The Last Jedi

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The Last Jedi

Episode Information
Date of episode Thursday
December 14, 2017
Date of upload February 12, 2018
Duration 14:07
Intro Julie Mynors
Special Thanks Nathaniel Collins
Eleanor Wilson
Caoimhe Ann
This episode was brought to you by Nik Nilsson
Rachel Reynolds
Adam Paterson
Jörn Teuber
Savannah Walker
Yesterday's Comment of the Day "I am so conflicted after seeing all of those cute poops. Poop overload is usually a very bad thing." – Conor Matchett
Michael Aranda
Executive Producer, Camera, Graphics, Music
Katelyn Salem
Producer, Editing, Color
Todd Williams
Line Producer
Abi Rein
Associate Producer
Callie Dishman
Songs "Intro"
Appearances Kelsey Cote
Corey Vidal
Corrado Coia
Toronto, Ontario
Corey Vidal's Apartment
Tim Hortons
Smoke's Poutinerie
Toronto Pearson International Airport
Poop Cafe The Last Jedi I Can Smell Brownies
Toronto, Ontario
State Overcast
Temperature 20°F / -7°C
Wind Calm
Humidity 55%
Precipitation None

Weight No Data
Body Fat No Data
Resting Heart Rate 48 bpm
Blood Pressure No Data
Hours Slept No Data

Season Statistics
Jogged 86.1 mi / 138.6 km
Cycled 85.0 mi / 136.8 km
Driven 6814 mi / 10966 km
Flown 34940 mi / 56230 km
Flights 26
Travel Issues 13
Gym Visits 17
Hikes to the M 2
Nice Sunsets 2
Bacon Slaps 2
Pizzas 17
Haircuts 4
Comic Sans 1
Papyrus 7
Merch Items Sold 44
Katelyn Yawns 5
Todd-Fives 24