Battlestar Salad
Battlestar Salad ![]() | ||||||||||||
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Transcript[edit | edit source]
Katelyn Salem's Car
Michael: What's on the seat belt right here? Is it lipstick?
Katelyn: Um...
Michael: You making out with someone in here?
Stefan: Oh yeah.
Katelyn: Uh, it looks like sharpie.
Stefan: Oh.
Michael: You sharpie-ing with someone in here?
I woke up late again today and now we're driving...
Stefan: (Unintelligble moan)
Michael: ...back to Hank's house so we can let the...
Stefan: My phone switched orientation because you turned too hard.
Michael: Oh. Gotta let Lemon out and feed the cat.
Katelyn: Are you going to come in this time, Stefan?
Stefan: Do you want me to come in?
Katelyn: I mean, do you want to pet some animals?
Stefan: Yeah.
Michael: Stefan is noting that everybody on Facebook is talking about some kind of football... thing.
Stefan: There's no substance! They're just saying, "Yay, team!"
Michael: The team from my local area is better than the team from your local area.
Katelyn: Are you coming in?
Michael: Yeah, I guess so.
Hank Green's House
Michael: Doggy! Ohhh! I'm going to talk to you like this because you're a dog! Ohhh, doggy!
Stefan: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, oh, oh!
Katelyn: Oh, yes!
Stefan: Oh, yes!
Michael: Oh, and there's the kitty again. She wants some lovin', too.
Stefan: You want the love, baby?
Michael: She...
Katelyn: Lemon wants... it's okay, come on. Lemon. Lemon! Lemon! Lemon!
Stefan: Oh, hi. Hi. Coochy-coo. There you go little meow.
Michael: She wants some what?
Katelyn: Some coochies.
Katelyn Salem's Car
Michael: What's next?
Katelyn: We're going to Romano's.
Michael: It's called Romaines.
Stefan: Lave sus manos. (laughs)
Michael: (laughs)
Katelyn: (laughs)
Michael: If anyone gets that reference, heh heh, I'll give you a free... mmm, a free... what do I have that's free?
Katelyn: You have free...
Stefan: Love.
Michael: I'll give you some free love.
Michael: Welcome to Romaines.
Katelyn: Thanks.
Michael: It's like a Subway or a Chipotle, but for salads.
Katelyn: I've never seen anything like this. I think it's a good idea.
Alan Lastufka's House
Michael: We've arrived at Alan and Kristen's place. I have something in my throat. Um, Matt's in the background.
Matthew: I got juice!
Kristen: Good job! I'm proud of you.
Michael: How do you like the...
Katelyn: M-dubs' juice.
Michael: ...soup from Romaines?
Katelyn: It's good. I was worried that I wasn't going to like it, but it's good.
Michael: I like their salads.
We're going to play some Catan: Cities and Nights. And maybe some Magic: The Gathering.
Stefan: Cookies!
Michael: Oh, dear.
We're not playing Catan anymore. We decided to go with the Battlestar Galactica, which none of us have played before, so we're trying to figure that out right now.
Stefan: So there's skill cards...
Michael: I'm Helo. Alan chose Gaius Baltar. Katelyn is Starbuck. Stefan is Boomer. Who'd you pick, Kristen? Oh you're Chief.
Kristen: Hell yeah.
Stefan: Oh, I see.
Michael: We all just drew cards to find out whether we're on the human side or the Cylon side.
Stefan: I am a meat popsicle.
Michael: So some of us might not be human. Some of us might be Cylon. Look at that guilty face. She's probably a Cylon. Here's, oh, here's what I drew. Now you know what team I'm on, but nobody else does.
Kristen: We're all full of suspicion.
Michael: You're all Cylons! I know it!
Stefan: I'm already filled with suspicion.
Michael: So at this point, we've been playing for a while, but I think we're finally getting the hang of it.
Stefan: I think so.
Michael: Um, our fuel is down to 4. We lost a little bit of food. Morale's down just a tiny bit. We lost a ship so we're down to 11 population.
Stefan: Doing okay, I think.
Michael: Doing all right. We still don't know who the Cylons are.
Stefan: I think most of us are humans.
Kristen: Or...
Stefan: Because I don't feel like...
Alan: Yeah, that's what we want you to think.
Kristen: Or we're Cylons pretending to be humans.
Stefan: But I feel like we've been doing really well. Like there hasn't been a lot of sab--I don't smell a lot of sabotage.
Michael: But do you smell this soup?
Stefan: Yes, I do smell the soup. It smells pretty good.
Kristen: It's rice noodle soup. It's amazing.
Michael: Okay, we just finished. Uh, the Cylons won.
Kristen: Yeah!
Michael: In the end, it turned out that, uh, Stefan was the only human.
Kristen: Poor Stefan.
Michael: The rest of us were Cylons.
Stefan: I feel betrayed!
Michael: Well, I was a Cylon from the beginning, uh, as was Alan. Kristen and Katelyn didn't find out they were Cylons until halfway through the game.
Kristen: Yeah.
Stefan: But the thing was like, you and Alan were in the positions of power.
Michael: Yeah, I was the admiral and he was the president.
Alan: I was the president.
Michael: (laughs)
Stefan: I had no chance.
Michael: Just like real life!
Hank Green's House
Michael: Now we're back at Hank's house to take care of Lemon. And Cameo wherever she went. She was sitting on that chair over there, but I don't see her anymore. Um, oh she's over there. Kitty? I see you hiding under the table. Uh, how did everybody feel about Battlestar?
Katelyn: I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
Stefan: It was good. Oh yeah, it was really good.
Michael: I really like that game a lot. I recommend that board game. If board games are a thing that you're into, Battlestar Galactica is pretty good, especially if you've seen the show.
Stefan: Yeah. It just really sucked because I was the only good guy, and so like the last two turns of the game or whatever, everyone's like "I'm a Cylon!" "Oh, I'm a Cylon, too!" A big Cylon party and I'm sitting there...
Katelyn: But I... see... I was for sure that you were like the only Cylon from the beginning.
Michael: I actually...
Katelyn: I thought you were a Cylon.
Michael: I thought you were a Cylon, as well. I thought you were a fellow Cylon from the beginning.
Stefan: Ah.
Katelyn: Alan, I thought was human, even like until after he saw your cards.
Stefan: What made you think I was a Cylon?
Michael: Just like when I pointed out that thing where you played the face up thing and then you played really low level cards.
Stefan: I actually just had the low level cards.
Michael: Um, because I was like that's... that's a thing I would do to sort of shed, uh, shed doubt.
Stefan: Yeah.
Michael: So I thought you were a Cylon.
Stefan: Yeah, it's really hard to tell. It's really hard to tell, like it's hard because the information can go both ways.
Michael: (laughs) Yeah.
Stefan: It's an interesting game.
Michael: Yep. Also you should probably watch Battlestar Galactica because it's a good show.
Kitty! Kitty! Hey, I'm petting your bum. I'm petting your bum! I'm petting your bum! You can't stop me!
Katelyn: I'm evening it out by petting her head. It's okay then.
Michael: Yeah that wasn't the reaction I was hoping for.
Michael Aranda's Apartment
Michael: This is why I'm waking up so late. It's 2:30 in the morning and I'm just finishing up the rough cut of Wednesday's episode of The Brain Scoop. Ugh, so after that's finished rendering, I can just send it off to Emily, and then I'll get notes from her on what she wants edited, changed, added, taken out. Uh, and hopefully I can get that finished up tomorrow so everybody can enjoy it on Wednesday. You can probably tell that I'm enjoying using this, uh, the Youtube capture app. Maybe the novelty will wear off soon, and then I'll go back to doing what I was doing before. But for now, uh, this is at least motivating me to be uploading stuff, which is good. So I'll see you guys tomorrow, maybe.