Moving Day

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
February 22nd, 2014
Date of upload
February 25th, 2014
6 minutes 39 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Matthew Gaydos
Nick Jenkins
Caitlin Hoffmeister
Katelyn Salem

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
DFTBA Warehouse
Murdoch's Ranch & Lawn Supply

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael: It's so early. I need to shave again. I'm getting a little, a little stache.

(Bacon crunch)

Stefan's Car

(Ice scraping)

Stefan Chin: Ok, we're good guys.

New DFTBA Warehouse

Michael: Welcome to the brand new DFTBA warehouse. It's empty. But that is what we have come here today to fix. We're moving all of the stuff into this room today.

Stefan's Car

Michael: I forgot a camera home.

Katelyn Salem: You can probably go out, that way?

Stefan: Oh yeah. That's true.

Michael: So we have to go back. (Laughing) I am so responsible.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Battery.

New DFTBA Warehouse

Someone: Just, like, grab the middle here of one of these shelves.

(Metal clanging)

Someone: I didn't realize you were already (inaudible)

(Metal scraping)

(Docking Bay door opening)

(Truck reverse beeping)

(Docking platform squeaking)

Michael: Are you putting your retail history to good use?

Katelyn: Heck yeah!

Michael: Folding all shirts.

Katelyn: It's the only thing that it's ever good for is folding things.

(Truck engine noise)

Michael: You did it.

Matthew Gaydos: Just like six more inches.

Michael: You didn't do it.

(Engine revving)

(Reverse beeping)

Michael: You did it.

(Ramp scraping and lifting)

Matthew: Alright, so start grabbing these and we'll , up!

(Box scraping on floor)

Someone: Yeah.

Stefan: You're stepping on my toes.

Michael: Oooh.

Stefan: (Whining) You're on my toes.

Caitlin Hoffmeister: Ahhh, you're not helping at allllll.

Matthew: Good to go.

Someone: Is your break on? Cause you're wheels aren't spinning.

Michael: The truck is stuck.

Someone: Why would only one be spinning?

Michael: Maybe that one has traction, but without the other wheels, it doesn't have enough to move.

Someone: I think we need to lay some cardboard down or somethin'.

Michael: There's cardboard over here.

Truck driver: Do you want to try?

Someone: Do I? Not really.

Michael: Now it's the other wheel that's spinning.

What? Yeah.

Someone: I mean, the cardboard on this back wheel just went straight through.

Michael: Yeeaaah!.

Murdoch's Ranch & Home Supply

Michael: I'm here to kick ass and buy salt. And I'm all out of ass.

I had no idea this store existed. Where's the salt? (inaudible) dog chow though.

Katelyn: We should get one for Index to play with.

Stefan: They're so cute.

Michael: Oh, I be the kitties would like to play with these bunnies.

Stefan: There's two in the bucket too.

Michael: Bunnies in a bucket.

Stefan: Bunnies in a bucket.

Michael: They're all out of salt.

Stefan: No salt.

Katelyn: No salt.

Michael: No salt and they don't sell sand either. So, this was a fun mission. Mission failed.

Stefan's Car

Michael: We called Lowe's and they have salt. But the guy at, where, Murdoch's? Murdoch's. The guy at Murdoch's said no one had any. So he was a big fat liar.

Stefan: What a dick.


Michael: We got the salt. Got, got the salt.

New DFTBA Warehouse

Michael: Is that where the sand's going as well?

Someone: What?

Michael: Sand as well?

Someone: Uuuuuuuh, sure.

Michael: Stefan's got the sand.

Someone: Put it all here.

Michael: Just, wherever?

Oh hey, what kind of shirts you got there?

Katelyn: Look whose shirts I'm folding.

Michael: Those shirts look pretty nice.

Katelyn: They feel pretty nice too. They're all soooft.

Michael: I wonder where you could go to order some of those shirts.

Katelyn: I think you can go to

Michael: What? Did you say

Katelyn: /MichaelAranda.

Michael: Cause that's what I heard. I bet that's where I'd go if I wanted some of these really amazing shirts.

Katelyn: And look, they come in, they come in, um, ladies.

Michael: Well that's a pretty nice ladies cut.

Katelyn: And they come in unisex.

Michael: That's a pretty nice unisex cut.

Something turned off. That, yeah, that turned something off. That also turned something off.

Katelyn: No.

Michael: I didn't see anything. Are those supposed to stay on?

Matthew: There's a light switch by the door.

Michael: Oh.

We made quite a bit of progress today. There was nothing in here when we started and now there's a bunch of stuff in here.

Katelyn: Yeah, my coat's all dirty.

Michael: And you're coat's all dirty. Calling it quits for the day. Are we all coming back on Monday? Is that a thing?

Matthew: Yeah, uh.

Michael: Guess I'll be here on Monday.