The Danger of Niceness

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 12th, 2015
Date of upload
July 1st, 2015
7 minutes 47 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Jessi Knudsen Castañeda
Brought to you by
Isak Hjelm

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana

Weather[edit | edit source]


High: 66°F/19°C

Low: 46°F/8°C

Humidity: 46%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 178.8 lbs/81.1 kg

Body Fat: 19.3%

Heart Rate: 57 bpm

Blood Pressure: 122/82 mmhg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 99.9 mi/160.8 km

Flights: 11

Bacon Slaps: 5

Hikes to the M: 7

Pizzas Consumed: 27

Visits to HuHot: 8

Visits to Chipotle: 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael: That second story went up pretty quick. Right cat? Right.

Something special came in the mail today. This is an Apple Watch. One of the youtube shows that, uh, Logan and Michael Morgan and I have been brainstorming is, uh, yet another tech review show, as if youtube doesn't have enough of those. But we're planning to use this as our like, test run of how that show will work. So, as you can see, it's the 42mm stainless steel with link bracelet. It's got a plastic case. Looks like you pull the pull tab, pull this off. There it is. That's got some weight to it. It's got these protective plastic things on it that are always super satisfying to pull off. Back clasp opens up. Well, by default this is obviously way too loose. In the rest of the box is the documentation and the charging cable. This thing is magnetic and sticks to the bottom of the watch, like so, and provides power through just a regular usb cable. Instruction manual, including how to add and remove links. So it looks like some of these links have a button that you can push that detaches them from the rest bracelet. So you can push and hold these tabs down, and then pull and then it comes apart. So I ended up pulling out seven links to get it to fit the way I want it to on my wrist. Came with a little pouch to put your extra links into. According to the instructions, you just press and hold the side button to turn it on.

In A Stairwell

I actually had kind of a lot of trouble getting the watch to pair with my phone. I had to chat with Apple tech support to get it to work. Now there's no time to play with it because we have a weekly EcoGeek meeting.

In Michael's Car

Michael: Welcome to my car Jessi.

Jessi: Hi.

Michael: Uh, we were just talking about how lovely my phone's, uh, shatter pattern is.

Jessi: It actually is pretty pretty. Pretty Pretty.

Michael: Pretty pretty.

Jessi: Pretty pretty pretty.

Michael: We just finished our meeting, our weekly meeting and now, uh, Jessi I guess needs a ride to her car.

Jessi: I've walked over the Higgins Street bridge four times today and I don't want to do it again. I'm wearing my boots and it's windy.

She's waving you.

Michael: Why?

Jessi: She's waving you to go.

Michael: She has the right of way!

Jessi: But she was being nice.

Michael: Ugh. I was just ranting about this, kind of, the other day on a video that won't go live for a month because I'm that far behind but,

Jessi: That stresses me out.

Michael: In, in Missoula, I feel like there's an increased problem of

Jessi: I think that's Megan.

Michael: people trying to be nice,

Jessi: Mhmm.

Michael: and giving other people the right of way. Especially when it comes to drivers and bikes. But, everybody should just obey the right of way rules.

Jessi: Quit being so nice.

Michael: So everybody knows whose turn it is to go. It's dangerous when people start trying to be nice, because then it confuses the rules and someone's gonna get hit.

Jessi: The danger of niceness.

Michael: Yes. The danger of niceness.

Jessi: See, she's not being nice, she's waling when she's supposed to.

Michael: She's obeying the rules. I am obeying the rules, everybody's fine.

What was wrong with your car?

Jessi: See the monkey logo? The ac went out and the animals are so spoiled that they absolutely need ac.

Michael: Mmm. Well, here's your car.

Jessi: Yay! Thank you.

Michael: You're welcome.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: This is Stefan in his natural habitat.

Stefan: What?

Michael: Making the bed.

Stefan: It's made.

Michael: You have a wagner. Did you already heat gun your thing?

Stefan: Mm mm.

Michael: Are you gonna heat gun your thing?

Stefan: I don't know. At some point, yeah.

Michael: Did you buy the heat gun just for this?

Stefan: It's Nick's.

Michael: It's Nick's heat gun? (laughter) Why does Nick have a heat gun?

Stefan: I told you I borrowed it from him. You never listen!

Michael: I never listen to you anymore. Why do you, whys does Nick have a heat gun?

Stefan: When he installed his intake, he had to heat gun the shrink wrap stuff to seal the tube.

Michael: Apparently Stefan is gonna use the heat gun to take off the ST badge from his car.

Stefan: I don't want it to say sss t.

Michael: Why don't you just add an efan?

Stefan: S T efan

Michael: So it says Stefan.

Stefan: If I make you an efan badge will you put it on?

On A Jog

Michael: I'm gonna try joggin' and vloggin' at the same time. It's kinda rainy and gloomy out here. This cracked screen kinda makes everything look gloomy. I wonder how bad this audio sounds, it's kinda windy. I feel like the wind is significantly hampering my ability to vlog while jogging. It makes it harder to breathe. I feel like I have to yell louder, I don't even know if you can hear me right now.

I guess it's a little less windy down here. Anyway, what I was trying to say, my initial impressions of the Apple Watch, is it this like, amazingly life altering piece of technology? No, not really. Is it a cool piece of technology? Yeah. I think so far my favorite thing is just the heart rate sensor. As you may have gathered from the stats that show up at the beginning of every one of these videos, I just really like data, a lot. So the idea of gathering as much as possible and exploring that data is super interesting to me.

The main thing that I wanted to talk about during this jog vlog was that, as of right now, I am more than a month behind on uploading these vlogs and that stresses me out a lot. Part of the fun, the magic of this channel is the idea that you are, more or less, watching it as it happens. Currently, with the videos so far removed from reality, it just feels like something is really missing. I'm also falling behind on fulfilling subbable and patreon perks. For some reason, I just feel like I have to catch up before I can start fulfilling those because they need to be fulfilled in real time, or something, I don't know. But anyway, as of today, I'm going to start uploading the vlogs as they happen. This video that I'm recording right now, I will put on the internet by tomorrow. But, I'm going to upload it unlisted and then I'm going to paste the URL on patreon. So all the patreon supporters will be able to see what is happening in real time once again. And then as Logan and I continue to work through the backlog, that will eventually catch up with today, and then will started making the unlisted videos public in sequence. So if you're watching this video on the 13th of May 2015, thank you for your support, congratulations on being able to see this video before everyone else, and my apologies for forcing you to now exist in two timelines at once.

One thing that really sucks a lot about me being in the 180 pound range is that that's about when my legs get big enough to rub together when I run, so it's super chafy right now and I don't like it at all.