Pizza Pump
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- February 11th, 2014
- Date of upload
- February 13th, 2014
- Duration
- 1 minutes 40 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Jake Jarvi
- Katelyn Salem
- Stefan Chin
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael's Apartment
Michael: One hundred and eighty four pounds.
Hey cat. Good morning.
The snow's getting all melty. It's kinda gross. Today's to-do list is mostly comprised of SciShow, CrashCourse, and Brain Scoop.
On the SciShow Set
Jake Jarvi: "Are you ready for some football?"
Hank Green: Okay. So how- So ho- Sow how about this: Are you ready for some physics? That was my Hanklens Junior.
At the DFTBA Warehouse
Stefan Chin: Day-um!
?: Uh, okay let's get started. Apparently the only thing to talk about today is-
Michael: SciShow and CrashCourse are done for the day so now I gotta go home and get Brain Scoop ready for tomorrow.
Michael's Apartment
Stefan: Got the pizza and the pumping. Pizza pump! That's what I call it. Mmm, pizza pump got the eating the calories and burning them at the same time, yo! Mmm.
Michael: I didn't understand any of that. (laughs)
Dr. Corrie Moreau: (from Michael's computer) So most individuals in the nest look like this small one here... Sorry, give me just a second to get it in focus. Where, um, they don't have this odd shaped- Where, um... (glitchy noises) ... look like this small one here...
Michael: I did pretty much nothing, but I did Brain Scoop.
Katelyn Salem: (laughs) ... and I can't sneeze.
Michael: Let it out.
Katelyn: It's gone.
Michael: Now I'm gonna watch TV and fall asleep. Byeuch.