Crash Kitty

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
January 5th, 2015
Date of upload
January 6th, 2015
4 minutes 47 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Dan Molloy
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Dan Molloy
Katelyn Salem
Brought to you by
Birgit Kovacsevich

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
EcoGeek Offices

Weather[edit | edit source]

Mostly Cloudy

High: 35°F/2°C

Low: 20°F/-7°C

Humidity: 92%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 181.3 lbs/82.42 kg

Body Fat: 22.1%

Heart Rate: 63 bpm

Blood Pressure: 108/75 mmHg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 1.6 mi/2.6 km

Flights: 2

Visits to Chipotle: 1

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Wanna hear something hilarious? Probably. I forgot there's an episode of Crash Course going live today. I haven't started it yet.

(Footage of Editing)

Michael: Okay, I just finished all the Crash Course stuff, including brand new intro and outro songs for Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology, which by the time you see this, is already live. So I hope you guys liked it.

Hi kitten, Hi. Do you want some pets on your head? Wow, you're really happy right now. K-kit, get the claws out of my jeans please, thanks. This cat just won't leave me alone right now. He wants to be loved. Kitty look at this nice blanket right here, you should just lay, stay right here. Yeah, okay, now you stay the- No, no, okay. (Moves the cat back onto the blanket) Just stay right there, nope, nope. Kitty, I have work to do!

Oh my god cat, are you, are you bored of being petted yet? I'm, what? Oh my goodness. (laughs) Look, I love you very much but I, I have to like type and use the mouse and stuff okay?

This, this has been going on for like twenty minutes. Kitty! Kitt- (starts laughing) Stop it.

Outside, walking

Michael: The ground is so slippery.

EcoGeek Offices

Michael: So I'm here in SciShow headquarters, with Dan Molloy, which a lot of you have been like 'Whose Dan? Where's Dan?' This is Dan.

Dan: Hello.

Michael: He is the brand spanking new editor on various projects. For WhatImDoingRightNow,what's actually happening, I'm taking all the video on my phone, just like I always have. I'm editing the video on my phone, just like I always have but then after its done, sort of, it gets handed off to Dan and he handles the addition of the intro, and then putting in like what the date it was, uhh, putting in all my stats, putting in the outro screen, doing the annotations. Basically all of the really annoying, boring stuff, Dan is taking care of.

(Both laugh)

Michael: But Dan is also gonna be working on a number of other projects that I'm trying to get off the ground right now, so in the comments, everybody say hello to Dan.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: After I filmed that part with Dan, he commented that he much prefers his face when he's not clean-shaven. I guess he had to shave it off for a movie that he's acting in. If you're not swooning over him already, just wait until he grows his facial hair back.


Michael: A lot of people are waiting for this. (Baconslap)

Michael's Car

Michael: Whooo, whoa, speed bumps.

(Katelyn laughs)

Michael's Apartment

Michael: So here's a fun story, the other day when I went to the dentist, they numbed my face right. Well, after I was done, I was really hungry so I tried to eat a sandwich and because I couldn't feel it, I ended up biting a chunk out of my lip.

(Close up on lip)

Michael: So that's what that is. It actually wasn't that painful at the time, or even yesterday. I mean when it happened, there was kind of a lot of blood. But tonight is the first time that its actually like stinging a lot. Anyway moral of the story is, don't try to eat when your face is numb. I thought I was being careful and I still ended up bit through my lip. Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. Thanks for watching this video and I will see you tomorrow.