Shrimp Night
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- May 4, 2014
- Date of upload
- May 5, 2014
- Duration
- 2 minutes 56 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Katelyn Salem
- Stefan Chin
- Valerie Barr
- Kristen Franklin
- Index
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Michael Aranda's Apartment
- HuHot Mongolian Grill
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael Aranda's Apartment
Michael Aranda: I just woke up. And it's after 2pm. I went to bed before 7:30 yesterday so I, how many hours? Math is hard.
Katelyn's Car
Michael: K, I'm all dressed now. Where are we going?
Katelyn Salem: Let's go. We're going to the university so I can finish up the last parts of a presentation with some people.
Michael: Why am I going?
Katelyn: Because I asked you to and you are very nice and you decided to come with me.
Michael: I'm going so I can check out the hotties. He he he he.
I got to meet Katelyn's groupmates. You got some interesting people there
Katelyn: (chuckles) Yes.
Michael: Now it's time to go to HuHot because it's shrimp night.
Katelyn: (Each shrimp night said in a different musical tone) Shrimp night.
Michael: Shrimp night.
Katelyn: Shrimp night.
Michael: Shrimp night.
Katelyn: Shrimp night.
Michael: Shrimp night.
HuHot Mongolian Grill
Stefan Chin: Huh?
Michael: Heh?
Stefan: What?
Michael: Huh?
Kristen Franklin: Mm?
Michael: Oh sweet shirt!
Kristen: Thanks.
Michael: I wonder where you can get them.
Kristen: Probably at
Michael: Oh hell yeah.
Katelyn's Car
Michael: Now I'm all full of shrimp. I love shrimp. I like being full of them.
Katelyn: You had a lot of shrimp.
Michael: I had so much shrimp.
Katelyn: You had three plates of shrimp.
Michael: Wow, I like, white. Ok that's better.
Michael: I'm out for a jog. I always think it's weird when it's get to be kinda summertime here in Missoula, like, its, it's almost 8:30 and it's still pretty bright out here.
In the middle of summer, it'll stay bright until like 10 or 11.
It's really pretty out here right now.
I really like this tree. It is a nice tree.
A freakin' sweet treehouse! I want one.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: I just finished my run and for some reason, RunKeeper thinks I ran my first mile in 3 minutes and 44 seconds and my second mile in 2 minutes and 59 seconds. Which is just false. I'm pretty sure I didn't break the world record for the mile on my leisurely Sunday evening jog. This video is probably gonna be super short because I woke up late, I'm gonna try to go to bed early. Right cat? Right. Linkin Park is debuting a new song tomorrow, so I gotta make sure I'm awake for that.
(slow close up of kitty)
See you tomorrow, probably.