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These basics of transcribing apply to all types of videos on this wiki. If there are any differences for a type of video, it will be on that video type's help page.

  • Locations should be bolded and underlined: <u>'''Location'''</u>
  • Names of people speaking should be bolded and have a colon after them: '''Name:'''
  • Actions and sounds that are relevant to the video should be put in parentheses and italics: ''(Sounds and actions.)''
  • A break in someone's speech should be denoted by an ellipsis ... if the last word is drawn out or an em dash if the break is sudden.
  • A topic change while one person continues to speak should be marked by making a line break (a blank line between two blocks of code) and continuing with the dialogue
  • A location change should be marked by making two line breaks (two blank lines between blocks of code) and identifying the next location

Example[edit source]

<u>'''Synema Studios Office'''</u>

'''Michael Aranda:''' I think we should get some food.

'''Todd Williams:''' I th—I—I think that's a swell idea.

''(Katelyn Salem laughs.)''

''(Dance music plays over a '''One Food Later''' screen.)''

<u>'''Michael Aranda's Apartment'''</u>

'''Michael:''' Anyway... It's time to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow.

''(The camera swings to the left to show Index.)''

Right, cat?

'''Index:''' Meow!

''(Index rubs the camera lens.)''

'''Michael:''' Riiiight.

''("Outro" plays over the end screen.)''
Synema Studios Office

Michael Aranda: I think we should get some food.

Todd Williams: I th—I—I think that's a swell idea.

(Katelyn Salem laughs.)

(Dance music plays over a One Food Later screen.)

Michael Aranda's Apartment

Michael: Anyway... It's time to go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow.

(The camera swings to the left to show Index.)

Right, cat?

Index: Meow!

(Index rubs the camera lens.)

Michael: Riiiight.

("Outro" plays over the end screen.)