Teenage Girls and Old Men

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
January 3rd, 2015
Date of upload
January 6th, 2015
8 minutes 29 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Dan Molloy
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Brought to you by
Shay Nieman

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Family Dental Group

Weather[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Mostly Cloudy
High: 27°F/-3°C
Low: 17°F/-8°C
Humidity: 83%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 183.3 lbs/83.1 kg

Body Fat: 22.2%

Heart Rate: 92 bpm

Blood Pressure: 122/79 mmHg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 1.6 mi/2.6 km

Flights: 2

Visits to Chipotle: 1

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Outside Michael's Apartment

Michael: First order of business now that I'm back in Missoula, going to the dentist.

Family Dental Group

Michael: We're back at the dentist again.

Dentist: I know! I can't get rid of this guy, what the hell!

Michael: Umm, what are we doing today?

Dentist: The hygienist found a filling that's kind of yucky. An old filling.

Michael: So we're replacing an old filling.

Dentist: Yes. Yeah.

Michael: Okay.

Dentist: On one of the edges of it, she could dig her little instrument in it, and I missed it. I, I, I'm bad, I thought you were all done. I was trying to get rid of you.

Michael: Any excuse to come back.

Dentist: Yeah, well.

This is the filling gun.

Michael: Mhmm.

Dentist: Filling it up baby!

Michael: Uh huh.

Dentist: Whoop whoop!

Michael: All done.

Dentist: Yay!

Michael: This part of my face is numb. Thanks, I guess I won't be back for a while.

Dentist: I know! Isn't that nice? Well, I mean you know we'll miss you but...

Michael: Okay.

Dentist: Hopefully we don't do any more fillings

Michael: Thanks!

Dentist: It was fun. Here's your goodies.

Michael: Oooh goodies.

Michael's Apartment

Michael:Cool, I went to the dentist and came home and now its dark.

Winter at high latitudes is awesome. Right kitties? Right.

Oh man, I just spent, phhhh, probably six hours working on brand new uhh intro screens and end screens for the Season 3 WhatImDoingRightNow videos, which I'm sure you've seen already so I don't need to show them to you right now but you'll probably surprised to hear about all the thought that went into every little aspect of all of those things. From the sound design, to what moves and what doesn't move, how should things be phrased, what text should be yellow versus white. But man, I am happy that that is done, I am excited for you guys to see it but again, by the time you see this video, you will have seen the new intro and outro things several times already.

So, currently uploading a video for January 1st, and it is January 3rd. So, hopefully the next few days, Dan and I will get caught up. Hopefully soon, you guys will get to meet Dan as well.

I'm gonna get into uhh December's analytics on the YouTube channel, but first, I wanted to just point that someone on Twitter, Troy Steinmetz. He found the building that I was talking about in the #2015 video and somehow managed to dig up who developed it. That's so cool. Thank you Troy, that has been a splinter in my brain for a long time.

Okay, analytics from December 1st through to December 31st, 2014. 139 648 views, that is up 1.41% from the previous month. With 1% growth, I'm gonna call that just holding steady. Estimated minutes watched, 516 461. That is 358.65 days worth of time spent viewing videos. That is down 4.63%. That's still pretty close to holding steady. I'd call it maybe a very small decline. I did end up uploading a couple of videos last month that were like 2 minutes long. So that probably hurt the total watch time. Likes are up 10%, dislikes are up 80%, comments are up 40%, shares are down 30%, favourites added are up 12%, subscribers are up 0% I guess. I'd say overall, it looks like engagement is up. Which is good, I would rather have a more engaged audience than simply just a bigger audience.

These are the top performing videos of the month. Its hard to tell though how useful that is as a metric because that's definitely going to favour videos that got uploaded earlier in the month.

Top geographies look pretty much the same. Our gender ratio slipped a little bit, we're back to 30% male, 70% female. I should get a really hot girlfriend so more dudes will watch this channel. For no other reason than that.

13% of views are coming from the season playlists. 16% of views are coming from the WhatImDoingRightNow channel page. Here we have age breakdowns. No surprises here. Although, I do think it is interesting that in the 35-44, actually, like everybody from 35 and up, I'm more popular with males. 34 and younger, more popular with females.

Welcome to WhatImDoingRightNow, the daily vlog show for teenage girls and old men.

As I've talked before, I'm always interested in the mobile phone viewership. 25% of all views are coming from mobile devices and 35% if you include mobile devices and tablets together. That's a lot of people watching on screens that aren't that big.

Here you see that for the month, we had 382 people subscribe, 290 people peaced out. That brings us to 92. If you are one of those 382 people, welcome. I assume you are either a teenage girl or old man.

The most liked video was Sexy Christmas Zombies. Most disliked video was Project for Awesome, Day Two. This is kind of interesting, these four videos got one thumb down and zero thumbs up during the month of December. That's Complicated Pypes, Youtube Capture Is Just The Worst, The One Where I Hit A Porsche and My Old Dutch.

Most favourited video, Sexy Christmas Zombies. This is kind of interesting, two people unfavourited one of the best videos I have ever uploaded in my life. Most commented video was unsurprisingly, Friendsmas 2014. That's the one in which I asked for haikus. More on that later.

Most shared video, with a whooping three shares, was Conspiracy. I assume because that one has a lot of Stefan's dad in it. Finally the amount of money brought in from this channel in the month of December, 318 dollars, 69 cents. Very easily the most amount of money I have ever made from this channel. It was really cool to see that number go up, but I'm trying not to get too excited because I think a lot of that was just because advertisers were pouring a lot of money to Christmas ads and now that the holiday season is over, I expect January to kind of slump back down.

Now who does YouTube think are the most engaged viewers. This is your top ten, starting with ImmaSquidlng, Luis Gonzalez, Keele V, NinjaNerd007, San Don Besshhssss, Mart Smith, Abbie Wells, PinkChucky15, Myka don't know how to say your last name, and in the number one spot we have XplodingBunny. And rounding out the rest of the top however many are all of these lovely human beings. All the way down, hey wait that was my sister. All the way down to Flavia.

On Subbable, we are currently sitting at 16% of the monthly funding goal. It's slowly creeping upwards. I'm sure I'll hit 100% some time before I die. For those that don't know, Subbable is this website that allows you to give a certain amount of money to content creators that you really like. So you can go to my Subbable page and decide that you wanna give a dollar a month, a hundred dollars a month, a million dollars a month. I don't think you can actually do a million dollars a month. I think they cap it at like ten thousand dollars a year. But if you wanted to give that, that would be awesome. Anyway, the money that you contribute goes into a perk bank and much like KickStarter, you can use that perk bank to get perks. You can view them all here on the side of the page.

I do have a brand new perk to coincide with this new Season 3 end screen thing. So for ten bucks, you can get your name on the little end screen thing where it says 'This episode brought to you by so and so'. If you want, you can also subscribe on Subbable for zero dollars and that will just get you notifications every time I upload something so you don't have to rely on YouTube's subscription box thing. And to everyone already supports me on Subbable and buys t-shirts and posters and what not, I can't thank you enough. Your support allows me to not only pay rent and eat food but also buy new equipment and pay an editor, all of which allows me to increase the quantity and quality of content that I can deliver to you.

Okay, final order of business today, this calender. I said I would send this very strange 2015 calender to whoever wrote me the best haiku. And the winner is Liz Campbell. Even inside jokes/Should probably avoid Hitler/it's for the best. Which of course is reference to this very strange page of this calender. So Liz, check your YouTube messages.

Okay, today was a good day. Things happened. Thanks for watching, I'll see you tomorrow.