A Playground For The Kids
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- May 16th, 2014
- Date of upload
- May 24th, 2014
- Duration
- 3 minutes 18 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Nick Jenkins
- Caitlin Hofmeister
- Abby
- Hank Green
- Radius
- Stefan Chin
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang
- EcoGeek Office
- Monkey Bar Gymnasium
- Michael Aranda's Apartment
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael Aranda's Ford Mustang
Michael Aranda: I'm on my to the office right now and I just saw Matthew Gaydos drive the other way. Heeeey! It's almost like we live in the same moderately sized city. Anyway, I'm on my way to the office because today we're shooting SciShow and Crash Course. For months now, we've been searching for houses to rent on Craigslist because living in an apartment is just not the best thing when your job requires you to be listening to sounds at volumes that might offend other people. For whatever reason, properties in Missoula seem to go pretty quickly as soon as they show up on Craigslist, so you have to be quick. Um, and then, something showed up today that looks really nice and I called already and scheduled an appointment for tonight at 8:00 to do a walkthrough, so, maybe we finally found a place to rent. And then, later tonight, after that, Katelyn's parents are flying in for Katelyn's college graduation which happens tomorrow.
EcoGeek Office
(Abby comes running up and down the hallway and around the table in a room)
Caitlin Hoffmeister: (Covering a laugh with her hand) You have to sit on the...
Hank Green: Today your developing brain learned about Erikson's 8 stages of progressive psychosocial development and their accompanying issues. You also learned about emerging adulthood, the difference between fluid and crystalline intelligence, and the facts about dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: This is a science experiment I like to call "Does kitty like the vaccuum?"
(Michael turns on the vaccuum and Radius jumps off the couch and runs away)
Michael: The results are inconclusive.
Michaels' Ford Mustang
Michael: Now it's time to get pumped.
Monkey Bar Gymnasium
Instructor: Means forward, backward, then stand up. I have no idea what it means.
(Michael proceeds to do push ups, jump rope, and band pull ups)
Michael's Ford Mustang
Michael: Oook. Gym time is done. My CD player is still making that noise (a buzzing from the CD player can be heard)
Craigslist House
Michael: So Stefan and I are at this house we're supposed to check out today. And the lady who's supposed to show us the house is not here yet. And is now almost ten minutes late. Pretty sure that mean we got like a hundred dollars of a rent per month,
Stefan Chin: Well yeah. There's also a playground in the backyard. Kids can come over and play.
Michael: We don't need kids playing at our house. That's creepy.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: Stefan?
Stefan: Mmm?
Michael: How would you rate that house on a scale of 1 to heeelll yeah?
Stefan: Tch, give it a B.
(Michael and Katelyn Salem laugh)
Michael: I liked it. I'd move there. I think given the lack of options that show up on craigslist, I think it's...
Stefan: Yeah. It's definitely in the top, in the top.
Michael: Like, I, I think it's worth applying for.
Stefan: Yeah. I agree.
(Michael looks out onto the apartment parking lot and the stormy sky)
Michael: It's raining.