Gentle Grind
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- September 12th, 2015
- Date of upload
- October 25th, 2015
- Duration
- 3 minutes 30 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Katelyn Salem
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Stefan Chin
- Glenn Kneebone
- Katelyn Salem
- Sara Aranda
- Brought to you by
- Becca
- Michelle Riesel
- Jonathan Barnett
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Chipotle
- HuHot Mongolian Grill
Weather[edit | edit source]
Temperature: 66.9°F/19°C
Wind: Calm
Humidity: 44%
Anthropometry[edit | edit source]
Weight: 182.4 lbs/82.7 kg
Body Fat: 20.8%
Heart Rate: 61 bpm
Blood Pressure: 124/80 mmHg
Season Four Stats[edit | edit source]
- Distance
- Jogged: 26.5 mi/42 km
- Cycled: 80.6 mi/129 km
- Driven: 4168 mi/6708 km
- Flown: 6410 mi/10316 km
- Food
- Boloco: 1
- Bobby's Burger Palace: 2
- Burger King: 4
- Burger's Priest: 1
- Caffe Dolce: 2
- Chipotle: 5
- Cold Stone: 4
- Dairy Queen: 1
- Denny's: 1
- Domino's: 3
- Earl of Sandwich: 1
- Finn & Porter: 1
- Fuddruckers: 1
- Hero Certified Burgers: 2
- HuHot: 2
- In-N-Out: 1
- Jimmy John's: 2
- Lil' Orbits: 2
- Lizzy's: 1
- Lucky Red: 1
- Market On Front: 11
- McDonald's: 4
- Mike's Pastry: 1
- One Hour: 1
- Pita Pit: 2
- Pizza Hut: 3
- Potbelly: 1
- Quiznos: 11
- The Squealing Pig: 1
- Subway: 1
- Sweet Peaks: 2
- Tagliare: 3
- Tamarack: 1
- Tasty Burger: 1
- UC Food Court: 1
- Wendy's: 1
- Wok N Talk: 2
- Yogurty's: 2
- Misc
- Flights: 8
- Gym Visits: 1
- Haircuts: 1
- Papyrus: 4
- Plane Issues: 1
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael's Apartment
Michael: Looks like somebody's moving out.
Remember when it was all smoky out there and you couldn't even see those mountains. This is much better.
Right cat? Right.
On Bike
(Buzzing of the bike's wheels)
(Opera Singing)
Stefan: I think I need to... Come off the ramps. Cause I need to take the wheels off.
Michael: You need to take the wheels off?
Stefan: So I can get to the...Maybe I can get to all of these. I don't know. In here is the inner cooler.
Michael: Where does that go?
Man: Besides the...
Stefan: Uh... It's right behind... You can see the stock one right here.
Michael: Oh, so what's different about the...
Stefan: It's bigger. Like seventy percent bigger. So, after all the air is compressed, it's going through here to cool off before it goes into the engine.
Michael: Hm....
Parking Lot
Michael: Earlier we dropped off my car at Les schwab. They were gonna help diagnose some..uh.. sounds that were coming out of my car that shouldn't have been coming from my car.
How's it going?
Stefan: It's going.
In Car
Michael: They called back and said that..uh...There's too many sounds coming from too many places to know what to do with it, so they recommended that I take it to a drivetrain specialist. So we're gonna go pick it up.
In Michael's Car
Michael: The guy who checked out the car mentioned that he, uh, tightened something on the exhaust pipes, so maybe that will have gotten rid of that rattle sound that I had for a while.
Yeah. So far no rattle. But I can definitely hear the...uh...whatever rubbing back there is making a..uh...It's like an almost grinding noise, but not quite. It's like a gentle grind.
Michael: Here's Stefan's progress. You took the..the bumper off.
This is the old one, I assume.
Stefan: It's the old one.
Just tear it open.
Michael: Yeah. Rip it.
Stefan: So that's the...the new size. (chuckle).
Micheal: It's taller.
Stefan: Yeah. And it's black.
Michael: Does my car have one of those?
Stefan: Nope.
Michael: Why not?
Stefan: Turbo.
Michael: So if I put a turbo, I can't put a turbo.
Stefan: Well, you can. Probably, can't put a turbo.
Michael: Well.
Stefan: There were no turbo kits.
Michael: The only kits available for my car are super chargers.
In Michael's Car
Michael: So here in the car with me. Oh! We are very bright. I don't know what's going on there. Um...We have my sister, who showed up with her boyfriend.
Sara: Who's glowing right now.
Michael: And he has very nice arms.
Katelyn: Wow, look at that. Look at that sunshine.
Michael: And we have Katelyn sitting back there. Also, we have Jesus Christ sitting in the back of the car.
(Piano Music)