Canned Soda

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
January 2nd, 2015
Date of upload
January 4th, 2015
7 minutes 1 second
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Dan Molloy
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Lem Chin
Katelyn Salem
Jessica Angelo
Brought to you by
Hank Green

Location[edit | edit source]

Anaheim, California
Stefan's Parents' House
Ontario, California
Ontario International Airport
Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake City International Airport
Missoula, Montana
Missoula International Airport

Weather[edit | edit source]

Anaheim, California
High: 61°F/16°C
Low: 39°F/4°C
Humidity: 57%
Ontario, California
High: 57°F/14°C
Low: 37°F/3°C
Humidity: 33%
Salt Lake City, Utah
Partly Cloudy
High: 25°F/-4°C
Low: 18°F/-8°C
Humidity: 71%
Missoula, Montana
Partly Cloudy
High: 17°F/-8°C
Low: 0°F/-18°C
Humidity: 84%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 179 lbs/81 kg

Body Fat: Unknown

Heart Rate: 81 bpm

Blood Pressure: 124/81 mmHg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 1.6 mi/2.6 km

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Stefan's Parents' House

Brian: I just have a really unhandy sized duffle bag.

Michael: It's alright, I do too but mine is filled with- (indistinguishable speech)

Brian: Hah.

Michael: Brian is embarking on a great adventure into the- (Background chatter) Where are you going?

Brian: We're going to Big Bear.

Michael: Going to Big Bear! But this is the last time I'm going to see Brian on this trip. Bye.

Brian: Bye.

(Both wave)

Michael: Katelyn and I heading back to Missoula today. I'm just making sure I didn't forget anything.

(Farewelling Stefan's Parents)

Michael: Bye. Thanks for the Vegas trip.

Stefan's Mum: Thank you for coming.

Michael: Say goodbye to all your fans.

Stefan's Mum: Bye.

Stefan's Dad: Christian, Thank you.

Michael: Who's Christian?

Stefan: He said that his Instagram is a treasure.

Stefan's Dad: That's right. You know it okay, maybe no one else knows it but you know it. Thank you.

Inside a Car

Michael: Remember that one time your mum was backing out of the garage and hit your car?

Stefan: Yeah.

Michael: That was good times.

Stefan: Yeah.

Michael: We would be remiss if we didn't eat a Chipotle one last time. I had to look up what remiss means. It sounded like the right thing to say but I didn't actually know the definition. Remiss means failing in what duty requires. It is out duty to eat Chipotle. I've already decided that after the Chipotle opens up in Missoula, I'm just gonna budget money for eat there every day of my life.

Stefan: I sort of have made a HuHot budget.

Michael: I'll have a HuHot budget and a Chipotle budget...

Katelyn: I don't really care for HuHot anymore.

Michael: What?!

Stefan: Excuse me!


Michael: Even just the smell in here, it just warms my heart.

I just had a delicious salad. It was delicious and it was a salad. Katelyn are you ready to go back to Missoula where its below freezing?

Katelyn: I guess.

Jessica: He thinks that canned soda is better than fountain soda.

Stefan: I don't understand your statement though because I literally, you're saying that no one says that, I literally just said that.

Jessica: No one says it though.

Michael: I would say take canned soda over fountain drink.

Stefan: Ohhhh. She switched her major and she won't tell me.

(Jessica nods head)

Michael: Wait, you're not a computer science major anymore?

(Jessica shakes head)

Michael: What?!

Stefan: I think its pole dancing. (Jessica points finger and smiles) I got it.

Jessica: Awwww yeah.

Michael: What's your major?

(Jessica shrugs shoulders)

Michael: Your- (Stefan laughs) Whisper it to the camera so we'll find out when we edit.

(Jessica breathes out)

Michael: You just blew into the microphone!

(Jessica laughs)

Inside a Car

(Time-lapse Highway driving)

Michael: Ontario International Airport! I'm not really sure what it means to be an International Airport because Missoula's airport is an international airport.

Stefan: Yeah.

Michael: But there are no flights that go to or from other countries.

Stefan: No, because it connects to other airports that have international flights.

Michael: What?

Stefan: So most major airports are international airports.

Michael: Okay bye.

Jessica: Bye.

Michael: See you when you move to Missoula.

Jessica: Okay. See you soon.

Katelyn: Bye.

Stefan: Okay bye.

Michael: Okay, okay bye. See you in nine days.

Stefan: Or so.

Inside Ontario International Airport

(Airport Announcements heard)

Michael: The airport is weirdly empty. (laughs) What?

(Camera goes through scanner)

Michael: This is entirely unhelpful. I can't, it looks like it all says San Francisco.

I feel like I'm in a zombie apocalypse. Its just so empty.

Onboard Aeroplane

Flight Attendant: Hello.

Michael: Hello.

Flight Footage

In-Flight Announcement: Welcome to Salt Lake City folks, its about uh 7:25ish. Its certainly been a pleasure you on board. We do appreciate your business and hope to see you on a future flight, on behalf of your Salt Lake City base flight crew.

Salt Lake City International Airport

Michael: How was your flight?

Katelyn: Um, it was alright. I had some extra legroom because they put me in the uh the exit row aisle.

Michael: I will have you know, I walk right past that Krispy Kreme and I didn't get a donut.

I got myself another one of these burgers without the bun.

I'm attempting to upload a video from the airport. When I started it had over 9000 minutes remaining. Its not gotten down to 1530 minutes but it seems to have leveled out. Needless to say, I don't think this upload is going to happen in this airport.

Onboard Aeroplane

In-Flight Announcement: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Once again, welcome onboard Delta flight 2379 to Missoula.

Michael: It looks a little snowy out there. Yeahhh. Foggy and snowy, just like when we left.

(Michael whoos)

Missoula International Airport

Michael: Hello!

Unknown Woman: Hello. Michael.

Michael: It's snowing!

Unknown Woman: Yes it is.

Inside Car

Michael: Thanks for picking us up.

Unknown Woman: You're welcome.

Michael: We were heading to the airport and I was like Oh, I forgot to ask anyone to pick us up.

Michael's Apartment

Michael: Snow, snow, snow.

Kitties! (Kitties meow) Meowww.

First order of business was feed kitties. Second order of business is to upload that frikkin' video.

Now I got a call from our internet company while I was in California, saying they upgraded our speed for free, while we were gone. So lets see.

Uhhh. Nope. (Pointing at computer screen) Normally this number is thirty, and this number is five. Also, can you tell from these ads that I look at a lot of Mustang parts?

Uhh, I'm so tired, I'm just gonna pass out. (Yawns) Thanks for watching and I'll see you tomorrow. Right cat? Right.