go to the gym, Um, well, let me back up. Our apartment is really sensitive to differences in pressure, so if there's any kind of wind going on, the front door will suck itself shut really hard. And so it did that as we were leaving and there's this lady who lives on the same floor as us who just really, really hates noise of any sort. And I don't know if she doesn't know that we can hear her....

Stefan's Ford Fiesta

Michael continued: through the door or if it's meant to be heard through the door, but she often yells when there's some loud noise. So today, when we were leaving for the gym, the door slammed and she was like "Why are you slamming the door!". And I was like, sorry.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Date picked based on Michael's Swarm check-ins on this and surrounding dates.