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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 2, 2014
Date of upload
May 3, 2014
4 minutes 56 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Katelyn Salem
Hank Green
Nick Jenkins
Stefan Chin

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Apartment
EcoGeek Office
Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael Aranda's Apartment

Michael Aranda: Good morning! Somebody yesterday said "When are you guys moving back into your old apartment?" This is the old one. We moved back.

EcoGeek Office

Hank Green: These week, though you learned how to use schemas, assimilation, and accommodation to make sense of the world around us and about Piaget's four stage theory of cognitive development, including sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational...

Michael's Apartment

Michael: I always feel bad about working on music at high volume levels because I'm in an apartment complex and I want to be, uh, conscious of the people who live below me and to the sides and all that. But the people underneath me right now are just not even giving a. The floor is literally shaking right now. Even the cat is like what is going on down there.


Michael: We're at Costco! It's a...

Stefan Chin: Avocado.

Michael: Look at all these things you can use to get buff.

Stefan: Dis is, dis is cheaper than on Amazon.

Katelyn Salem: Stefan, Stefan look.

Stefan: Prime shipping.

Katelyn: Scratch and sniff. Sniff it (Stefan aggressively sniffs)

Stefan: It's pretty nice. What is it?

Katelyn: It's, um, it's, it's deodorant.

Stefan: But what flavor did I sniff?

Katelyn: Orange blossom. Blue fig and orange blossom.

Stefan: That's pleasant.

Michael: Blue fig?

Stefan: (Holding a thing of mixed nuts) This is extra fancy. Oh, they're both extra fancy.

Michael: Where's the non-fancy, just regular old nut? Whole fancy, whole fancy.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: I just spent a bunch of time looking at footage from like quadcopters and hexacopters, and octocopters. Oc, oc, ocita, ocitacop.

Katelyn: Ocitocopita.

Michael: Ocitipotopaters. Um, and now I really want one. But they are really expensive. If I had a quadcopter, I could fly it over the mountains and like over the crowd at VidCon and probably other places too.

(Katelyn laughs)

Right cat? Right? Right? He doesn't care.


It's gettin' all windy out there.

Michael's Car

Michael: For a while my car stopped making that clicking noise, but now it is doing it again. I got creeped on by some of the waitresses at HuHot. One of the came up and sat down at the table and said that she wanted me to sing to her because my Wikipedia page or something says that I'm a musician.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: So tomorrow is the Color Me Rad Run in Missoula and I'm running in it. Uh, this is going to be my first run, race type thing for like, twelve years? I think since I was in cross country and track in high school. Um, so I have this chest harness for GoPro and I just went for a little mini jog outside with this on to see what the footage looks like. Um, cause I don't know if it's going to be worth wearing during tomorrow's race or not. I filmed this at 120 frames per second so it's pretty slow and I think once there's other runners around and all the colored stuff going on up in the air, it'll look pretty sweet tomorrow.


Michael: I'm at the happiest place on Earth. It's Walmart!

(Bacon slap)

So other than bacon, I need some sort of white running attire for the color run and I need to get another SD card for my GoPro. These are panties.

Katelyn: We need to go this way.

Michael: Oh, ok. I'm instinctually attracted to the uh, women's clothing. I should wear this (pointing to something America themed) God bless America. So this is six shirts for $14.48. This is, oh, seven shirts for $14.48. Wait, I can get eight v-necks for $14.48.

(Katelyn giggles)

These are small, but they are longer than the shorts I am wearing right now.

So, when I was kid, I would come through stores like this and they had these sections with, you know, posters and whatnot. And I'd be flipping through them and I get to something like this or like that (referring to sexy posters) then I'd feel really guilty about it and like try to hide it and pretend I didn't see it because I was afraid my dad was gonna get mad at me for looking at such things.

Got my SanDisk micro SD card.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Ok, I've got to go to sleep so I can get up early in the morning and go run a race. So, see you tomorrow probably.