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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video

March 28, 2014

Date of upload
March 29, 2014
4 minutes 13 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Nick Jenkins
Katelyn Salem

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Apartment
EcoGeek Office
Famous Dave's Barbeque
Nick Jenkins' Apartment
Stefan Chin's Ford Fiesta

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Outside Michael's Apartment

Michael Aranda: We’re filming SciShow Quiz Show today, um... and for that, I need my suit, but I left my suit in our old apartment... ‘cause I didn’t think I’d need it while they were redoing the floors. So I’m waiting for one of the apartment people to let me into my old apartment so I can get my suit and then I can go to the studio and film SciShow.

EcoGeek Office - SciShow Set

( Stefan Chin grunts )

( Michael grunts back )

Stefan holds up a Pizzamas Frisbee.

( Michael makes a quizzical noise )

( Stefan grunts )

( Michael grunts, resigned )

EcoGeek Office - Hallway

Michael: What’s that thing you got there?

Unknown Man: (In a weird voice) Hi!

( Michael laughs )

Unknown Man: (In weird voice) I like your tie!

Michael: Thanks! It’s a... it’s a SciShow tie! Um... Where’d that thing come from?

Unknown Man: Michael gave it to me.

Michael: Michael Gardner grew it?

Unknown Man: Yep.

Nick Jenkins: That is an amazing gourd.

Michael: Did it grow with the hat on it?

Unknown Man: It is— It is a big ass— It did.

( Michael and Unknown Man laugh )

Unknown Man: He sells these hats, too.

Michael: That’s weird.

Unknown Man: It is a butternut squash. It’s adorable. Its little stem—

Michael: You know what else is adorable?

Unknown Man: What?

Michael: That dog right there.

( Nick giggles )

Unknown Man: Thought you were pointing to my belly for a second.

Michael: Oh.

Unknown Man: I was like, wait a second!

Famous Dave's Barbeque

Nick: Go!

Michael: Root beer float in this amazing goblet glass thing. Better not let it overflow.

Nick: Oohhh...

Katelyn Salem: It’s purty.

Michael: Oh yeah. Pour some of that on top.

Stefan: It’s pretty awesome. Ohhh, dude.

Michael: Whew.

Katelyn: It looks amazing!

Nick: What do you think of that, Michael?

Michael: I feel like I need a— a more ornate straw than this for this amazing... goblet.

Nick: It is an amazing goblet.

Michael: I want, like, a big glass straw or something.

Nick: Maybe an umbrella?

Katelyn: It’s all frosty on the outside...

Michael: Yeah. I could do an umbrella.

Stefan: Katelyn? What do you think?

Katelyn: I think, um... I think I would like a taste.

Nick Jenkins' Apartment

Michael: (to Abby) Why you sittin’ there, Abby? Oh, it wouldn’t be because of all that (with added emphasis) meat on that plate right there...

( Nick laughs maniacally )

Michael: Would it?

Stefan: (in the background) No!

Michael: (in a tiny voice as Abby) Nooo...

Nick: Okay, Abby. I will give you this little piece of beef. Are you ready? Beg!

Abby stands on her hind legs.

Michael: Ohh! Such balance.

Nick: Wait. Wait... Okay. Good girl.

Michael: Nom nom nom nom nom!

Parking Lot

Michael: Oh god! It’s wet! It’s raining! It’s wet! It’s raining! Oh god!

Stefan’s Car - Parked

Michael: Whew!

( Stefan grunts )

Michael: Okay. Oh god. Gotta put my seat belt on!

( Stefan grunts )

“I Knew You Were Trouble” by Taylor Swift plays on the car radio.

Michael: Safety first! Welcome to another exciting episode of “Driving in the Middle of the Night” with Michael and Stefan!

Stefan: Woo! Let’s see. I don’t actually know how to work this yet.

The windshield wipers turn on.

Michael: Oh, you did it.

Stefan’s Car - Driving

The car passes a police car that has pulled someone over.

Michael: Ohh!

Stefan: Ah, got pulled over!

Michael: Busted! Ooh hoo hoo! Man!

Stefan: Naughty boy!

The car approaches McDonald's.

Michael: (Awestruck) The Golden Arches.

Stefan: Woo!

Michael: (Reading) “Try the new Clubhouse Burger.” What’s on the— What’s— What’s the Clubhouse Burger?

Stefan: I don’t know.

Michael: Maybe I should try it!

Stefan: Maybe you should try it out!

Stefan: (To the drive-thru speaker) ...and a Bacon Clubhouse Burger?

McDonald's Employee (Through the speaker) I’m sorry, we actually don’t serve our Clubhouse Burger after midnight, or... after midnight, yeah.

Stefan: Oh, no!

Michael: Apparently I’m not trying the Clubhouse Burger, because they don’t serve it after midnight.

Stefan: They don’t serve it.

Michael: Why is it displayed on their menu in a very big... display.

Stefan: I don’t know, there’s a Mercedes in the way of the ladies.

Michael: Up in front of that Mercedes... are some ladies.

( Stefan chortles )

Michael: I can’t think of anything else that rhymes other than “Hades” but I don't know— I can’t make “Hades” fit in a...

( Stefan makes a hissing sound )

Stefan: Pheuu.

Michael: I went to high school with a girl named Amanda Basaites.

Stefan: Really?

Michael: Yeah... Maybe both of the ladies are Katies.

( Michael and Stefan laugh )

Stefan: Good.

Michael: I wonder if they were born in the 80’s.

( Stefan laughs quietly )

Michael: The ladies just drove away! Now we can’t ask them out on any date-ies.

( Stefan makes a high-pitched noise )

Stefan: Dammit!

Michael: Ehh... Ehh...

Stefan: That was not very good.

Michael: Nah...

Maybe we could sail down the Euphrates. Heh?

McDonald’s Employee: You guys have a great night!

( Fast food bag crinkles as Stefan grabs it )

Michael: Heh?

Stefan: Ok thanks, you too!

Michael: Heh?

McDonald’s Employee: Thank you!

Michael: I— I’m makin’ jokes here.

Stefan: Give— Just take the bag! Just take the bag!

Michael: But... I made a good pun.

Stefan: (Reluctantly) Uh-huh.

Michael: If those ladies were pirates they’d say, “Arr, me mateys!”

Stefan: (Deflated) You’re the worst.

( Michael laughs )