Boob Braces

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Boob Braces

Episode Information
Date of episode Thursday – Friday
March 9 – 10, 2017[a]
Date of upload March 31, 2017
Duration 6:38
Intro Teresa Mobley
Special Thanks Mary Rollins
Alexandra Rice
Ashley Schmidt
This episode was brought to you by Hope Shinn
Bill Dybas
Gavriel Lazan
Yesterday's Comment of the Day "Michael on a treadmill with a go pro strapped to his head playing video games is possibly the most ridiculous and hilarious thing I'm gonna see this week. Also Ceri is the sweetest person, and I want her comfy jumper :)" – ibelle
Michael Aranda
Camera, editing, music
Katelyn Salem
Editing, sound
Tyler Grutsch
Songs "Intro"
Appearances Katelyn Salem
Ceri Riley
Marcus Schlueter
Todd Williams
Kelsey Cote
Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Apartment
Katelyn Salem's Jeep
Market on Front
How To Jog With A Nintendo Switch Boob Braces Sinkhole to Hell
  Mar 9 Mar 10
Missoula, Montana
State Light Snow
Temperature 32°F 0°C
Wind 3.5 mph 5 kph
Humidity 96%

Weight No Data
Body Fat No Data
Resting Heart Rate 50 bpm
Blood Pressure 115/73 mmhg

Season Seven Statistics
Jogged 80.9 mi / 129 km
Cycled 0 mi / 0 km
Driven 929 mi / 1495 km
Flown 505 mi / 813 km
Bacon Slaps 0
Flights 5
Gym Visits 12
Haircuts 1
Hikes to the M 0
Papyrus 4
Merch Items Sold 16
Pizzas 3
Todd-Fives 9
Travel Issues 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

(The camera shows Teresa Mobley standing outside, sitting in the driver's seat of a car, opening a door, and posing in a classroom with a child holding up a decorated notebook; a line of students outside; the inside of a pencil box; Teresa walking down a hallway, writing letters on a whiteboard, and watching a KhanAcademy video; the same child staring at the camera while on a laptop; a desk calendar with items written all over it; a PowerPoint slide with a Crash Course Kids video embedded in it; and Teresa lounging on a couch.)

Teresa Mobley: I’m Teresa, and this—this—thiiis—thiiiiis—this—this—this—this—this—this—thiiiis—this—is WhatImDoingRightNow.

("Intro" plays over the opening title screen.)

Michael Aranda's Apartment – 10:50 AM MST

(Water loudly runs down a roof drain outside Michael's apartment as the camera shows the snow on the lawn outside the building from Michael's balcony.)

Michael Aranda: Listen to the sound of all that snow melting.

Katelyn Salem's Jeep

(Katelyn Salem is driving and Michael sits in the passenger seat. Ceri Riley gets in the back seat.)

Michael: Hello Ceri Riley.

Ceri: Hello.

Michael: You wanna know something?

Ceri: Sure.

Michael: Remember that one time when we put in an offer on WoodHouse for

(A yellow dollar sign on a black background appears over Michael's mouth while the Super Mario Bros coin noise is played. This happens each time.)

Ceri: Yes.

Michael: They just counter offered at

(Super Mario Bros coin noise.)

So, you now have an email in your inbox that you can digitally sign, and if you do that—

Ceri: Uh huh.

Michael: Then, uh... you’re under contract to become a homeowner.

Ceri: Oh my god.

(Ceri laughs..)


Michael: What a time to be alive!

Ceri: What a—What a f—surprise on this lunchtime excursion.

(Michael laughs.)

I haven’t told my family that I’m buying a house yet.

(Katelyn laughs.)

Michael: Just wait until you’re actually there—

Katelyn: Just—have the house.

Michael: —and you’re like, “Oh, by the way, I own this.”

Katelyn: Yeah I have—this is mine.

Ceri: By the way...

Michael: I guess I haven’t really told my family.

Katelyn: My family knows that you guys are (laughing) buying a house.

Ceri: Oh good.

Katelyn: So...

Michael: (In a southern accent) My family just has a—we have a more loose relationship.

Ceri: I think I don’t wanna worry my family, so... That’s not a good thing that I don’t inform them of big life decisions.

Market on Front

Michael: Ceri?

Ceri: Yes.

Michael: Are you gonna digitally sign the thing now?

Ceri: Uh... I guess. I just got the email.

Michael: There it is.

Ceri: There it is. On my c—

Michael: Can I watch the moment that we officially accept the offer?

Ceri: Um... Okay. Yeah.

(Ceri laughs.)

Michael: And then you gotta push complete.

(Ceri pushes the complete button on her phone.)

Ceri: Push.

Michael: ‘Kay.

Ceri: Oh thanks.

Michael: We’ve officially accepted their counter offer.

Ceri: Mhm. We’re house owners. Homeowners?

Michael: Hovel owners.

Ceri: Hovel owners? Small village owners?

Michael: (Chuckling) Almost.

(Dance music plays over a Later That Day screen.)

West Spruce Street – 5:34 PM MST

(Mellow jazz bass and drum beat music plays over Michael walking down an alley.)

Synema Studios Office

(Marcus Schlueter sits in an office chair.)

Michael: Uh, Marcus?

Marcus: Yeah.

Michael: Uh... So... We checked the PO box recently.

(Marcus taps a beat on his legs.)

And somebody sent something for you.

Marcus: Cool.

(Todd makes a whooshing noise as he swings a padded envelope in front of Marcus from out of frame.)

Marcus: (Softly excited) I got a fan mail! Never got a fan mail before!

Michael: I mean—You’ll see that it’s open beca—

Marcus: I was just noticing that!

Michael: It—It didn’t have your name on it here.

Marcus: Oh?

Michael: It wasn’t until we opened it and there’s a card inside that said “For Marcus”, and at that point I was like, “Oh. I’m gonna stop opening this now—

Marcus: Oooohh!

Michael: —and we’ll give it to Marcus.

Marcus: I see.

Michael: So, I don’t know what it is.

(Marcus pulls out a few small business cards from the envelope.)

Marcus: “Gift for Marcus.” These cards... are from Danielle V Green Illustrations.

(Two cards are laid out on Marcus's leg: one has a drawing of a red fox wearing a white scarf and the text "Danielle V Green Illustrations, Freelance Illustrator,," below the drawing, and the other a drawing of a grey fox wearing a white scarf that says "Thanks" and the text "Thank you so much! Enjoy! – Danielle, —Instagram: @daniellevgreen".)

“—Illustrator diana—”. Like and share on Instagram. And I got—

(Marcus pulls a lapel pin out of the envelope and gasps heavily in excitement. The pin is a green pangolin standing on it's hind legs with a red ping pong paddle between it's front legs.)

It’s a pangolin pin! I cou—Ooooohhhh! It’s my favorite ani—He’s a ping pong pangolin!

Michael: And he’s green!

Marcus: He’s—He’s a green pangolin playing ping pong!

(Marcus chuckles.)

Marcus: I didn’t know you could get thing like that! I didn’t know such a thing existed!

(Marcus reads the back of the lapel pin packaging.)

It’s from Etsy. It’s from Danielle V Green’s Etsy. I should... pin it... to my body...

(Todd and Katelyn laugh.)

all of the time!

Michael: Maybe... just your shirt, though.

Marcus: No, directly.

(Michael, Todd, and Katelyn laugh.)

My flesh!

(Marcus laughs. He puts the pin into his sweatshirt.)

It’s too good! Ping pong pangolin. Yeah!

Michael: There it is!

Marcus: I love it. Thank you—Thank you so, so much Danielle. This is amazing. I—I... can’t thank you enough. This is really, really fantastic.

(Katelyn and Michael chuckle.)

(The camera is close to Michael's face.)

Michael: (Whispering) Katelyn and Marcus are meeting about Kate Tectonics animation stuff right now.

(The camera shows Todd sitting next to Michael, while Katelyn and Marcus talk around a computer on the other side of the room.)

Todd: (Whispering) Sup?

Katelyn: So at this higher temperature, now helium starts fusing together.

(Marcus turns to look at the camera and laughs.)

(The camera is next to Katelyn and Marcus.)

And then we have... all the Pauls that are inside that sun—They start fusing together. Three f—Pauls fuse together to form a Jimri—Jimmy Hendrix carbon. And then his clothes all fly off.

(Marcus turns the camera, reaches out of frame, produces a hat, and places it over the camera lens.)

Michael Aranda's Apartment

(Katelyn is in the living room in a pink, lacy dress. Kelsey Cote is in the kitchen in the background making food.)

Michael: Why are you wearing this dress Katelyn?

Katelyn: My clothes got boob braces in it.

Michael: It has boob braces?

Katelyn: Mhm.

Michael: What’s a boob brace?

Katelyn: Plastic... bars that will... give you a shape.

Michael: (Laughing) Oh.

Katelyn: This is for my friend Erin’s wedding. I am a bridesmaid.

Michael: Congratulations.

Katelyn: Thanks.

Michael: And congratulations to... the new bride-to-be.

Katelyn: Uh... She’s marrying a guy named Aaron.

Michael: So Erin and Aaron.

Katelyn: It’s Erin and Aaron.

Kelsey: Is it spelled the same way?

Katelyn: No. Her’s is E-R-I-N and he is A-A-R-O-N.

Kelsey: Oh. So you’ll still be able to tell the difference between them. Don’t worry.

Katelyn: Mhm.

Michael: Mhm.

Katelyn: You can just look at their name tags. Isn’t it so pink?

Michael: It’s not sooo pink.

Katelyn: (Softly) I think it’s pretty pink.

Michael: I think the adjective “so” would... make it more of a hot pink.

Katelyn: It’s (delicately) sooo pink.

Michael: It’s just pink.

Katelyn: It’s pink. With boob braces.

(The camera shows Index sniffing at the carpet.)

Michael: Kitty.

(Index walks over to Michael.)

Index: Meow.

Michael: What are you doing?

Index: Meow.

Michael: Do you wanna floss?

(Michael holds a plastic flosser out towards Index.)

Index: (Curiously) Meow.

(Index reaches up at Michael's hand with both paws to get the flosser. He drops it for Index to play with.)

Kelsey: Mmm.

(The camera is close to Kelsey's face as she makes things in the kitchen. In the background, Ceri sits at the table and Katelyn sits on the couch.)

Michael: What is on the menu this evening?

(There are shots of each food item being prepared as Kelsey names them.)

Kelsey: Chipotle chicken with... homemade pico... de gallo and... chipotle ranch coleslaw.

(The camera shows all the food items plated together for a meal.)

Michael: Bam!

(Michael and Kelsey sit on the couch.)

Michael: The latest update of this app that I use... Every time I launch the app, it auto selects the... front-facing microphone instead of the back-facing microphone. So I have to remember every time I go into the app to switch the microphone so that it sounds okay. Otherwise, you can’t hear anything on this side of the phone very well. I... sent them an email letting them know about this bug, and they were like, “Oh. You’re right. We’ll fix that in the next release.” Still haven’t seen the release, but I’m—I’m ready.

(The camera shows Ceri still sitting at the table.)

Michael: Ceri.

Ceri: Yes.

Michael: Remember that one time when we bought a house?

Ceri: Mhm.

Michael: Good times.

Michael Aranda's Apartment Complex

Michael: My plan is to eat pizza. Before I can do that I have to earn my pizza by jogging. Looking at this walkway, I think this might be the first time in awhile that I’ve seen it with just... absolutely no snow all the way down.

Apartment Complex Fitness Center

(Michael is running on a treadmill.)

Michael: I’m playing some more Zelda while jogging. And I’m about to order some pizza, so that by the time I’m done it’ll be ready for me.

Michael Aranda's Apartment Complex

(The camera shows the brake lights of the Domino's delivery guy's car in the parking lot. Michael and Ceri walk up the stairs to Michael's apartment.)

Michael: The Domino’s guy... showed up... right as we were getting back to the apartment. That... is perfect timing!

(Michael is inside his apartment walking around in the dark.)

Well today was eventful. I’m full of pizza. We played a lot of Terraria this evening. And now, it’s time to go to sleep. So I will see you guys tomorrow.

(Index is illuminated in the camera's light as he sits on the ground next to Michael.)

Right cat?

(Index walks up to Michael and rubs against the camera.)


Index: Meow.

("Outro" plays over the end screen.)

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. The description for this video says it covers March 9 – 10, 2017, but there isn't a date change screen or any indication of which scenes happen on which days.