And We're Back!

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
May 1, 2014
Date of upload
May 2, 2014
5 minutes 02 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Katelyn Salem
Valerie Barr
Kristen Franklin
Stefan Chin

Location[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Apartment
Buffalo Wild Wings
Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang
The Source Health Club

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Michael Aranda's Apartment

Michael Aranda: I'm so tired. Good morning. Well, we're out of April now and that means that VEDA is not a thing anymore, which means it's time to start up the daily vlogs again. So if that's a thing that you're excited about, then woo! If it's not, then you should probably unsubscribe.

The time has come!

Katelyn Salem: The walrus said.

Michael: Kitty.

(Index meows)

Michael: Meow. We're gonna get some Buffalo Wild Wings kitty. You excited?

(Index makes a small meow)

Buffalo Wild Wings

Michael: I just ate fifteen wings and I'm very full.

(Kristen Franklin and Valerie Barr make faces)


Michael: After months of shhhhhhh crappy weather, uhm, oh dang, look at that Ford Fiesta. Uhm, anyway, we've had, uh, really nice days recently. The weather's nice. It's not cold.

Katelyn: Hardly any clouds.

Michael: Hardly any clouds. I guess. (pans camera around sort of cloudy sky) I mean, there's clouds, but it's not, like, overcast.

Michael Aranda's Apartment

Michael: That's a nice kitty you got there.

Katelyn: Yeah, she sure is soft, but she's in the way.

Michael: Kitty sees a fly. Other kitty is sunbathing.

As I mentioned in the video that went live on my main channel today, uh, I now have a Subbable account. So, we are currently at 4% of the monthly funding goal. I feel like it's gonna be a while before it hits a hundred.

I don't know what the deal is, but our internet connection here has been really bad lately. Wow, oh, we didn't even break one. I pay for thirty and I'm not even getting one.

(Index meows)

Michael: Uh! Look at these kitties. Oh, what is that?

Stefan Chin: Caud.

Michael: Caud?

Stefan: Caud fillets.

Michael: Caud?

Stefan: It's wild Cod fillets.

Michael: What are you doing with those fish fillets?

Stefan: I'm milking the Caud.

Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang

Michael: It is time to go to the gym!

Stefan: Uhhuhhhhuhh!!

Michael: To get muscular.

Stefan: Pumpin' iron.

Michael: To be attractive to the potential mates.

(Stefan singing)

The Source Health Club

Michael: When I first started coming here, I used these weights. Now I use these weights for dumbbell press.

Michael Aranda's Apartment

Michael: So now I'm working on sound for Crash Course. And I'm trying to decide if this scene right here will work better is this guy is just banging on the same note over and over again or if he should be playing just, kind of, musical gibberish. Uh, or, if I should have him actually playing, um, a song like Beethoven or something. I think it would be funny to just have him banging away randomly, but he's supposed to actually be a musician, so I don't if it's being too untrue to who he actually was to kind of make of his musical ability? I don't know. I don't know what to do.

So this is what I am going to try first. (Random piano chords) Basically just having him hit random notes. So now I've lined up all the piano hits with the way he moves and (Random piano chords). I still feel kind of weird about it because, like I said, he's supposed to be an accomplished musician. But, uh, that's how they animated it, soooo, muh?

So now this has the piano playing in it, it's got footsteps for both characters walking back and forth, and some music. It's the, uh, the Romeo and Juliet Suite by Tchaikovsky. (Plays audio clip of those sounds) So all that took me about an hour. And now I've finished the first twenty seconds of this video.

Ok, I just finished sound for Monday's Crash Course video. It's now four in the morning, so I'm gonna go to sleep.