I Ain't No Cat

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
April 23rd, 2015
Date of upload
June 4th, 2015
3 minutes 42 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Logan George
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Brought to you by
Taylor Vangilder
Nylah Khan

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
The "M" Hiking Trail
Michael Aranda's Apartment

Weather[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
High: 62°F / 17°C
Low: 28°F / -2°C
Humidity: 54%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 175.5 lbs / 79.6 kg

Body Fat: 19.8%

Heart Rate: 64 bpm

Blood Pressure: 122/80 mmhg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 67.4 mi / 108.5 km

Flights: 11

Bacon Slaps: 5

Hikes to the M: 4

Pizzas Consumed: 21

Visits to HuHot: 8

Visits to Chipotle: 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

The "M" Hiking Trail

Michael: Another day, another hike to the M.

Domino's Parking Lot

I just kept running and running and running until I got to Domino's. So, what's a guy to do, you know?

In A Car

Michael: Ah!

Michael's Apartment

Michael: I... was scheduled to have class today at 2:15, my anthropology class. But when 2 o'clock rolled around, I still hadn't finished, uh, CrashCourse Astronomy, which was supposed to go live today. So I skipped class to work on CrashCourse. I finished that episode and then I did another episode of CrashCourse Kids, and then I went on that jog. Now I've got probably many hours of calculus homework to do.

Okay, I'm halfway done. Only six more problems. It is 11:47 PM. Maybe I'll get to bed before 2.

My major requires that I take both calculus and calculus 2, um... and I wanted to take calculus 2 over the summer and have it be the only class that I take during the summer so that I could focus on it. I wouldn't have the distraction of two other classes going on at the same time and, coming straight out of calculus, the information would still be sorta fresh in my brain. However, the summer session lines up perfectly so that, basically, I would have to choose between taking the final for calculus 2, or going to VidCon. And we all know what is going to win that argument, so I'm not taking calculus 2 over the summer.

Right Stefan?

Stefan Chin: Huh?

Michael: Riiight.

Stefan: I'm not a cat. I ain't no cat.

Michael: It's like 1:30 in the morning and I'm quitting. I'm quitting math. I finished all but two problems, and they both have to do with... rotational angle stuff. I just— I'm not very good when it comes to the unit circle stuff. I think maybe I missed that part of trig, but anytime we have to do anything dealing with sines and cosines and tangents and whatever, I just...

( Michael sighs )

I should probably go back and... review that part of trigonometry, but I ain't got time. I mean, it's not a priority.

I just tweeted this, but I'm gonna to say it again here anyway. I wish that in the same way that the iPhone can adjust screen brightness based on ambient light level, that it would adjust Siri's volume based on ambient noise level. So that when it's super quiet in the house, and you say "Set an alarm for 7 AM", she doesn't scream out super loud "Okay, your alarm for 7 am is on". I'm not trying to wake up the rest of the house. Right cat? Right.

Excuse me, I still have three more calculus problems to do. And you are kneading my belly. (Painfully) Okay.

Michael reads a calculus problem.

"Water is being poured into a cone shaped container with a depth of four inches and a radius of four inches. When the depth of the water is 2.5 inches, it is increasing at 3 inches per minute. At that time, how fast is the surface area, A, that is covered by water, increasing?"

I got that it is increasing by 15rad2pi square inches per minute. But I am... only sort of confident in that answer.