Moisten My Tongue

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 14th, 2015
Date of upload
July 3rd, 2015
4 minutes 30 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Sarah Meismer
Claire Grosvenor
Brought to you by
Ashlynne Banks
Michael Miyamoto

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
EcoGeek Offices

Weather[edit | edit source]

Mostly Cloudy

High: 69°F/21°C

Low: 42°F/6°C

Humidity: 65%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 180.5 lbs/81.9 kg

Body Fat: 20.3%

Heart Rate: 57 bpm

Blood Pressure: 121/75 mmhg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 107.4 mi/172.8 km

Flights: 11

Bacon Slaps: 5

Hikes to the M: 7

Pizzas Consumed: 28

Visits to HuHot: 8

Visits to Chipotle: 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Well, now the second story's going up on that building. Won't be long before the third story goes up. And that's when, that's when things get real unfortunate.

That bird up there on the roof is the one that's making a nest up in that corner. Kitty's really excited about it.

In Michael's Car

Michael: Gotta film some Sci Show, just regular Sci Show. I was gonna say Sci Show Kids, but it's just Sci Show, I don't host Sci Show Kids.

There's a lot of traffic on this road today. Missoula has a very strange traffic situation. Maybe I've talked about this before, I don't remember. But, I guess back in the day, when Missoula was a brand new thing, uh, there's the Clark Fork river that runs through the middle of town, and north of the river somebody started building streets north, south, and east and west. South of the river, some guy started building them on the diagonal. So when they meet, everything gets really terrible and messy and it causes traffics jams, and accidents,it's really bad. But I guess at this point, like, what're you gonna do? Tear everything up? Probably not.

EcoGeek Offices

Michael: We just filmed an episode of Sci Show about the drought in California which, I don't know if irony is the proper use here but I'm gonna say it anyway, which ironically left my mouth feeling very dry during the filming. Is that, is that, is that a good use of irony? Is that not ironic? I never really understood irony.

My mouth was getting dry while we were filming, and I was like, can we get Stefan in here to moisten my tongue?

Stefan: Woah. (laughter)

Michael's Apartment

Michael: I got back home from shooting today and started working on Crash Course sound again. There were two episodes that I was supposed to get done today, uh, astronomy and an episode of Crash Course Kids. And I unfortunately only finished astronomy, and it is now the end of the work day, so I, uh, I missed a deadline, and that kinda sucks.

Also, that episode of WhatImDoingRightNow that uploaded, uh, last night, I didn't realize because I was in such a rush to get it uploaded, but apparently, it was 606°F yesterday in Missoula, Montana, so... This is what, this is the kind of mistake that happens when there's too much to do, and I'm rushing through it all to get it all done. Mistakes like that really bother me because I, I just should have been paying more attention but, now it's there what're you gonna do?

In Michael's Car

Michael: Hi Claire.

Claire: Hi Michael.

Michael: How are you?

Claire: Hungry.

Michael: Where are we going?

Claire: Caffe Dol- No we're not going to Caffe Dolce, we're going to Ciao Mambo.

Michael: Ciao Mambo? Why're we going to Ciao Mambo?

Claire: Because my relatives are here.

Michael: You're relatives are here?

Claire: Yeah.

Michael: Do you like my interview style where I just repeat everything you say?

Claire: I honestly don't even notice it. But no, it's not a very good technique.

Michael: You're right. It makes me feel like I'm treating you like a five year old.

So I'm about to meet your mom's boyfriend,

Claire: Mhmm.

Michael: Your brother,

Claire: Yay Grant!

Michael: And your grandmother

Claire: Uh huh.

Michael: All for the first time.

Claire: Yeah.

In Michael's Car, Again

Michael: It's been a long night. Since I'm going to Canada this weekend, I have to kind of get ahead of where I'd normally be when it comes to getting Sci Show and Crash Course stuff done. So I'm trying to barrel through as much of that stuff as I can tonight, so that tomorrow I can focus on finishing my computer science assignment that's due at, uh, 11:55 pm tomorrow night. And the next morning, I'm going to Claire's graduation ceremony and leaving straight from there to go to the airport to fly to Toronto. We also have to shoot, uh, Sci Show Talk Show in the middle of the day tomorrow. So it's, it's gonna be busy until probably next Tuesday when I'm flying home from Toronto.

But anyway, I was kinda falling asleep at the computer and I've still got stuff to do, so to help this problem, I've decided to drive through Burger King, Just to a) get out of the house and b) put some disgusting food in my belly.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: It is now 5:39 am. I finished, uh, Sci Show Kids and Crash Course Kids. I still wanna try to get one more Crash Course done before I nap, I don't know. As you can see, the sun's coming up, so I might not sleep at all. But either way, I think is a perfect place to end this video, and possibly start the next. So, thanks for watching and I will see you tomorrow.