Movies With Strangers
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- February 8th, 2014
- Date of upload
- February 10th, 2014
- Duration
- 7 minutes 20 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Rob Scallon
- Craig Benzene
- Jake Jarvi
- Tamara Lynn Chambers
Location[edit | edit source]
- Chicago, Illinois
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Rob and Tamara's House
Michael: Hello, cat in box. You're purring.
Rob Scallon: He loves boxes.
Michael: I think he wants to go for a ride.
Tamara Lynn Chambers: (Laughing)
Michael: Oh, this is my stop.
Rob: One ticket to the kitchen?
Rob's Car
Michael: Rob and I are on our way to Craig's because we're gonna shoot a video.
Rob: Yep.
(Turn signal clicking)
Michael: The end.
Craig's House
Michael: 'Kay I'm here at Craig's. We are filming an action movie.
Rob: Yeah.
Michael: The plot is very convoluted. I don't understand it. Um, I'm not sure that Craig understands it.
Craig Benzene: (Laughing)Nope, I, I, I, I assume I'll figure it out while I'm editing. We'll see.
Michael: That's how it goes.
I get to be the guy with a cigar.
Craig: It's not- It's not even unwrapped. Don't worry, he's not smoking.
(whistling Mission Impossible music)
Michael: It's all snowy, ha-ha-ha. Shoot me with a guitar?
Rob: Like, Mariachi style. Yeah.
On Set
Craig: So, he's on the- that clone is on the floor, dead.
Jake: Jarvi Yeah.
Craig: Presumably.
Jake: Right.
Craig: So, I'm here, you're there.
Jake: Yeah.
Craig: They arrive.
Jake: Yup. And I'll just be like, uh, where do you want me to be? I'll just be like, okay, thumbs in here. Gentlemen, see what you can, see what you can do. I'll step back and let them take it and we can cut two different shot for the two of them.
Rob: (playing guitar with a gun like a slide ring) It's a lot harder with a gun.
Jake: One would imagine.
Jake: Yeah, dude. It's gonna be killer. We're going to spend a lot of time on it but it's gonna be killer.
Craig: Jake, don't say that. It's going to go very quickly.
So, you're gonna come around--both you guys--you're not gonna look up at all. This is just, like, going around.
Michael: Where, for right here?
Craig: Yeah.
Rob: Oh, okay.
Jake: They could do the bottom one.
Craig: Like, like, uh, Monty Python?
Craig: ... by uh, just, my guitar case and stuff over there.
Michael: I'm wrapped.
Craig: You're wrapped.
Michael: Rob's wrapped.
Craig: You're wrapped in clothing.
Michael: And I'm done.
Craig: And you're done with the shoot. And you did a fantastic job. What do you thi- what do you th- what do you think this video... What do you think of this video?
Michael: It's probably the WeezyWaiter video I'm most excited to see. Ever.
Craig: (laughs) Because you're in it.
Michael: Yeah, also because there's, like, guns and stuff.
Craig: Yeah, it is very violent. Very violent.
Michael: How do you feel about it, Rob?
Rob: Feelin' good. Uh, I got to... shoot stuff.
Walking to Tacos
Michael: Craig, where are we going?
Craig: We are going to eat tacos.
Michael: Tacos?
Craig: Yeah, at a taco place.
Michael: At a taco place!?
Rob: Noo.
Craig: The address is (mouths nothing) Chicago.
Michael: Oh.
Rob's Car
Michael: We've finished filming with Craig, we ate some Mexican food... What are- What was the thing called, that I had?
Rob: You got a torta.
Michael: A torto. A bluh bleh bluh blelel blelela.
Rob: Yes.
Michael: A torta.
Rob: You got it.
Michael: Torta. Torta. Um, anyway, we're going to the airport now. Um, so that I can fly back to Missoula.
Tamara Lynn Chambers?
Tamara: What up?
Michael: Um, did you get anything good for your birthday?
(Rob tapping a beat on the steering wheel)
Tamara: Yeah, I got, um, a meal at Olive Garden--which is my favorite restaurant.
Michael: Mmkay.
Tamara: I got gift cards to Olive Garden...
Michael: Okay.
Tamara: ...which is my favorite restaurant. I got, uhm, ... a clean house, Rob is hiring- All I asked for is Olive Garden and, um, somebody to come clean our house 'cuz it's really messy. And, um, I can't reach all of the crevasses and stuff 'cuz they're high ceilings and I'm five feet tall. So those three things and then, um, my parents are helping me buy a new laptop.
Rob: What he's getting at is: did you get the rat?
Tamara: Oh! Cheryl, alas, was not acquired.
Michael: Rob.
Rob: I know.
Tamara: It's all I wanted.
Minneapolis Airport
Michael: The flight from Chicago to Minneapolis was a little bit late leaving Chicago and it landed here, in Minneapolis, at exactly the same time that my flight to Missoula was leaving. So, now I'm stuck in Minneapolis until tomorrow afternoon? I don't really know what I'm gonna do yet.
Minneapolis Movie Theater
Michael: So now I'm in a movie theater because I tweeted that I was stuck in Minneapolis. So, Nicholas and Emma, uh, offered to hang out so we're gonna go see The Lego Movie.
I found a Star Trek Voyager game. It's got Seven of Nine, it's got some borg and a weird thing that I don't think was in the show.
We've been joined by another.
Another: Woo! Yeah!
Emma: Yay!
(variations of "woohoo")
Michael: And now we are four.
We just finished the movie. I really liked it. Like, way more than I expected to. Thoughts?
Another: Absolutely fantastic. Top ten, easily.
Michael: Absolutely fantastic...?
Emma: Pretty much amazing.
Nicholas: A+.
Another: So many feels that you wouldn't expect.
Michael: What a day. So I said goodbye to my new friends and they dropped me off at the Crown Plaza--or what I thought was supposed to be the Crown Plaza. I mean it was a Crown Plaza... Let me back up. Because the next flight isn't until tomorrow, Delta got me a hotel room at the Crown Plaza by the airport. It turns out that there are two Crown Plazas that are kinda by the airport. So when I asked Nicholas to drop me off at the Crown Plaza, we ended up going to the wrong one and by the time I realized it, they were gone. So, I had to get a cab to this Crown Plaza. I finally got checked in and I finally uploaded the video from Thursday? And it's Saturday night now. I was trying to upload that video all day long, today. All. Day. And I realized that what happened was that I hit my data limit with AT&T so they throttled my connection. So it's uploading at, like, one kilobyte a second or something stupid. It said, like, sixteen hours remaining. So now that I have a wifi connection here, I finally uploaded it and now I'm going to sleep, good night!