Homeward Bound

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
August 30th, 2015
Date of upload
October 12th, 2015
4 minutes 6 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Katelyn Salem
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Glenn Kneebone
Brought to you by
Chloe Nagle
Kyla Pyne
Eleanor Wilson

Location[edit | edit source]

Toronto, Ontario
Toronto Pearson International Airport
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport
Missoula, Montana
Missoula International Airport

Weather[edit | edit source]

Toronto, Ontario
Temperature: 68.8°F/21°C
Wind: 3.5 mph
Humidity: 78%
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Temperature: 82.0°F/28°C
Wind: 12.7 mph
Humidity: 54%
Missoula, Montana
Temperature: 48°F/9°C
Wind: 3.5 mph
Humidity: 89%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: No data

Body Fat: No data

Heart Rate: 54 bpm

Blood Pressure: 117/78 mmHg

Season Four Stats[edit | edit source]

Jogged: 26.5 mi/42 km
Cycled: 63.7 mi/101 km
Driven: 3993 mi/6426 km
Flown: 6410 mi/10316 km
Boloco: 1
Bobby's Burger Palace: 2
Burger King: 4
Burger's Priest: 1
Caffe Dolce: 1
Chipotle: 3
Coldstone: 1
Dairy Queen: 1
Denny's: 1
Domino's: 2
Earl of Sandwich: 1
Finn & Porter: 1
Fuddruckers: 1
Hero Certified Burgers: 2
HuHot: 1
In-N-Out: 1
Jimmy John's: 1
Lil' Orbits: 2
Lizzy's: 1
Lucky Red: 1
Market On Front: 8
McDonald's: 4
Mike's Pastry: 1
One Hour: 1
Pita Pit: 1
Pizza Hut: 1
Potbelly: 1
Quizno's: 8
The Squealing Pig: 1
Subway: 1
Sweet Peaks: 2
Tagliare: 2
Tamarack: 1
Tasty Burger: 1
UC Food Court: 1
Wendy's: 1
Wok N Talk: 2
Yogurty's: 2
Flights: 8
Gym Visits: 1
Haircuts: 1
Papyrus: 4
Plane Issues: 1

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Toronto Hotel Room

Michael: I slept for 14 hours, so that was nice, so now I have to get down to Thought Cafe to pick up all the footage that we shot yesterday, and then head to the airport.

Thought Cafe

Michael: I got the hard drive, and I'm a little bit early, so I think maybe I'll get some lunch, and then go to the airport.

(Montage of Yogurty's, Hero Certified Burgers, and the Airport)

Toronto Pearson International Airport

Michael: I got to the airport really early, so I've been working through my email inbox, and I got through like 400 unread messages. Now there's only like 300 left to go. And then I started working on vlog stuff again because that's pretty far behind. If I can finish one episode on the plane, then I can upload that as soon as I get home, go to sleep, and then I've got to go to school in the morning.

(Montage of flights, Quizno's and the Airport)


Flight attendant: Flight attendants, start us for arrival, cross-check, and all call.

Glenn's car

Michael: I made it. (odd noises of struggling to get into car) Whew!

Glenn: Welcome back. Any baggage this time?

Michael:Just this one right here. I'm ready. Thanks for picking me up.

Glenn: You're very welcome.

Michael: I don't have to walk home from the airport.

Glenn: Yeah, no more records on RunKeeper.

Michael: Yeah, that was a lot. That was the first time I'd ever recorded a walk, so it was like the longest, the fastest...

Glenn: It said 12. 12 new records.

Michael's apartment

Michael: So I have class in the morning, and I just got dropped from all my classes, since I messed up something with my student loans and so the school didn't get paid. As a result, they dropped me from all my classes. So I have to go early tomorrow to go into registration and try and fix everything, which would be annoying all by itself, but because I am going to be spending so much time at school tomorrow, I'm not going to have the time at work to do all of the things at work that need to be done so I'm working on them right now. I have both a SciShow kids and a Crash Course Anatomy due tomorrow, so I'm trying to get those at least mostly done before I go to bed. Right cat? ...Right