Dooble Roonboo

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
September 17th, 2015
Date of upload
October 28th, 2015
2 minutes 24 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Katelyn Salem
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Valerie Barr
Katelyn Salem
Brought to you by
Sam April
Paul Turner
Dima Taranenko

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
EcoGeek Offices

Weather[edit | edit source]


Temperature: 42.1°F/6°C

Wind: 3.5 mph

Humidity: 79%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 180.2 lbs/81.7 kg

Body Fat: 22.1%

Heart Rate: 61 bpm

Blood Pressure: 124/62 mmHg

Season Four Stats[edit | edit source]

Jogged: 26.5 mi/42 km
Cycled: 100.5 mi/161 km
Driven: 4198 mi/6756 km
Flown: 6410 mi/10316 km
Boloco: 1
Bobby's Burger Palace: 2
Burger King: 4
Burger's Priest: 1
Caffe Dolce: 3
Chipotle: 10
Cold Stone: 4
Dairy Queen: 1
Denny's: 1
Domino's: 3
Earl of Sandwich: 1
Finn & Porter: 1
Fuddruckers: 1
Hero Certified Burgers: 2
HuHot: 2
In-N-Out: 1
Jimmy John's: 2
Lil' Orbits: 2
Lizzy's: 1
Lucky Red: 1
Market On Front: 13
McDonald's: 4
Mike's Pastry: 1
One Hour: 1
Pita Pit: 3
Pizza Hut: 3
Potbelly: 1
Quiznos: 12
The Squealing Pig: 1
Subway: 1
Sweet Peaks: 2
Tagliare: 3
Tamarack: 1
Tasty Burger: 1
UC Food Court: 1
Wendy's: 1
Wok N Talk: 2
Yogurty's: 2
Flights: 8
Gym Visits: 1
Haircuts: 1
Papyrus: 4
Plane Issues: 1

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

(Shaving Footage)

Gas Station

Michael: I just stopped to get gas. I have a 15 gallon tank and it took 15.005 gallons. Why won't it focus? Focus!

EcoGeek Offices

Michael: Welcome to the SciShow studio. Uhh I'm using the force to move that bottle out of the way. Just, yep.

We're having Teleprompter connectivity issues. So Valerie's swooping in to save the day.

Valerie: Yay. (Whispers) Probably not.

(Michael laughs)

Michael: In this new version of the, what is this app called? Filmic Pro. When you're not recording, there's a white circle around the record button, so it's a red dot with a white circle and then when you are recording, it turns into just full red circle. When you hit the record button, the white circle very slowly disappears, so you can't be sure for the first half a second, whether or not you hit the button.

Making progress?

Valerie: No...

(Michael laughs)

Michael: You did it!

Valerie: Yay! I think the other, there's two apps and the wrong one was open.

Unknown Woman: Oh, I didn't know there were two.

Valerie: It's like, I don't wanna-

Michael: It's complicated.

Outside EcoGeek Offices

Michael: It's raining. (Double rainbow shown on screen) Whoa, whoaaaa! Double rainbow, double rainbow, double rainbow. I'm getting wet.

Inside a Car

Michael: Double rainbow all the way across the sky. Dooble roonboo!

Katelyn: Wow, it's so big.

Michael: God's promise must be extra strong in Missoula, cos we get all kinds of rainbows, ya'know what I'm sayin'?

Man, that rainbow is still huge. Just hanging out there, too bad I don't have a drone!

Michael's Apartment

Michael: It's so beauteous. Yeahhhh.
