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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
January 6th, 2015
Date of upload
January 7th, 2015
4 minutes 9 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Dan Molloy
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Caitlin Hofmeister
Nick Jenkins
Brought to you by
Joshua la Macchia

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
EcoGeek Offices

Weather[edit | edit source]

Mostly Cloudy

High: 35°F/2°C

Low: 17°F/-8°C

Humidity: 92%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 181.8 lbs/82.42 kg

Body Fat: 20.7%

Heart Rate: 69 bpm

Blood Pressure: 124/71 mmHg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 1.6 mi/2.6 km

Flights: 2

Bacon Slaps: 1

Visits to Chipotle: 1

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael: It's seven in the morning and it's still dark outside. (Cat jumps on lap) Oh, hello. (Cat paws at face) Are we really doing this again? Oh no, now the other one's here. (laughs) Oh, hi. Oh, hi.

Last night, Dan and I went over the workflow of how this, WhatImDoingRightNow vlog, handoff, upload thing, is gonna work. So now he's off working on the vlog that will go live today at three pm. And I can work on other things now. Having employees is awesome!

Dan, when you're watching this video, I want you to know, I love you. And Claire, if you're watching this video right now, stop it. You know who you are.

Michael's Car

Michael: My lip wound is hurting considerably. Starting to wonder if I should go to the doctor. Good thing I have health insurance, thanks Obama.

EcoGeek Offices

Caitlin: Zipping around this Red Dwarf star every thirty-five days, it gets forty percent more light from its star than we do. So they estimate that it has a seventy percent chance of being within the habitable zone.

Michael: BM close.

Before I went on vacation in California, I ordered these 3D printed kerbals and they finally arrived. For now, I'm using them as props in the Crash Course Astronomy set. Then, after we're done filming it, these guys will go back home with me.

Abby! It's been a while since you've been in a video. Better stretch them legs.

Nick: Sit. Down. Good girl. Roll over! Oh, nope, too excited. Roll over, there you go.

Michael: Oh yeah! (laughs)

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Oh, I am so very tired. Oh, look at this, technically three videos got uploaded today, and with that we're all caught up. Now let's see how long we can stay caught up. Someone yesterday was asking about this Myst poster.

Before the Sims was released, Myst was the best-selling PC game of all-time. It was one of the first games to be released on CD-ROM and it was certainly the most popular thing on CD-ROM at the time. So Myst is in large part responsible for the wide-spread adoption of CD-ROM as a format. And this poster was released for the game's twentieth anniversary. These are various places in the game that you visit. And you can't really see it right now, I might have to try this in the morning when its brighter, but when the light reflects off of it just right, there's a giant twenty.

Myst was the first game in the series, it was followed by a game called Riven, and then Myst Three, Myst Four and Myst Five. There was also a game in the same universe called Uru. That was a massively multi-player online roleplaying game and I think that's actually the first MMORPG I ever played. Actually not that long ago, Katelyn and I jumped back on that game in order to finally solve some of the puzzles in there.

Now not only was Myst a wildly successful computer game, there's also a series of books. Myst: The Book of Atrus, The Book of Ti'ana, The Book of D'ni and these are actually some of my favourite books of all time. And I know this is like grand treason or what ever but I actually, honestly, prefer the world and the lore contained within the Myst series to that of Harry Potter.

I feel like it's also worth mentioning that these are first edition hardcovers and this one's signed. I take Myst pretty seriously. I have the Myst board game. There's actually a Myst convention that happens every year called Mysterium. I've never been able to go but I really want to. I mean, compared to Vidcon, it's like super low key, it's super low budge and the people who go are probably really weird. But man, that sounds so cool.

So there's Myst, highly recommended. The games might be a little outdated for some people, at the very least, they're pretty slow paced. But the books man, if you're looking for something to read, The Book of Atrus is the first one in the series, so get on it!

Okay, sleep time, thanks for watching this video, I'll see you tomorrow.