Chew Toy
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- January 10th, 2015
- Date of upload
- January 11th, 2015
- Duration
- 2 minutes 8 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Dan Molloy
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Jessi Knudsen Castañeda
- Brought to you by
- Sean Guthrie
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
Weather[edit | edit source]
High: 26°F/-3°C
Low: 14°F/-10°C
Humidity: 81%
Anthropometry[edit | edit source]
Weight: 181.4 lbs/82.3 kg
Body Fat: 20.4%
Heart Rate: 72 bpm
Blood Pressure: 117/79 mmhg
2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]
Distance Jogged: 1.6 mi/2.6 km
Flights: 2
Bacon Slaps: 1
Pizzas Consumed: 1
Visits to HuHot: 1
Visits to Chipotle: 1
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Outside Michael's Apartment
Michael: Today we're getting rid of our Christmas tree. Actually, Jessi's coming over to take the Christmas tree so that she can give it to her foxes.
Inside Michael's Apartment
Michael: But first, its time to clean.
(Timelapse of cleaning)
Michael: (Kitty meows) Nice kitty.
Outside Michael's Apartment
Michael: Okay, so you're taking this tree. What, what do the foxes do with them?
Jessi: Well, I'm hoping that they'll just destroy it.
Michael: Oh, so they just need a chew toy?
Jessi: Yeah, just destroy it, that would be the best thing that could happen. She'll probably pee all over it first.
Michael: Cool.
Jessi: Cath'll probably be very scared of it and then eventually eat it.
Michael: Okay, tree is in the van. (Group cheers) That was easy, I didn't know how to get rid of a tree otherwise but I saw you said something to Matthew Gaydos about his tree, I think.
Jessi: Mhmm, mhmm
Michael: This was easy.
Inside Michael's Apartment
Michael: Apparently I was super tired because I, I ended up falling asleep on the couch and taking a six hour nap. I finally got yesterday's video edited and uploaded, and now I'm kinda tired again so I'm probably just gonna go to bed. So if this video is shorter than you'd like it to be, I'm sorry. If you want, you can imagine me passed out on the couch and that's what the rest of my day looked like. I will make an effort to be more interesting tomorrow. Thanks for watching, I'll see you tomorrow.