Deal Breaker
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- March 25th – 26th, 2014
- Date of upload
- March 27th, 2014
- Duration
- 4 minutes 45 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Stefan Chin
- Katelyn Salem
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Walmart
- Michael Aranda's Temporary Apartment
- The Staggering Ox
- A Mustang GT
- Stefan Chin's Ford Fiesta
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael Aranda: It's Walmart.
Why are you covering?
Stefan Chin: Don't look at it.
Michael: Don't, why?
Stefan: Don't look at it. It costs one dollar.
Michael: So?
Stefan: Don't look at's one dollar.
Katelyn Salem: I'm looking at it.
Stefan: Don't look.
Katelyn: I'm looking!
Stefan: Don't lo, nooooo! It's just instant coffee.
Michael: Why is that bad?
Stefan: It's one dollar Michael. It's one dollar.
Michael: Illusion Michael.
(Stefan laughs)
Michael: Stefan do you need some SWAG?
Stefan: No I already have all the swag.
Katelyn: (Referring to nail polish) It's, it's flammable.
Michael: But look, you can start waving acne goodbye.
Stefan: I don't have acne.
Michael: Oh.
(Bacon slap)
Stefan: (Singing) Ooooh, oh maple, maple bacon baby, yeaaah.
Michael's Temporary Apartment
Michael: My cat is having a fun time playing with my sock. He's also licking it, which I find to be .... a little uncomfortable. Why are you doing that? Oh, uhm, now he is licking himself.
(Katelyn laughing)
Michael: (Laughing) That's not how you walk.
Tonight is going to be a very long night of Brain Scoop. I can't, well, I guess I could. I feel like I shouldn't show you any of the footage because it's all really bloody. I do have a kitty with me though. Right cat? Riiiight.
The sun's coming up. This episodes almost done though. I just have to finish rendering the Grossometer. It's exporting and it has a minute and 19, 18, 17 seconds.
Michael: I uploaded that episode of Brain Scoop and then I took a nap for a few hours. And now I'm gettin' my haircut, cause it's been really long for a while.
Now I have nooo hair. Now I have less hair.
Michael's Ford Mustang
(Noises from the car wash)
Michael: Look at all this soap.
The Staggering Ox
Michael: We're at the Staggering Ox, where they make sandwiches in tubes.
Katelyn: Tuuubes.
Michael: I got the Mt. St. Helens. Which one is this?
Katelyn: Uhmmm, Slammed Saddam.
Michael: Slammed Saddam?
A Mustang GT
Michael: Look at those red seats! I'm test driving that Mustang GT that I saw across the street in that building over there.
(Car revving)
Michael: It's nice. I think the red seats are a deal breaker though.
Katelyn: They are very red.
Michael: I've been working on music for a few hours, but now Stefan and I are gonna go for a driiiive. In his brand new Ford Fiesta.
Stefan's Ford Fiesta
Michael: We've been looking on Craigslist for houses to rent in Missoula so that we can get out of an apartment. So we can be louder. In the middle of the night.
Stefan: Be loud in the middle of the night and get my subwoofer thumpin'.
Michael: Th, th, thubwoofer.
Stefan: Thubwoofer thumpin.
Michael: (Laughing) Uhm, so we're gonna go, eeeuoah.
Stefan: Eeeeuoah.
Michael: We're gonna go drive by a house that is available on Craigslist. At, at, one in the morning.
Stefan: One in the morning.
Michael: Ooo, police. Somebody got busted.
Michael's Temporary Apartment
Michael: We drove by that house. It looks like it might be a little bit small. I'm still gonna call them tomorrow and see if I can set up a time to come visit. Uh, actually tour the house on the inside, not at one in the morning. We passed three or four deer on the way up there, so it's, it's full of wildlife.
I think tonight I will leave you with a preview of the song that I was working on earlier tonight.
(Song plays)