Armpit Junk

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 5th, 2015
Date of upload
June 19th, 2015
4 minutes 38 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Logan George
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Stefan Chin
Claire Grosvenor
Brought to you by
Steve Clark

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
University of Montana
EcoGeek Offices

Weather[edit | edit source]

Mostly Cloudy

High: 63°F/17°C

Low: 39°F/4°C

Humidity: 49%

Anthropometry[edit | edit source]

Weight: 177.4 lbs/80.5 kg

Body Fat: 20%

Heart Rate: 61 bpm

Blood Pressure: 117/57 mmhg

2015 Statistics[edit | edit source]

Distance Jogged: 89.5 mi/144.0 km

Flights: 11

Bacon Slaps: 5

Hikes to the M: 6

Pizzas Consumed: 26

Visits to HuHot: 8

Visits to Chipotle: 2

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael: Oh look, another video that starts with me being sick and stressed out. I'm supposed to host an episode of Sci Show News today, and I hope that I just don't sound too nasally and throaty.

Calculus Professor: I don't think I'm gonna make a final review sheet. But, uh, your old exams will be good things to study. old homeworks. The key is gonna be to figure out what the, what the main ideas were, what the main big ideas were.

Michael: All done with calculus. It's time to finish another episode of Crash Course.

Sabrina (on computer screen): (rewind noise) line, or stuffing square shaped blo- (rewind noise) blocks in a line or stuffing square shaped block (rewind noise) or stuffing square shaped blocks through a square hole.

Michael: Crash Course is almost done, but now I have to run to the office to shoot that episode of Sci Show News.

My next trip to Toronto is on the 16th of this month. And we'll be shooting for two days, both on the 17th and the 18th. Yesterday Logan suggested that rather than paying a lot o money to try and get my phone fixed locally here, I could just wait until I fly to Toronto and take it to an Apple Store up there. At the time I was like, there's no way, there's no way I can wait that long. But, after seeing how much it's gonna cost for a local repair, I'm thinking maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. I mean, look at this, look at this beauty. How can I give this up?


Unknown Voice: (singing) We always love youuuu.

Michael: Remember when the first mp3 players came out? They could hold a thousand songs, which seemed like an impossibly huge number at the time.

Unknown Voice: That sounded...

Stefan: Something whimpered?

Unknown Voice: Yeah, did something?

Stefan: Something whimpered.

Unknown Voice: Oo!

Stefan: Oo!

Michael: Ooooo.

Unknown Voice: But it sounded great.

Stefan: Again!

Michael: Remember when the first mp3 players came out?

Okay, I finished all the things that I have to finish. Why are you shaking your head at me?

Claire: Because you did not finish all the things you have to finish.

Michael: I finished all of the things that are due tomorrow.

Claire: There you go.

Michael: Which is what I mean when I say I finished all the things.

Stefan: I'm gonna have a hotdog.

Michael: Claire and I are gonna go eat some food, Stefan's gonna have a hotdog.

Man, the lens flares caused by the shattered screen look kinda cool.

Claire: Did you poke holes in that hotdog?

Stefan: Nah, ahh!

Claire: What if it blows up?

Stefan: It'll fine, it'll do it's thing (laughter) It'll do whatever's natural.

Michael: Are you ready?

Claire: Am I ready?

Michael: Yeah.

Stefan: Yeah.

Claire: You're the one filming.

Stefan: You're holding it up!

Claire: I am ready.

I actually have a hunch that that one's mine, but I'm giving it to you. Oh it's mine!

Stefan: (clanking bowls together) How's that video?!

Michael: Blurry.

Stefan: Oh.

Michael: We're doing that running thing again.

Claire: Yeah.

Michael: Yeah. Except the sun has gone down already, and it's gonna get really dark, really fast. It's so dark! But, like a lighthouse in the night, the loose caboose lights our way home.

Apparently Stefan's computer was just cycling the audio over and over again.

Stefan: Well, so, okay so I reloaded the file right.

Michael: I don't know why.

Stefan: 'Cause if you go open the actual file it doesn't do it.

Michael: How can you tell that it's repeating there?

Stefan: Well, I mean, it's just the same.

Michael: Oh, so it's, that is weird. It just repeats the same thing over and over again.

Stefan: Yeah, yeah. But then like, sometimes the loop gets longer over here, but then it repeats a bunch of times the first thing, and then it does this longer loop again.

Michael: When does this one go live?

Stefan: Next Monday, but we have to deliver the proof tomorrow.

Michael: You still having them problems?

Stefan: I just turned the audio off. I'm just working visually.

Michael: This is some Sci Show behind the scenes.

Stefan: Oh my gosh. Oh look at his eye holes!

Michael: Why does his eye have a hole in it?

Stefan: Uh... you know, we can make that better. Look at that, look at that. Sometimes you get that stuff in his armpits. Where's his armpits? Show your armpits! There it is. Ahh, armpit junk.