Different Moving Day, Part Two
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- March 16th, 2014
- Date of upload
- March 17th, 2014
- Duration
- 3 minutes 52 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Jessica Angelo
- Stefan Chin
- Katelyn Salem
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Michael Aranda's Apartment
- Missoula International Airport
- Buffalo Wild Wings
- Michael Aranda's Temporary Apartment
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael's Apartment
Michael: The mover's came by today. I didn't want to film them cause they probably wouldn't have appreciated that. But, pretty much everything's gone now. This is kinda weird. So I guess I've got two or three weeks before I can come back to this place. Oh, hello. Welcome to an empty apartment. Why are you making a sad face?
Katelyn Salem: It's so empty.
Michael: Katelyn's cooking again. What is it this time?
Katelyn: Ok. Ooo, it's done. It is done. Ok. But now they have to be crispified.
Michael: Crispified?
Katelyn: So I need to turn the broiler on high.
Michael: Wha, what are they?
Katelyn: What are they what?
Michael: What are you making?
Katelyn: They're, they're, they're chickens wrapped in bacons, maple bacons, with chili powder and cumin and then, then they're gonna be oh so good.
Michael: Why they so bubbly?
Katelyn: Cause they got the bacon grease.
Michael: Woah. Cooking is like magic to me. I have no idea how it works.
Missoula International Airport
Michael: We're at the airport to pick up a friend of our's, who has flown to Missoula, Montana to visit us. Um, Stefan went inside to find her. So we'll just wait.
Katelyn: Just wait.
Michael: Maybe we should listen to the radio.
(Classical music playing)
Michael: Oh, here they come.
Katelyn: Pop yo' trunk.
Michael: Oh, we ain't got room in the trunk.
Katelyn: Pop yo' trunk.
Jessica Angelo: Where am I gonna fit this?
Michael: We ain't got....Girl.
Jessica: Wow.
Stefan Chin: Is there, there's really no room?
Michael: Girl, why you pack so much stuff?
Jessica: Cause it's the only suitcase I had! I need a seatbelt. Actually, I can't really.
Katelyn: Oh god, my belt. Ok. I found it.
Jessica: I don't even think we could move with this.
Katelyn: Are we going to Buffalo Wild Wings? That's what I waana know.
Stefan: (inaudible) Crazy! Are we going right now or are we going later?
Michael: Maybe we should go home first and drop off this giant bag.
Stefan: Maybe we should drop off this f***ing huge package.
Michael: Well, I guess I'm driving. I should stop filming.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Michael: We have come to Buffalo Wild Wings. How you feel?
Jessica: Um, hot.
Michael: There you have it.
Michael's Temporary Apartment
Michael: Kitty. Meow. Ooo. Hello. Hi.
What are you doing? Right now?
Stefan: Checking my subscribers.
Michael: Are you happy with the numbers?
Stefan: I got one.
(Both laugh)
Stefan: Um.
Michael: What are you doing? Right now?
Jessica: Putting in my pass...code. Now I'm on Facebook.
Michael: Cops?
Jessica: Oh yeah.
Stefan: Reloaded.
Jessica: Some white girl's crying.
Michael: Why's she crying?
Jessica: Her boyfriend's getting arrested.
Michael: What does her skin color have to do with, why is everybody racist all the time?
I just ate a bunch of spicy stuff. Now my mouth is all hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot. We're all as moved in to this temporary apartment as I think we're going to be. There's a few things over there that maybe I'll bring over, but I don't think I really need them. Um, (sniff), it's a little bit smaller than our other place, but it's not bad. Um, Jessica is crashing on our living room floor, watching naked people on the Discovery channel.
Jessica: You, you suggested this!
Michael: I've never seen it. I was just telling Stefan about it because I thought it was something that he would like.