The Core Republican Platform

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
September 9th, 2015
Date of upload
October 21st, 2015
4 minutes 21 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Katelyn Salem
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Caitlin Hofmeister
Brought to you by
Aiden Storey
Courtney Mullen
Jim Slaughter

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
University of Montana
EcoGeek Offices

Weather[edit | edit source]


Temperature: 55.9°F/13°C

Wind: Calm

Humidity: 60%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: No Data

Body Fat: No Data

Heart Rate: No Data

Blood Pressure: No Data

Season Four Stats[edit | edit source]

Jogged: 26.5 mi/42 km
Cycled: 78.8 mi/126 km
Driven: 4015 mi/6462 km
Flown: 6410 mi/10316 km
Boloco: 1
Bobby's Burger Palace: 2
Burger King: 4
Burger's Priest: 1
Caffe Dolce: 2
Chipotle: 3
Coldstone: 3
Dairy Queen: 1
Denny's: 1
Domino's: 3
Earl of Sandwich: 1
Finn & Porter: 1
Fuddruckers: 1
Hero Certified Burgers: 2
HuHot: 1
In-N-Out: 1
Jimmy John's: 2
Lil' Orbits: 2
Lizzy's: 1
Lucky Red: 1
Market On Front: 9
McDonald's: 4
Mike's Pastry: 1
One Hour: 1
Pita Pit: 2
Pizza Hut: 3
Potbelly: 1
Quizno's: 1
The Squealing Pig: 1
Subway: 1
Sweet Peaks: 2
Tagliare: 3
Tamarack: 1
Tasty Burger: 1
UC Food Court: 1
Wendy's: 1
Wok N Talk: 2
Yogurty's: 2
Flights: 8
Gym Visits: 1
Haircuts: 1
Papyrus: 4
Plane Issues: 1

Transcript[edit | edit source]

In Michael's Car

Michael: It's time for school. I've got my computer science class, and then I've got an hour off, and then I've got my physics class, and I think that's it. Today's Wednesday! Today's the, uh, the Apple keynote thing with the new phone thing. I think that starts in half an hour. I wonder if I can get away with watching that in class. I just really excited about new iPhones, okay?

(sing-song voice) Parking on campus is a nightmare.

There's so many cars driving around like hawks, vultures, lookin' for, lookin' for a scavenge, lookin' for a parking spot to open up. This is so stupid. I've been driving around for like 25 minutes and I haven't found an open parking spot. My class is in six minutes. So dumb. So dumb. What do they expect the students to do? I don't understand. I'm now late for class. This is so dumb. There are literally no parking spaces. Finally. It's like, 11:15.

University Campus

Michael: I was driving around for half an hour. I'm, I don't get angry very often, but this makes me angry. The school should be issuing that many more parking passes than they have spots.

Computer Science Classroom

Computer Science Professor: What about objects? How do we compare objects? We have an object and an if statement we say, if a dog is equal to the other dog, is that gonna work?

Michael: It's gonna compare memory space.

Computer Science Professor: That's right. Then we're comparing memory locations. If we say, if my dog is equal to your dog, it should fail.

Outside The Office

Michael: The pigeons have gotten so big! Hey pigeon. I'll bring you some bread.

Stefan: They're ready for harvest.

Michael: That guys a loner.


Michael: We just came to Market on Front, I got myself a sammich, these guys got some breakfast burritos.

Caitlin: Mine's in my bag. It's in there.

Michael: It's a burrito bag.

Stefan: A burrito bag.


In Michael's Car

Michael: By the time you guys see this video, this is gonna be old news, but like, that clerk in Kentucky, I don't remember her name. She was put in jail for not doing her job, not issuing, uh, marriage licenses to people who wanted to get married. But just today she was released, uh, and, uh, a bunch of her supporters had this big rally outside of the, uh, the jail, I guess, where she came out. And I just, I cannot believe that there are people who are holding her up as, uh, some kind of patriot for doing what she did. She has a government job, so she doesn't just get to make up the laws, she has to enforce the laws that are there. And if she has some sort of moral crisis in doing that, she just needs to find herself another job. It's fine that she feels the way that she does, but if that's the case, she just needs to work somewhere else. Somewhere where doing her job does not conflict with her own moral compass. Mike Huckabee was at this rally for her, apparently, and said something about how, uh, citizens shouldn't obey laws that they feel are wrong. What I really don't get is that part of the core republican platform is this idea that, uh, we need less government, we need less oversight, less of a nanny state telling us how to live our lives and spend our money and all that. So how does having the government tell you who you can and cannot marry jive with that belief that the government shouldn't be involved in your lives at all? And I know that the argument is gonna come down to there's a difference between god's law and man's law. But I just, I think you can't have it both ways. This has been another exciting episode of mild political rants with Michael Aranda.

The Office

Michael: I'm all done for the day. Is that number up? I think that number's up. That's exciting. Matt says 'Hi Nicole!' six days ago. Just as a reminder, things that you tweet at me show up on that screen. It actually does provide, uh, endless entertainment throughout the day.