Slip'n'Slidin' Sally

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
February 21st, 2014
Date of upload
February 23rd, 2014
6 minutes 17 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Nick Jenkins
Hank Green
Kristen Franklin
Caitlin Hofmeister
Katelyn Salem
Matthew Gaydos
Laura Chernikoff

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Apartment
MacKenzie River Pizzeria Co.
EcoGeek Office

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Wow. It got snowy last night. The little kitty house is buried.

(Kitty meows)

Stefan Chin: Meow. Uhh, uhhh, ooooooo.

Michael: He's like "Yeah, whatever".

Apartment Parking Lot

Michael: Stefan, you're car is buried.

Stefan: Don't worry 'bout that Master. I got it right here.

MIchael: (Laughing) What?

(Cleaning of snow)

Stefan: That's probably fine. Uh!! (Laughing)

Michael:' Just make a little peep hole for yourself. That's really thick.

Stefan: Yeah, I know. That's what she said.

Stefan's Car

Michael: We're on our way to work.

Stefan: Woo!

Michael: For a fun day of ... work.

Stefan: Oup. Slidin'.

Michael: Whyn't you watch where your driving?

Stefan: Slidin a little bit. It's snowy. I'm watchin'. It's just not goin'.

Michael: It's so snowy outside.

Stefan: Got no traction.

Michael: I'm feeling kind of sick today.

Stefan: Oh! So more sliding?

Michael: Yeah, more sliding is better. I hope you can see out of the windshield better than I can.

Stefan: (Laughing) Yup. Ok, here we go. It's clear.

Michael: That guy has carts!

Stefan: Oh god!

Michael: He has CartCon in his truck. I feel like I should keep rolling the entire journey in case you crash.

Stefan: In case I cr...(High giggle) Oh god!

Michael: Ok.

Stefan: Yup.

Michael: Uoh, oh, uoooh, uooh, yep.

Stefan: Well, did it. He he he.

Michael: I got in on film. It wasn't very dramatic though.

Stefan: It wasn't very dramatic. I think we're ok.

Michael: (Laughing)

Stefan: Sh*t. That was like, straight...

Michael: Did you hit the curb or just the uh? The snow?

Stefan: Uh, I'm not really sure. We'll find out.

Michael: There's just so much snow everywhere.

Stefan: Mmmhmm. It's pretty though.

Michael: It's pretty, but it turns everybody into a slip'n slidin' Sally.

Stefan: (Deep chuckle and southern twang) That's my favorite kind a Sally.

Michael: We made it. And I, uh, I don't see any, any damage. I think you're good.

Stefan: Seems a-okay.

Michael: You did it.

Stefan: Invincible.

EcoGeek Office

Michael: So those Einstein shirts of mine that are on sale at, are gonna be on sale for roughly another, foooour months? And then after that, they're gonna get retired. And we've been brainstorming what design will come next. So on this list of possibilities, we have: Jesus, Che Guevara, Stephen Hawking, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, Bob Marley, Mona Lisa, Elvis, Shakespeare, George Washington, Isaac Newton, Darwin, Charlie Chaplin, Da Vinci, Ben Franklin, Napoleon, Barack Obama, Harry Potter, E.T., Terminator, Yoshi, The Beatles, Ariel, Sonic, and Willy Wonka. Uhh, let me know your favorite. And/or let me know if I missed something obvious that would be amazing with a blonde stripe.

What happened to this?

Nick Jenkins: I don't know. I came in and just saw it that way. I'm hoping Hank did it. Cause, if not...

Michael: In a fit of rage?

Nick: Cause if not, we're in trouble.

Michael: Hmmm, maybe it was Strong Bad. Right dog? Right.

Look at that doggie. Look at that doggie. Gettin' the rubs. I'm doing that thing again where I'm talking weird to animals.

Nick: (Chuckling)

Michael: I'm striving to talk to them like human beings, cause that's what they are. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human.

Nick: She is a little human. Yes.

Michael: Awww. I just started doing it again.

Nick: (Laughing)

Michael: I can't help it!

How did it happen?

Hank Green: A child.

Michael: A child?

Hank: A child came to visit the SciShow studio and you know, got, when all child on my rover.

Michael: Well, that's a sentence I've never heard before.

Kristen Franklin: Hi!

Michael: That dog is getting so much attention today. Go go go go go! Go go, go! Oh yeah.

Kristen: Hi! Aww hi.

(Rammstein playing in background or people singing Rammstein)

Michael: Keep going, keep running. Go, go, go! Go.

Matthew Gaydos: I'm so excited.

Kristen: Oh no, oh no.

Hank: Come to the one you love the most. Oh, she ran away. She ran away from everyone.

Nick: Oh, here she comes. Here she comes.

(People making racecar "Zoom" noises)

Lucia: Abby get your rope. Abby, where's your rope?


Kristen: She doesn't know.

Laura Chernikoff Get your rope. Oh!

Nick: Abby! Go get you're rope. Go get your rope.

Caitlin Hoffmeister: She had to slow down so she could open the door.


Kristen: Good girl.

Caitlin: Victorious.

Matthew: Get it.

Laura: Drop it. Drop it.

Nick: Are we driving you crazy Lucia?

Lucia: No, no, no. With this adorableness?

(Abby growling)

Michael: Several hours later.

Matthew: Hey.

(Abby growling)

Michael: Still goin'.

New Location

(Country music playing)

MacKenzie River Pizza Co.

Michael: We have come to a pizza place. To celebrate La-ura. Because she is leaving us. She is moving away.

Laura Chernikoff: Yep.

Stefan: He's so romantic.

Michael: Did you just eat my tears?

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Laura's leaving us on Monday. She's moving back to Boulder, which makes all of us here in Missoula very sad. But, you know what they say. You gotta do what makes ya happy. And you know what makes me happy? Going to sleep.