Six Free Points

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 6th, 2015
Date of upload
June 20th, 2015
2 minutes 8 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Logan George
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Brought to you by
Dima Taranenko

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
University of Montana

Weather[edit | edit source]


High: 63°F/17°C

Low: 28°F/-2°C

Humidity: 49%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 179.4 lbs/81.4 kg

Body Fat: 19.8%

Heart Rate: 58 bpm

Blood Pressure: 118/66 mmhg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 94.8 mi/152.5 km

Flights: 11

Bacon Slaps: 5

Hikes to the M: 6

Pizzas Consumed: 26

Visits to HuHot: 8

Visits to Chipotle: 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael: They really aren't messing around, those things are going up really fast.

In Michael's Car

Michael: I had a really hard time going to sleep last night. I don't really know why, I just, I couldn't fall asleep. I ended up just sleeping like four hours and now I'm really tired. But I still gotta go to calculus and computer science.

Calculus Classroom

Calculus Professor: So I curved it by ten. So on the first problem started grading it, started looking at it and people weren't doing so well. I tried to put the true false on there to get you easy points but they ended up not being easy points. So I only graded you out of nine and gave you six free points on that one, so if you look at the back page and it's the numbers seem like it's higher than it should be according to the front then it's because you got six free points. So even if you got it all wrong you got six out of fifteen.

Computer Science Classroom

Computer Science Professor: So, what are our three kind of loops?

Michael: For.

Computer Science Professor: Our for loop.

Unknown Voice: While.

Computer Science Professor: Our while loop.

Michael: Do.

Computer Science Professor: And our do loop. What's the difference between those three?

Michael: For will execute a discreet number of times.

Computer Science Professor: Okay, so we use for loop a lot of times for when we know just how many times we want it to execute, that's right.

Michael's Apartment:

Michael: I did that thing again where I fell asleep in the middle of the day when I had a homework assignment due that evening. So I woke up at, I don't know what time, eight-ish, so I only had a few hours to do the homework assignment that I wanted to spend all day working on. I mostly finished it. I expect, it's probably B quality work, hopefully I'll get a B.