Body Snatcher
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- February 3rd, 2014
- Date of upload
- February 5th, 2014
- Duration
- 9 minutes 9 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Missoula International Airport
- Salt Lake City, Utah
- Salt Lake City International Airport
- Chicago, Illinois
- Chicago O'Hare International Airport
- Clark's Diner
- Potbelly
Transcript[edit | edit source]
In Anna's lab
Michael: Anna Goldman! What?! What?
Anna: Yay!
Michael: Emily's in a meeting, so I'm down in Anna's lab. (spins in wheely chair) Spinning in circles.
Anna: Filming.
(shot of animal sculls on trays)
Michael: Look at all these bones. There's a really cool rib cage over here. This guy's spine got fused.
(jump cut)
Michael: That would suck to not be able to bend your back.
In Emily's Office
Michael: I'm about to eat a cookie that Emily Graslie made. With...what's in it?
Emily: Chocolate and sriracha.
Michael: Chocolate and sriracha.
Emily: Sriracha. Right - I have some right here in my...
Michael: There it is.
Emily: I keep it in my office. My dark office.
Michael: Um, it looks like I took a bite, but I just dropped it on the floor. But it's still good!
(stuffs whole cookie in mouth)
Emily: Is it, though? Is it still good?
Michael: Tastes like a cookie.
Emily: Just wait. (whispered) You'll get the sriracha.
Michael: (nods) It's a little spicy. Its got a little kick. It's pretty good.
Emily: Yeah? Nice, I'm glad.
Michael: (nodding) I would eat a dozen of those.
Emily: Really?! 'Cause I have, like, way more at my apartment.
Michael: (laughs)
Emily: I wasn't gonna bring 'em, 'cause I figured no one would want to eat them.
Michael: I mean, I want to eat them, but I don't want to eat them, if you know what I mean.
Emily: Yeah.
Michael: So many calories.
Emily: No there- The chili burns off all the calories.
Michael: I don't think that's how that works.
(both laugh)
Emily: That's totally how it works.
In the 3D Printer Room
Michael: So this is the 3D printer that we were building back in... December?
JP: December. And we finished it in January.
Michael: And it- It printed out this little bracelet that I'm wearing.
JP: cute. The bracelets are actually kind of fun and I don't really understand what is so nice about them.
Michael: Yeah.
JP: They're not- It's nice to have something you can take away.
(both laugh)
(shots of 3D printing a bracelet)
Michael: Look at it go.
JP: (holding 3D printed tiny animal skull) The sparkly nature of this and the lines are because we didn't print it solid.
Michael: Oh.
JP: The lines are the fill material inside holding the whole thing together. And then this, you should recognize.
Michael: That the raccoon?
JP: Bit of a clue. Yeah. That's the, uh, mandible. And then that's the skull - the, uh, cranium. Now, the cranium we printed solid. You don't get any of those irritating lines on it. But it makes it quite a lot heavier and it uses a lot more material.
Michael: Yeah.
JP: And it turns out there's some interesting problems with solid parts. They retain heat and stay floppy until you go away from them. Until the filament goes away for a bit. And then at that point it curls slightly. When it comes back, it jams into the curl. Um so, the zygomatic arches were particularly problematic on this. We had to... If you want a raccoon with cheek bones, you gotta spend some time on it, figuring it out.
Michael: Yeah.
JP: But I'm quite please with that.
Michael: (pointing) What's the head?
JP: That's me.
Michael: That's you?
JP: Yeah, mini JP.
Michael: Where did you scan your head?
JP: Um, we coulda done that at the 3D Printer Experience in Clark.
Michael: They just scan your body?
JP: They'll scan your head. You can go there and pay them some money and they'll use this... kinda sucky but fun kinect sensor lash-up to, uh, scan your head. So you see the resolution isn't all that awesome.
Michael: Right.
JP: But, uh, I gotta say, you know, it's like- it's a reasonable likeness given the uh-
Michael: I should sell Michael Aranda heads!
JP: You should!
Michael: With little blonde stripes.
JP: Yes.
Michael: So right now do you only have clear and white-?
JP: Yeah.
Michael: -filaments?
JP: I- I actually don't like any of the other colors. So um, we tried printing in black. So we do have black. Um. But it's so hard to see detail on this.
Michael: Yeah, it's kind of a- a weird black.
JP: Well, it's uh- This is ABS so it's kind of a Lego black.
Michael: Mmm...
JP: It's got that, uh, surface scattering shininess thing going on. Um, but, you know- this, this is, as far as it goes, this is a life-sized model of a clay figurine that was inside a mummy bundle that we CT scanned, so, I think it's still pretty cool.
Michael: Yeah.
In Emily's Office
Michael: I was just made aware of the existence of the Brain Scoop subreddit. So I started doing an AMA in that subreddit. Uh, and Emily says that I need to provide proof that it is in fact me, so this is my proof.
Emily: But is it really you, Michael? And then- Have you been taken over by a bodysnatcher, maybe? (shrugs)
Michael: (robot voice) Does not compute.
Emily: (laughs)
Michael: Well, I'm about done at the museum for the day. We planned out what we're shooting tomorrow and, I guess, for the rest of the week. We filmed a little bit with one of the guys who does repairs on some of the animatronic stuff that they have in one of the exhibits called, uh, "Underground something?" I forgot what it's called.
I also spent some time answering those questions in that reddit AMA, uh, if you guys want to get in there and ask questions I will continue answering them as they come in, uh, I'll put a link to that in the description.
And now all I have left is to go home and go to sleep 'cuz I'm tired.
So yesterday there was that woman on the CTA who was drunk and, I posted a picture of her on my Instagram and it caused a little bit of a ruckus because some people felt like I was being mean or trying to make fun of her. Uh, I- I really wasn't. I just- Part of what I do is I document my life and that was a thing that was in my life and it seemed kind of noteworthy.
Honestly I do, myself, feel a little bit weird about having posted it but, on the other hand I do feel like she was inebriated in a public place and I don't look at it as being that different than if you guys were with me on the train having seen it first-hand.
The situation is a bit of a... gray area. But I'm mostly content with the way I chose to go about it.
I just fell asleep on the train and I would've slept right past my stop except the person next to me got up abruptly at the stop I needed to get off at. So I, I lucked out.
Rob and Tamara's House
Michael: I've arrived back at Rob and Tamara's house and there's another Michael in the house.
MPT: (In Grover's voice) Hi!
Michael: So, uh, apparently there's two Michaels sleeping in your house now.
Tamara: That's MPT, though.
Michael: What does that mean?
Tamara: Michael Phillip Thomas.
MPT: Michael. Phillip. Thomas. Hello everyone.
Tamara: He's from England.
MPT: Cheers.
Michael: I don't believe you.
(Tamara and MPT laugh)
Michael: Um, there is, however, only one couch in here. So, Rob wouldn't snuggle with me last night. Am I getting some snuggles tonight?
MPT: You're totes gettin' felt up tonight. Look out.
(Tamara and MPT laugh a little)
Michael: (Pauses) It takes a lot to make me uncomfortable.
(All laugh)
Michael: But I think you won. Yeap. Walked right into that one.
So Rob and Tamara have this picture framed up on the wall. How long's it been here?
Rob: Uh, well, you had it first.
Tamara: I've had it for like eight months.
Michael: They- so- it's still just all the stock photos that came in the picture frame.
Rob: Teehee-hee.
Tamara: It was four dollars so I got excited to put it up.
Rob: And I think, even for a few years, right? Cuz we've been living here like eight months and it's been up.
Tamara: Oh.
Rob: And we still haven't changed it.
Tamara: Maybe a year.
Rob: "A year."
Tamara: I got it like a few months before we moved in.
Rob: Yeah. It's been on the to-do list for "a year."
Michael: "A year?"
Rob: But it'll continue to be people that we don't know.
In Potbelly
Michael: One of my favorite things about Chicago is this place called Potbelly, which makes the most delicious sandwiches--they should be paying me for this--but, the most delicious sandwiches. Uh, I've tweeted about Potbelly enough that they now follow me on Twitter. So Tyler Oakley has Taco Bell, I have Potbelly.