Lighthouse In The Night
Lighthouse In The Night ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Missoula, Montana | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Season Seven Statistics | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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Transcript[edit | edit source]
Manassas, Virginia
(Two cats lay sleeping on a bed sheet.)
Drew Brown: (Whispering) Shhh. This is Ivy and Cleo and they’re sleeping, but you guys are watching WhatImDoingRightNow.
("Intro" plays over the opening title screen.)
Todd Williams' Car – 11:59 AM MDT
Michael Aranda: Todd.
Todd Williams: Hello, Michael!
Michael: What are we doing today?
Todd: We’re going to... to another meeting. To do a—pitch a thing, and then... that’s it. Hopefully that goes well.
(Michael holds a stack of papers up to the camera.)
Michael: Today we’re meeting Quilty Box. Uh...
Todd: Round two!
Michael: I wrote up this proposal for them... about the project that we want to do for them. So hopefully they like it and want to pay us money to do it.
Quilty Box
(The camera shows a loading bay door with the Quilty Box logo on it and Todd walking into the building.)
Michael: Quilty Box, here we go.
(Dance music plays over a One Quilty Meeting Later screen.)
Todd Williams' Car
Michael: We just had a meeting and, uh... Todd and I both felt like it went better (laughing) than we were expecting it to. So, I—I guess this is good? This—I mean, not I guess, it is good.
Todd: Yeah, yeah.
Michael: Um...
Todd: They—They were excited about it, so...
Michael: So the next steps are that we’re going to, uh... We proposed building a set for the videos that they want. So we’re gonna put together an itemized breakdown of what it will cost to build this set and, uh... then present that to them. Hopefully they still give the thumbs up and then I guess we’ll build the thing.
(Todd holds his left hand across his body to high five Michael. He makes five short, positive sounding humming noises.)
Complexly Office
Michael: I have two bits of housekeeping for you today. One, we’re running a little bit low on community-submitted intros. You’ll notice at the beginning of these videos, uh... someone is featured introducing the episode. So if that’s a thing you would like to do, just film an intro, then visit and you’ll find a place you can upload it and it’ll come straight to our computers. Secondly, all of these videos get captioned before they go live. They have closed captions all the way through. They’re very nicely done. And we did that not only to make these videos more accessible to those that are deaf or hard of hearing, but also if you’re in a loud place and you just can’t turn the volume up or... You know, sometimes I just—for whatever reason—watch TV with captions on and the volume really low. But we also need people to help us get those captions done. Right now the captioning process of these videos is a significant hurdle to getting the videos out in a timely manner. So if you’re interested in helping out, you can send an email to
(The camera shows Michael's work computer with Slack open on it. Michael points to the title of the Slack community and opens a few of the channels as he talks about them.)
and she will get you set up in our Arandanauts Slack, where we have several channels. One of which is dedicated to transcribing the videos. But it’s also where a bunch of people in this community get together to just talk about Minecraft or food or music. So again, if that’s a thing that interest you, uh... you can email Kyla and she’ll get you set up on there.
West Spruce Street – 5:16 PM MDT
(Nick Jenkins is out walking Abby. She walks around on the grass.)
Michael: Hi, Abby.
Nick Jenkins: She’s limping.
(Abby barks softly.)
Michael: Oh. Did you hurt your legs?
Nick: She hurt her back.
Michael: Well, okay.
Nick: It’s very sad.
(Michael begins to slowly walk away from Nick and Abby. Nick chuckles and Abby stretches her legs.)
Michael: Bye, Abby.
Nick: Bye.
Michael: Bye. Goodbye!
Synema Studios Office
(The camera shows Michael's laptop resting on top of a Quilty Box as he Skype's with Logan George.)
Michael: Before we jump into the business part—
Todd: Oh.
Michael: I just have to point out to the vlog, look who’s on Skype! Mr. Howard Logan George IV.
Logan George: Hi.
(Todd laughs.)
Michael: Did I get that right? You are the fourth, right?
Logan: Mhm, yeah.
Michael: Okay, good.
Todd: Oh. It’s a good name.
Michael Aranda's Apartment
(Two baking trays—one full of peas, the other with another type of small, disk shaped seed—are in the two halves of the kitchen sink. Katelyn shakes a spray paint can and sprays the seeds in the right pan with a grey-ish paint. Kelsey Cote and Ceri Riley sit in the living room in the background.)
Katelyn Salem: Hi.
Michael: What are you doing?
Katelyn: I’m making elements.
Michael: What element is this?
(Michael gestures toward the right pan Katelyn just sprayed.)
Katelyn: Magnesium or aluminum.
(Katelyn laughs.)
I haven’t decided yet.
(Michael dolly zooms the camera toward the left pan of peas.)
Michael: What element is this?
Katelyn: It’s either magnesium or aluminum.
(Katelyn chuckles.)
Michael: Oh, okay.
(Katelyn holds a large Styrofoam sphere that has been cut in half and hollowed out in places. A shallow moat has been dug out around the outer edge of the half-sphere.)
What is that?
Katelyn: This is half of an Earth and this little moat that I just made on the Styrofoam is going to be where the uppel—upper mantle goes. Which is gonna be jello.
(Katelyn sets the Styrofoam half-sphere on the counter next to a small pile of Styrofoam pieces she took out to make the moat.)
And I've made a mess.
(Katelyn chuckles.)
(Index sits amongst a pile of crafting supplies.)
Michael: Kitty.
Index: Meow!
Ceri: (In the background) But I also need to get this done.
Katelyn: (In the background) I guess that means you’re going.
Index: Meow!
(Michael points at Kelsey, who is sitting the wrong way round in a chair pointing back at him.)
Michael: Are you gonna go jogging?
Kelsey: It’s up for debate.
(Michael points at Katelyn, who is in the kitchen taping a circle of cardboard together.)
Michael: Are you gonna go jogging?
Katelyn: No! I have to build an Earth!
(Michael points at Ceri, who is sitting on the couch with her laptop.)
Michael: Are you gonna go jogging?
Ceri: Maybe, but I’m working on a script for you.
(Michael continues to point his finger in front of him as he walks up to the couch and points at the SciShow YouTube ad that is framed and hung on the wall. The text on the ad reads "YouTube/SciShow +2,032,054 Fans".)
Michael: How many subscribers does SciShow have right now?
Ceri: Over 4 million.
Michael: ‘Cause this was when we had 2 million.
Ceri: It’s probably (emphasis) double that now.
(Michael inhales sharply in disbelief.)
(Dance music plays over a One Jog Later screen.)
Apartment Complex Fitness Center – 1:01 AM MDT
Michael: I just jogged 5.01 miles in 45 minutes, which is the... 8th fastest pace I have recorded for that, uh... distance on Runkeeper ever, which is not bad.
Michael Aranda's Apartment
(Katelyn is still making the Earth. The cardboard circle has been placed into the hollowed out middle as a divider, while the center most section has a light shining out of it.)
Michael: How’s it coming?
Katelyn: Um... it’s a’ight. —layers of the Earth. So now the layers have to be filled.
(The light in the center most section pulses on and off.)
Michael: Oooo! For some reason, that just makes me think of Terraria.
(A synth drones over the Friday March 24, 2017 screen.)
6:43 AM MDT
(The camera shows the time on the microwave in the kitchen.)
Michael: This is the earliest that I have been awake in a long time.
Katelyn Salem's Jeep
Michael: Good morning, Katelyn.
Katelyn: Good morning, Michael.
(Ceri sits in the back seat.)
Michael: Good morning, Ceri, in the dark.
Ceri: Good morning.
(They drive past a Lighthouse Espresso, its sign illuminating the early morning.)
Michael: Look, a Lighthouse in the night!
Monkey Bar Gymnasium
(The group get out of the car.)
The Monkey Bar Gymnasium.
("Squirrel" plays over shots of a whiteboard with a workout cycle written on it, a collection of dumbbells sitting on the floor, many jump ropes hanging on the wall, and a close-up shot of some handles of other equipment that is hung up on the wall.)
(Dance music plays over a One Workout Later screen.)
Katelyn Salem's Jeep
(Michael groans as he gets in the car. Katelyn groans in response.)
Michael: I can hardly hold up my phone... Hopefully I can keep this up longer than a week, which is, I think, how long I went last time.
(Katelyn laughs.)
I was like, “I’m gonna go to Monkey Bar again.”
Michael Aranda's Apartment Complex
(Michael, Kelsey, Ceri, and Katelyn walk through the parking lot to the apartment.)
Michael: How do you feel about Monkey Bar?
Kelsey: I would feel better if I... had understood what the board was telling me.
Michael: I think she... wrote it confusingly on the board.
Kelsey: How I read it was that you are supposed to just go through it, like, all continuously. And then for deadlifts, you were supposed to do up to 10 reps 2-3 times, so that’s what I was doing each time.
Michael Aranda's Apartment
Michael: How’d you feel about Monkey Bar?
Ceri: It was alright. I feel like I didn’t get as intense of a workout as I could have. My limiting factor on the pushups was the fact that I couldn’t do pushups, mostly because a lot of my strength is in my legs.
Michael: You know what I’ve always told people about you?
Ceri: Hm?
Michael: “Ceri, her strength is all in her legs.”
(Index sits on the counter. Kelsey scratches his head.)
Right, cat?
Kelsey: Meow.
Michael: Riiight.
(Katelyn is sitting on the ground in the living room, Ceri is sitting at the table, and Kelsey is in the kitchen making food.)
You know what’s happening today? Congress is voting on the Trumpcare bill. Do you know why they’re voting on it today?
Ceri: No...
Michael: They were supposed to vote on it yesterday, but they realized they didn’t have the votes. So they were like, “Let’s not—Let’s not vote on it today.” But then yesterday, Trump was like, “You guys are gonna vote on it tomorrow or else I’m just gonna leave Obamacare in place.” But, the dumbest thing about the whole thing is that Trump is part of the—what branch of government?
Katelyn: Executive.
Michael: Executive. And Congress is the what branch of government?
Katelyn: Uh...
Michael: Legislative.
(Everyone laughs.)
So the executive branch can’t be like, “Legislative branch, you’re not allowed to write and t-try to pass bills.” So, Trump has zero power to “leave Obamacare in place.” If Congress next week is like, “Here’s another bill that we made that alters healthcare,” then they can pass it, and then it goes to Trump’s desk. This is just some of his, like—
Katelyn: Trump doesn’t understand how to be the president is what’s going on.
Ceri: Yeah, he’s very good at whining and, like, being loud about things.
Kelsey: Their whole thing, the Republican’s whole thing, was that this, uh... care—this health care was much smaller than Obamacare. “We simplified everything! We made it easy” Blah blah blahblahblah. They took out all of the important stuff, but they made sure to add a page about people who win the lottery. And if you win the lottery, you can be taken off health care because you can afford it now.
Ceri: I didn’t read too much about it, but I read something that said the cuts that they’ve made to the bill have made it such that when they retire from Congress or are voted out of office, then many of the people are above an age range where they probably won’t have health care anymore. So they’re voting out, potentially, their own personal health care.
(Dance music plays over a Later That Day screen.)
Complexly Office – 2:32 PM MDT
(The camera shows an article on the Politico website, which has the headline "Republicans yank Obamacare repeal bill", displayed on Michael's work computer.)
Michael: Just minutes before, uh... the House was gonna vote on this new health care bill to repeal Obamacare, the House leaders decide to pull the bill because it was very obvious that they did not have enough support for it. I can’t decide if I feel like it’s a... more satisfying defeat to see them pull the bill like this or if they had just gone through with the vote and lost. Either way, I think that this was a bad bill—It was an incomplete bill, it wasn’t even ready for prime time yet. But, uh... it’s not gonna be a thing. So that’s good.
("Outro" plays over the end screen.)