Cooking with Stefan

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of Video
February 16, 2014
Date of Upload
February 17, 2014
1 minute 2 seconds
Edited By
Michael Aranda
Appearances By
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Katelyn Salem

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana

Transcript[edit | edit source]

In Michael's Apartment

Michael: What have you done?

Stefan: Don't look!

Michael: What have you done?

Stefan: Don't look! Wait.

Katelyn: You can't even see. It's so black.

(collective laughter)

Michael: Don't look at it!

Katelyn: I was like, "What smells like burnt toast?"

Stefan: Eh, you know I like my toast a little negro.

Michael: Did you just burn another piece of toast?

Stefan: I got distracted, okay? Don't, don't look!

Michael: Uhhh...

Katelyn: We should carve little faces. Kinda making a mess. See, aww!

(collective awing)

Michael: There are people going hungry and you're carving happy faces into burnt bread.

Katelyn: He's burning the bread.

Stefan: I'm sorry.

Later in the Apartment

Michael: I haven't really vlogged at all today 'cause I've been working on music and that's top secret. (microwave beeping) So it's basically just you burning toast.

Stefan: That's ok.

Michael: That's a nice kitty you have there.

Stefan: Oh, such a nice kitty. (incoherent)

(Michael laughing)