Physical Media

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
February 14th, 2014
Date of upload
February 15th, 2014
5 minutes 30 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Hank Green
Katelyn Salem
Stefan Chin

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Parking lot of Michael's Apartment

Michael: It's snowing! It's snowing and my car's locked! No!

SciShow Office

Michael: Hank, do you know what molecule this is?

Hank Green: Uh, well, it's not actually, it's a (mumbling) -ful molecule. It's fallen- The pieces have fallen off of it. These are ammonias, these must be butane, be-- um, no. I don't know. (Laughter) It doesn't have a name, I'd have to do the UIPAC name and it would be like, uh--

Michael: Okay, what about this then.

Nick Jenkins: That might be the other part of it.

Hank: Oh, God!

Michael: Ahhhh! That bond wasn't very strong.

Hank: Ar, her, her, her. Nope, I don't know what this is either.

Michael: What about -(Laughing)

Hank: These are all like-

Hank and Michael: Pieces.

Hank: Of something larger. Like, this looks like it's a piece of an amino acid or, well, it's got a buncha, buncha alcohols on it.

Michael: Oooo.

Hank: This would not get you drunk. It would probably kill you.


Michael's Apartment

Michael: So if you remember, a couple weeks ago, I got a firewire card to install into my computer, so that I could hook up this audio interface, uh, it's a MOTU 828 Mark 2. I still couldn't get the MOTU to work after that, so I just came to the conclusion that it's broken. So I picked up a brand new audio interface to replace the MOTU. So that's what I'm going to be installing today. It's the Fireface UC. I'm excited to be working on music stuff and I really just want to get all this technology stuff squared away, so that I can make music. It came with an American plug and a European plug, but not one for the UK. Guess I can't take my audio interface with me next time I go to Charlie's house. I just ran into a problem, cause, to install the driver for this thing, I need a CD drive and I don't have a CD drive. Who uses CDs anymore?

Michael's Car

Michael: Well, I guess I'm going to Best Buy to get a CD drive.

Best Buy Parking Lot

Michael: Huh, that's interesting.

Best Buy

Michael: I don't think that's what I want. That's internal. That's hard drive. Is thiiiiis, nope. This one's $40 and seems to be about the best they offer.

Best Buy Parking Lot

Michael: That is not the best parking job.

Coldstone Creamery

(Machine noises)

Employee: Strawberry!

Coldstone Creamery Parking Lot

Michael: I did a bad thing. And I got a cake and shake from Coldstone. It basically tastes like you're drinking cake batter. But, I imagine that, of all the junk food I like to eat, this one's probably the least healthy.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: I'm opening up this portable CD drive and to install the driver for it, they give you a CD. (laughing) I hope I don't actually need this.

(Upbeat music playing)

Michael: Well, it's working, so far. That's good news.

Stefan Chin: Ahhhhh!

Michael: What are you doing?

Stefan: Ahhhhh!

Michael: To the cat?

Stefan: Ahhh! Be my valentine! Ueehl. Kitty. Kitty. Baby. Hi! Oh. Ahh! Kitty. Uh, oh.

Michael: This is exciting. Now I have it all set up so I can play stuff on the keyboard. And it records the midi information over here.

(Uplifting piano music)

Michael: So all that stuff got recorded over here. It records which note I played, when I played it, how long I played it. I had the pedal down the whole time, so these notes never actually released. Uhm, and then it measures down here how hard each note was struck. So that if I don't like something in my performance, I can be like, "well, I didn't really like that I hit this note right here" and I can just get rid of it. Then I can play it back whenever I want.

(Uplifting piano music)

Michael: (Whispering) It's like magic.

What are you doing?

Katelyn Salem: I'm playing Pokemon X. And I just got some awesome roller skates from this chick. So now I can roller blade around everywhere.

Michael: You got, you got roller blades from a chick?

Katelyn: There's a kitty trying to get in my sweatshirt.

Michael: He's burrowing into your sweatshirt?

Katelyn: (Fake crying sounds) It tickles. Get him away. What are you doing? Why are you doing it?

Michael: Here's a little sneak peak of something I've been working on lately.

(Cool instrumental Aranda music)