Monkey Bread
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- May 13th, 2014
- Date of upload
- May 14th, 2014
- Duration
- 4 minutes 52 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Kristen Franklin
- Stefan Chin
- Valerie Barr
- Hank Green
- Katelyn Salem
- Abby
- Nick Jenkins
- Radius
- Index
- Danni Johnston
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang
- EcoGeek Office
- Michael Aranda's Apartment
- Carino's Italian Grill
- Walmart
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael's Ford Mustang
Michael Aranda: (increasing in intensity) The lady in the car behind is plucking her eyebrows and driving at the same time! (normal volume) Although, I suppose I am holding a camera and driving at the same time, which is only marginally better.
EcoGeek Office
Michael: Hello Kristen Franklin, what are you drinking?
Kristen Franklin: I don't know. Dandelion and Burdock eh, soda thing. There's stuff floating in it.
Michael: Is it good?
Kristen: I don't know? Uh.
Michael: (turns towards Valerie Barr) Is it good?
Valerie: (shakes head) It tastes like dirt.
Kristen: It makes my tongue tingle.
SciShow filming studio at EcoGeek
Hank Green: (Camera pans from script on computer screen, to Hank speaking in front of a green screen, to the camera man, back to the computer screen) Thanks to some excellent planning, astronomers with The National Solar Observatory in California, Japan's Hinode satellite, and a telescooo.... a whole alphabet soup of NASA telescopes. Whew, that's gonna fun.
Elsewhere in EcoGeek
(Katelyn Salem is wearing headphones and looking down while typing. The camera remains on her for some time, until she looks up. She and Michael both make confused surprised faces)
Michael: How's your cold tasty treat Stefan?
(Stefan Chin proceeds to lick his popsicle very slowly)
Stefan: Cold and tasty.
Michael: Hello Abby , oh (Abby turns toward Michael) Hello, you are a dog.
Hank: (A bus outside makes a loud brake noise) There's a whale outside.
(Nick Jenkins and Stefan laugh. Michael and others make their own whale sounds)
Michael: Oh, I think it was the mountain lion bus.
Nick: No (inaudible)
Stefan: Did you hear they found that hundred and three year old orca?
Nick: Huh?
(A chorus of No's)
Stefan: Apparently, no one has heard about this. Uhhh, in the wild, with it, like, it swims with it's grandchildren and I think great great children also?
Nick: Wow.
Stefan: But, like, they're comparing it to the SeaWorld whales which live like five years
Hank: Oh jeez.
Stefan: Or, or, like less than twenty.
Hank: Yeah, that's, they're always like "Oh they live to be about twenty or thirty years old which is the same as in the wild"
Stefan: Yeah.
Hank: And, but like, the thing is there are whales in the wild that live a long-ass time ,but there also wales in the wild that don't live past the age of two, because it's a hard life for a whale.
Nick: Right.
Stefan: Well, yeah.
Nick: It's a hard-knock life for whales.
Hank: And you, and you gotta establish as like, the king of the pod and that's how you (nods).
Stefan: Yeah. But at least that's like a natural process.
Hank: Yes and not, overeating.
(Stefan laughs)
Hank: I'm not a big fan of captive, giant animals.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: Oh yeah, tie those shoes. Oh. (Stefan begins playing and bobbing to a youtube video of himself dancing to the Harlem Shake. The camera pans away from the computer to Stefan, who is sitting in a chair doing the spastic shaking. Katelyn laughs.)
Stefan: (reading the comments of the video) Did it remind anyone else of going to the store?
(The camera pans across a park and over to a river as Michael jogs)
Michael's Apartment
(Radius is hanging out on the balcony)
Michael: Look at that kitty out there. Lickin' her paws. (Michael walks out to the balcony and finds Index as well) Oh, there's two kitties out there. Double the kitties, double the fun. Right cat? (Michael steadily gets closer to Radius and then Index walks up to the camera as well).
I took a shower and I got shampoo in my eye. And they turned all red and then I used some ClearEyes and it seems to be working, okay. Kinda stings.
Stefan: You filming me?
Michael: Yeah.
Stefan: Don't film me.
Carino's Italian Grill
Stefan: What! Why you gotta film right now?
Michael: What are you doing?
Stefan: I'm eating bread. With oil on it.
Katelyn: This is WhatImDoingRightNow.
Stefan: I'm gonna get some fats in me.
Katelyn: If you're eating bread, he needs to document it.
Stefan: Need some omega-3s, you know what I'm sayin?
Michael: Is that what's in this oil?
Stefan: Probably not.
Katelyn: It's probably olive oil. It has something.
Stefan: Omega-6.
Katelyn: (audible, but difficult to decipher)
Stefan: I need some fats to round out my diet, okay? I'm bulkin up.
(Danni Johnston laughs)
Katelyn: You cook everything in coconut oil.
Stefan: I'm bulkin up, okay? You just wait, when VidCon comes around, I'm gonna be bustin out of my shirt, girl.
Michael: Look at this Walmart right here.
Stefan: Oh my gawsh.
Michael: We should go inside it.
(Michael is looking at the frozen novelty ice cream section) Drumstick, but this one is Super Nugget (voices deepens)
Katelyn: (laughs) That is not what I want for my ice cream.
Michael: (deep voice) You don't want some Super Nugget?
Katelyn: No.
Michael: (deep voice) Super Nugget.
Katelyn: I'll have some crunch-dipped.
Michael: Crunch-dipped (deep voice) Super Nugget.
Katelyn: The nugget is the best part.
Michael: Cookie-dipped (deep voice) Super Nugget.
Monkey bread, made from real monkey intestine!