Missoula Chipotle
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- September 11th, 2015
- Date of upload
- October 23rd, 2015
- Duration
- 2 minutes 20 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Katelyn Salem
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Brought to you by
- Kyle McDonald
- Elisabeth Hill
- Steve Clark
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- EcoGeek Offices
- Chipotle
Weather[edit | edit source]
Temperature: 75.9°F/24°C
Wind: 3.5 mph
Humidity: 30%
Anthropometry[edit | edit source]
Weight: 181 lbs/82.1 kg
Body Fat: 21.8%
Heart Rate: 59 bpm
Blood Pressure: 116/62 mmHg
Season Four Stats[edit | edit source]
- Distance
- Jogged: 26.5 mi/42 km
- Cycled: 78.8 mi/125 km
- Driven: 4146 mi/6672 km
- Flown: 6410 mi/10316 km
- Food
- Boloco: 1
- Bobby's Burger Palace: 2
- Burger King: 4
- Burger's Priest: 1
- Caffe Dolce: 2
- Chipotle: 4
- Coldstone: 3
- Dairy Queen: 1
- Denny's: 1
- Domino's: 3
- Earl of Sandwich: 1
- Finn & Porter: 1
- Fuddruckers: 1
- Hero Certified Burgers: 2
- HuHot: 1
- In-N-Out: 1
- Jimmy John's: 2
- Lil' Orbits: 2
- Lizzy's: 1
- Lucky Red: 1
- Market On Front: 11
- McDonald's: 4
- Mike's Pastry: 1
- One Hour: 1
- Pita Pit: 2
- Pizza Hut: 3
- Potbelly: 1
- Quizno's: 11
- The Squealing Pig: 1
- Subway: 1
- Sweet Peaks: 2
- Tagliare: 3
- Tamarack: 1
- Tasty Burger: 1
- UC Food Court: 1
- Wendy's: 1
- Wok N Talk: 2
- Yogurty's: 2
- Misc
- Flights: 8
- Gym Visits: 1
- Haircuts: 1
- Papyrus: 4
- Plane Issues: 1
Transcript[edit | edit source]
EcoGeek Offices
Michael: I've been working on this episode of Crash Course Anatomy for a couple of days and there's this section at the beginning where this guy in a forest fires off a musket.
(Sound of musket firing onscreen)
Michael: And I wasn't able to make the gun sound like it was being fired in an outdoor foresty space. So I picked up this software called Altaverb that is like a reverb emulation thing. And they use something called impulse responses to measure which frequencies get reflected at which amplitudes and times in a given space. So they can go to all these different spaces and basically capture a snapshot of what the reverb sounds like there. And then you can use that to emulate that sound. So here's Sabrina talking normally.
Recorded Sabrina: Problems. Problems, problems, problems. We've been learning a lot about engineering lately.
Michael: Okay, here's Sabrina talking inside of a bus tunnel.
Recorded Sabrina: (voice echoes) Problems, problems, problems
Michael: Or street!
Recorded Sabrina: (voice is muffled) All that we've learned about how engineers find problems, now its time to discover how people find-
Michael: Or subway tunnel.
Recorded Sabrina: (voice echoes)
Michael: So here we have this doctor sawing into somebody else. So to create the sound for this bit of animation, I'm gonna use this head of lettuce (Kneels on the ground and shakes a head of lettuce) and this saw. (Waves a saw)
Michael: (laughs) Hey Nick, how's it going? (cuts lettuce) That was way cleaner than I expected. This thing's pretty sharp I guess.
(Saws at lettuce)
Michael: (laugh) Anybody want salad?
Unknown man: Not off of that thing.
(Michael laughs)
Inside Car
Michael: I'm done at work for the day which means it is now time to go to Chipotle. My first ever visit to the brand new Missoula Chipotle!