I Found Jesus

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
March 30, 2014
Date of upload
March 31, 2014
6 minutes 16 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Nick Jenkins
Katelyn Salem

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Temporary Apartment
MacKenzie River Pizza Co.
Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang
Nick Jenkins' Apartment

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael Aranda:I am so sore. Right cats? Cats? Hey Radius, hey, hey. Hey, hey. Right?

The weather's been kind of weird today. Seems like it can't make up it's mind.

I have spent all day in front of the computer so far. And now, I have a headache. I've been working on getting my Subbable account up and running. Um, making up perks and stuff. So if you guys have any perks that you'd like up on my Subbable page, let me know. I do have a Patreon account and I know some of you are, UCH, uh, patreons over there, um, but I'm not going to be using that anymore. I will be moving to Subbable instead. Mostly because, you know, my boss made Subbable, so that makes sense.

Mackenzie River Co.

Nick Jenkins: There is frozen yogurt in the lobby, if that interests you.

Michael: I woke up today thinking I was only going to eat healthy. But then Stefan texted me and said "let's go to Mackenzie River Pizza Co.

Stefan Chin: You're welcome.

Michael: Thanks.

Michael's Car

Michael: That car has a sticker on the back right there that says "I found Jesus. He's drunk in my backseat". And when I first saw that thing, Oh Oh! Busted! Oooooo, ha ha ha. Anyway (chuckling) , when I first saw that sticker, I just saw the part that said "I found Jesus" and I was like, oh great, this is either gonna be, uh, someone who is overtly Christian or someone who is overtly Atheist. And either way, I don't want to see either one of those stickers. But then, when I read the second part, it said "He's drunk in my backseat", I don't really know, is that like?

Katelyn Salem: How do you take that?

Michael: Not Christian? Is that pro-Christian? I don't know.

Cold Stone Creamery

Michael: Since I'm being a bad boy anyway (points to menu)

Stefan: So naughty.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: We're playing another rousing game of 7 Wonders.

Stefan: (burps loudly)

(Michael and Nick laugh extensively)

Nick: God.

Stefan: Moving on.

Nick: I did poorly.

Michael: Katelyn won.

Stefan: Uch.

(Katelyn tosses game pieces)

Michael: And she makes it rain.

Nick: Make it rain.

Michael: How many points did I get?

Stefan: 40. Nick, 47.

Nick: (Scooby-Doo like) Ooooo.

Stefan: I got 50.

Nick: Awww.

Stefan: Guess who won. Katelyn.

Nick: Katelyn.

Stefan: With 60.

Katelyn: Oh my god.

Nick: How do you do that?

Katelyn: I got all the stuff in my head.

Stefan: (exasperated) Uhhh.

Nick: I'm gonna have a fucking cookie.

(Michael and Stefan laugh)

Stefan: The results are in for game three. Katelyn, 35 points. You lose! He he he. Michael, 43 points. Not bad. Nick, 45. Also not bad.

Nick: Not great. Not great.

Stefan: Stefan, 59 points!

Nick: Katelyn didn't win!

Stefan: Katelyn didn't win. That's all that matters.

Michael: Happy birthday!

Welcome to another episode of opening packages with Michael, while Stefan stands there.

Stefan: Woo.

Michael: Um. Oh, it's my Linkin Park Fan Club package. Ooo, it's some kind of...

Stefan: Ohhh, is it like a speaker?

Michael: I don't know.

Stefan: Ohhhh.

Michael: It's just a cube. With a thing.

Stefan: Bu, what happens if you plug it in?

Michael: Step 1. Download plug in air app from iOS store. Plug plug-air app thing. Hold on to your plug-air device. What does it do?

Stefan: I don't like it.

Michael: I guess I'll try that and we'll find out later. Oh my Linkin Park Underground official member lanyard thing. So I can wear this around town and impress the ladies with my Linkin Park bling.

Stefan: Ohhhh yeah.

Michael: The Linkin Park Underground 13 cd.

Stefan: Ohhhh.

Michael: Features a bunch of old demos. A folded poster? I really hate it when posters are folded because they have creases in them forever. (holding up shirt) Linkin Park Underground 13. How do you feel about the material?

Stefan: Well, it's, fairly pliable. Seems like it would breathe. Pretty sleek. You can wear that to the gym.

Michael: Whew, ok. Guess I'll see what this thing does. So I plugged this into my phone. But, before I did, I put my phone into airplane mode, because I wanted to see if this thing would work without my phone connecting to the internet. And it didn't. Um, so I had to disable airplane mode to get this thing to work. And it just downloaded some, like, bonus music and videos. Uh, but I'm skeptical about this, this thing. Katelyn just pointed out that if they distributed this content with codes, it just allows them to share their codes around. But, if you make each code, like, one time use. I don't know. I don't think I like this thing. Stefan didn't like it either.

Katelyn: Well, that also gives you another weird thing that has Linkin Park's logo on it. You can go, here, I got this thing one time from Linkin Park.

Michael: Yeah, maybe on Ebay in 40 years, this thing will be worth something. Probably not.