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There are four essential parts to a WhatImDoingRightNow episode page.

Infobox[edit source]

See also: Template:WIDRN

All of the information about an episode and the data that Michael provides goes in the WhatImDoingRightNow infobox. It adapts to what season the episode is from in order to show only what the video supplies. This should be placed at the top of the page. More information, such as setups for each season and explanations for each variable, can be found on the template's page.

YouTube Video[edit source]

ShoutWiki has a built-in function for embedding YouTube videos. By placing a video's unique 11-digit code between the tags <youtube> </youtube>, the video will be placed on the page and can be played. This should be placed beneath the infobox.

Transcript[edit source]

  • Locations should be bolded and underlined: <u>'''Location'''</u>
  • Names of people speaking should be bolded and have a colon after them: '''Name:'''
  • Actions and sounds that are relevant to the video should be put in parentheses and italics: ''(Sounds and actions.)''
  • A break in someone's speech should be denoted by an ellipsis ... if the last word is drawn out or an em dash if the break is sudden.
  • A topic change while one person continues to speak should be marked by making a line break (a blank line between two blocks of code) and continuing with the dialogue
  • A location change should be marked by making two line breaks (two blank lines between blocks of code) and identifying the next location

Example[edit source]

<u>'''Synema Studios Office'''</u>

'''Michael Aranda:''' I think we should get some food.

'''Todd Williams:''' I th—I—I think that's a swell idea.

''(Katelyn Salem laughs.)''

''(Dance music plays over a '''One Food Later''' screen.)''

<u>'''Michael Aranda's Apartment'''</u>

'''Michael:''' Anyway... It's time to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow.

''(The camera swings to the left to show Index.)''

Right, cat?

'''Index:''' Meow!

''(Index rubs the camera lens.)''

'''Michael:''' Riiiight.

''("Outro" plays over the end screen.)''
Synema Studios Office

Michael Aranda: I think we should get some food.

Todd Williams: I th—I—I think that's a swell idea.

(Katelyn Salem laughs.)

(Dance music plays over a One Food Later screen.)

Michael Aranda's Apartment

Michael: Anyway... It's time to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow.

(The camera swings to the left to show Index.)

Right, cat?

Index: Meow!

(Index rubs the camera lens.)

Michael: Riiiight.

("Outro" plays over the end screen.)

Aside from these basic rules of transcribing, every episode of WhatImDoingRightNow from Season 3 onward includes the songs "Intro" and "Outro" at the beginning and end, respectively. To denote these in the transcript, leave two lines of blank space before and after and use these lines:

  • ''("Intro" plays over the opening title screen.)''
  • ''("Outro" plays over the end screen.)''

Whenever a One ___ Later screen is shown, leave two lines of blank space before and after and use the line

  • ''(Dance music plays over a '''One ___ Later''' screen.)''

There are two cases when a time is provided:

  1. During a location change. In this case the time should be placed at the end of the location title following an en dash (Alt+0150): Synema Studios Office – 6:47 PM MST
  2. To show a time change while still at the same location. In this case the time should be placed on it's own line and bolded: 6:47 PM MST

Categories[edit source]

See also: Special:CategoryTree

Categories should be placed at the bottom of every page on the wiki. There are two categories that should go on every WhatImDoingRightNow page:

  • [[Category:WhatImDoingRightNow]], a category for every WhatImDoingRightNow episode
  • [[Category:Moments]] or [[Category:Season #]], a category for what season the episode is in, where the # is replaced by either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.

If the episode takes place on a day when Michael is at an event (i.e. VidCon, NerdCon, Mysterium, etc.), place the [[Category:Events]] category on that page.

There are also four hidden categories that don't show on the page, but let us know if the page isn't complete:

  • [[Category:No Infobox]] to indicate there is no infobox on the page
  • [[Category:No Transcript]] to indicate there is no transcript on the page
  • [[Category:Check Transcript]] to indicate a second person needs to check the transcript after it is completed
  • [[Category:Missing Information]] to indicate one or more things in the infobox are missing from the page; the missing part(s) should be placed in a comment <!-- --> next to the category link.