A More Even Vocal Experience
Episode Information[edit | edit source]
- Date of video
- February 19th, 2014
- Date of upload
- February 20th, 2014
- Duration
- 15 minutes 38 seconds
- Edited by
- Michael Aranda
- Appearances by
- Michael Aranda
- Stefan Chin
- Hank Green
- Katherine Green
- Katelyn Salem
- Matthew Gaydos
Location[edit | edit source]
- Missoula, Montana
- EcoGeek Offices
- DFTBA Warehouse
- Cafe Zydeco
- Monkey Bar Gymnasium
- Walmart
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Michael's Apartment
Michael: One eighty seven point six!? But I was so good yesterday. Kitty this is all your fault.
(Butter sizzling)
MIchael: Look at all that protein.
(Kitty Meows)
Michael: Meow.
(Kitty Meows)
Michael: Meow.
The snow's getting all crazy outside. Ah ha ah. Awm man, it's, aw, this is getting all over my face. Eugh.
EcoGeek Offices
Michael:What the heck is this? Stefan's been eating gummis?
Laura Chernikoff: Oh yeah. Lots of gummis.
Michael: Stefan.
Stefan Chin: Yes.
Michael: What is this?
Stefan: Yeah, guess. Katelyn bought those for Valentine's Day. So I had to eat them to be polite.
Michael: Uh huh.
Michael's Car
Michael: I just posted yesterday's vlog and, in response, a girl on twitter, named Rebecca, uh, commented that I'm so good at managing my time. Which is the most hilarious thing that I have seen all day. I employ a personal assistant to help me manage my time and I still am not on top of everything. Anyway, we just shot some SciShow News and now I'm arriving at the DFTBA Warehouse because today is the last day that this warehouse will be here. Uh, over the weekend, we are moving it to a new location.
DFTBA Warehouse Parking Lot
Michael: Which means it's our last chance for a while to get everybody their Pizza John shirts.
DFTBA Warehouse
Michael: Look at all these shirts. I'm about to send this one off to somebody. But everybody knows that these are the coolest shirts in the warehouse. Hell yeah.
Make sure to get yours at DFTBA.com/MichaelAranda
(Packing material rustling)
Katherine Green: Lot of posters. Seems excessive.
(Package material rustling)
Cafe Zydeco?
Michael: Louisiana's Pure Crystal Hot Sauce. Is good stuff?
Katherine: Nom nom.
MIchael: Nom nom.
I need a fork, but there's no forks in the thing.
Katherine: Why?
Hank Green: Just eat it. Put it in your mouth.
Katherine: Just hands man.
Michael: Too big.
Hank: (Burps loudly)
MIchael: Oooo. That was good.
Ooo, I'm gonna ring the bell. Um, there's no forks back there.
Employee: Of course. I'm sorry about that. There you are.
Michael: Thank you.
Employee: You're welcome.
Hank: Yeah, I like corn beef.
Michael: He, he, he , he.
This little thing has the TechWorks Computer Service Center Computer Nerd Test. Are you ready Hank?
Hank: Yes.
Michael: How many Gigabytes make one Terabyte? A. 512 B. 1000 C. 1024 or D. Tera-what?
Hank: That's actually a complicated question.
Michael: (Laughing)
Hank: It depends what standard you're using. According to current linguistic standards, it's 1000. But, there are people who will tell you it is 1024.
Michael: Well, let me just turn this upside down and read the answer. Which is, um, C, uh, 1024, according to the Computer Nerd Test.
What part acts as a computer's brain? A. GPU, B. CPU, C. HDD, D. Hyper-drive.
Hank: What do brains do? They store information and process information, so.
Michael: (Laughing)
Katherine: (Laughing)
Hank: The CPU, the GPU, and the HDD. All of those things.
Michael: The best part of this is how analytically you're being about this. You're PC may have a virus if you notice: A. It runs slower than usual, B. System freezes up crashes, C. Cannot connect to the internet, D. All of these are correct.
A Parking Lot
Michael: Since I just finished eating, I figured I might as well go to the gym, workout, and vomit. (Sniffs)
Monkey Bar Gym
Michael: Today we've got the 100 yard workout. Uhhh, I don't know what that means. Hand-stand walking, maybe? And bodyrows. And then power wheel crawl. Are you ready?
Katelyn Salem: I don't know if I'm ready for those power wheel crawls.
(People in gym chatting)
Katelyn: You've got that movement down.
(Smooth Jazz playing)
Michael's Car
Michael: Workout complete. And I didn't vomit. But Katelyn vomited all over the place. It was really embarrassing.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: Katelyn just asked me what Australian push-ups are. So, I'm going to demonstrate.
Stefan: Uh.
Michael: I think it's hilarious that...
Stefan: Hm?
Michael: The newspaper man throws these newspapers up but there's, you can see a couple of them are stuck in the gutter. So whoever up here has newspapers, doesn't get em sometimes.
Stefan: I mean, they could still get it. It's right there.
Katelyn: (Laughing) I wonder if that would break if somebody were to step on it. Or, you know.
Stefan: Yeah, I don't know.
Katelyn: Stefan.
Michael: I wonder how many newspapers are gonna end up in the gutter. I just want to play Banished. But, they're making me go on a family outing to Walmart.
Somebody's Car
Michael: Can we do one long take, all the way to Walmart?
Katelyn: I, I don't see why not?
(Michael tapping on dashboard)
Michael: But what if I don't have anything interesting to say the whole journey. It's a long drive.
Stefan: Yeah, it's real tough.
Katelyn: He, he, I don't know.
Michael: I could tell them a story from my childhood.
Katelyn: Tell them the story of, uhm, tell them that your earliest memory.
Michael: Why do you know stories from my childhood?
Katelyn: Tell them your earliest memory.
Michael: Oh, uhm, when I was a wee lad, something happened with my front teeth. The four in the front, I think. Uhm, so I had to have these metal caps put on my teeth. And I think my earliest memory is of them putting the caps on my teeth.
Katelyn: That doesn't sound pleasant.
Stefan: That is the most boring memory I've ever heard.
Katelyn: (Laughing)
Michael: It's not the most boring memory.
Katelyn: I can't see out of my frickin' frick.
Stefan: I remember walking around in a circle in the ba, the boy's bathroom of the day care center and there was a bunch of us little boys in there, with our pants down and toilet paper tails in our butt cheeks. We were walking in a circle and then the teacher, who started wondering what the hell's going on, cause it took so long, so she came in and we all got in trouble. Now that's a story from the childhood, ok!?
Katelyn: I remember being in, uhm, preschool and it was a preschool where it was, it was all one big room, but it was split in to three different sections based on, I guess separate classes or something. But, I was in the middle section and my cousin was in one of the side sections. And I remember looking at her and thinking "I know this person, but I don't know who she is". And it was my cousin. That's interesting. I don't remember who my cousin was, but I knew I recognized her.
Michael: In my kindergarten class, we got split into two groups and there was one group that was supposed to be listening to the teacher read a story. And the other group got to go to the back of the class where all the toys were and play with the fake kitchen set, or something. And so, I was in the group that was playing with the kitchen set at first, and then the two groups had to switch. And, when they switched, I just stayed where the kitchen stuff was. And I got away with it. But, the whole time I was like "I wonder if they're gonna notice".
Stefan: (Chuckling) Totally Michael.
Michael: Yeah. Great story. Tell it again
Stefan: We made it to Walmart.
Michael: Oh yeah! We're at Walmart. Yeah!
Stefan: Wooo!
Michael: That was such a long drive.
Katelyn: Why are there so many carts in front of me? I have to park here.
Michael: Wow. Look at all the carts. They're having a little cart meeting.
Stefan: Oooo!
Katelyn: I should hit one.
Michael: It's like a cart conference. CartCon. (Chuckling) Hokay, okay, we made it. Let me out of this car. Errr. Okay, okay, okay. Whew. Whew. Oh, what? What, what? Did you see that girl, sliding around? It was like she had heelies on, But I couldn't tell if she had heelies or if she was just sliding on the ice.
Katelyn: I'm sliding on the ice right now.
Michael: Stop sliding on the ice. You're gonna fall down and die.
Katelyn: Ok, it's real slippery.
Stefan: Are you, are you one-taking the whole thing, the whole trip?
Michael: No, but look! Now in stock, Xbox 1. Aka Xbone. Ok, I think this take has lasted long enough.
(Bacon slap)
Michael: I just had the best idea for a video. We're gonna do a Lord of the Rings parody that's, uh, about fish and the bad guy's name is gonna be Salamon. Eh? Eh? Eh he? He? He?
Stefan: Eh he he he. He he.
Michael: He?
Stefan: Dat's pretty good.
Michael: Like, eight out of ten?
Stefan: Mmmm, seven, Seven point two.
Michael: Ok.
Michael's Apartment
Michael: Remember that silver play button thing that the hankgames channel got that I was looking at yesterday? Today I was thinking that my yourube channel, my main channel, is hooked up to an email address that I don't actually check. So I thought maybe I should check it to see if there were any emails from youtube and there's an email from youtube. Uh, so, I just had to click on a thing in this email and now I'm gonna get my silver play button.
Please allow twelve weeks for your award to arrive. Whe, ta, that's so many weeks.
Katelyn: What if you don't even live here any more?
Michael: Twelve weeks?! That's like, that's like............ that's like a long time.
I don't even care cause it's time to play Banished. Ooooo! I'll let you guys in on a little secret. Uh, I have a gaming channel called WhatImPwningRightNow. I know some of you know about it, uh, but, I don't really know that I've talked about it very much. Uh, anywhere. Maybe I tweeted about a video I put up once? I don't even remember. Uhm, but it's been a long time since I uploaded anything there, so I figured since I'm gonna play Banished, I might as well do a Banished video. So, that's what I'm gonna do. Uh, so if you want to see that, that'll be up on, uh, WhatImPwningRightNow. I'll stick a link down in the description. To be honest, I don't really understand why people like watching other people play video games so much. But, as long as there's interest in people watching me play stuff, by all means, I will oblige.
Ok, so I just filmed about 15 minutes of play time in Banished. Uh, and since you guys enjoyed the, uh, editing of the Brain Scoop stuff yesterday, I guess I'll show you. It's not as complicated as Brain Scoop is, uh, but I'll show you my process for editing these videos.
So I use this program here called FRAPS, that records video game footage while you're playing. And that dumps both the video and the audio from the game into this file right here. Uh, turns out that playing Banished for 15 minutes, uh, spits out a 82 Gigabyte file. That's good.
To record my voice during the Let's Plays, I use this microphone and it's going into FL Studio right here. You can see the, uh the thingy moving up there. This is the same program I use to do all my music stuff in.
So, that audio file, I save into the same folder right here. So, Banished 001 is the audio file of me talking. Uh, and then I will merge the two of those things. And the reason that I do the two of them separately is so that I have control over the balance of my voice and the game audio. Uhm, when I have FRAPS record both of them at the same time, you can't separate the two and so, if the voice is too loud or too quiet, there's nothing you can do to fix that.
Here I'm importing the footage into Premier. This is my audio over here, the video is down here. And I started recording the audio before I started recording the video. So I, I know this is gonna start later. I'm just gonna drag the audio down. And then find where I started the video. I counted myself in somewhere.
Michael: (In audio file) Recording in three, two, one. Go.
Michael: K, so that, where'd it go? That sound of me hitting the keyboard should be where this video file starts. And now I've synched them up. Balancing the game audio with my vocal track is not a simple matter of just adjusting the volume. What we're actually gonna do is EQ the game audio. Basically, I'm cutting holes in the frequency range of the game audio to allow my voice to carry through. So, down here are the frequencies where you get sort of the body of the voice and up here are the frequencies where you get the crispness of voice, where you can hear the enunciation. So, I'm telling the game audio, basically, to get out of the way of my voice, without having to make the overall volume of the game audio lower. I'm also adding a little bit of compression to my voice, uh that reduces the volume difference between the quietest bits and the loudest bits for a more even vocal experience.
Now with those things in place, I do my volume adjusting to make sure everything sounds nice.
MIchael: (In audio file) I don't have any animals for a pasture yet, so I'll skip on that for now.
Michael: And then the last thing that I'll do is kind of go through here to make sure there aren't huge gaps where I stopped talking for a long time. So like, right here, it looks like I didn't say anything for a little bit, so I'll probably cut that part out. I added my little beginning and end screen logos and now we're rendering.
Stefan: Huh?
Michael: On the comments from yesterday's video....
Stefan: Uh huh.
Michael: SarahSunrise says "Costco treats their employees so much better than Walmart does. It's totally worth more cents per pizza. How do you respond? I mean I feel like that's a, that's a pretty valid argument.
Stefan: (Chuckling) No, it's true. I was just throwing out some bullsh*t.
Michael: (Chuckling)
Stefan: You can't take what I say seriously.
Michael: Mmmmmmm.
Stefan: About 99% of the time.
Michael: Mmmmm.
Stefan: But, I agree.
Michael: How do we know when the 1% Stefan is coming out?
Stefan: (Deeply) This is my serious voice.
Michael: My friend Rob Scallon, he does these videos that are like musical MadLibs, where he writes a song, but all of the lyrics are sourced from comments on a video. Um, it kind of inspired me to try something similar, so, in this video description, you'll find a link to a Google Doc that anybody can edit. And what I'd like to see, if it's possible, for this community to collectively write some song lyrics. This could be really good or it could be really bad, I have no idea how this is going to turn out. It's a little experiment. Uh, so, I guess I'll tentatively say, uh, maybe I'll give it a week. Ish. And see how it looks by then. Uh, this could be total chaos. But should be fun either way.
So if it turns out ok, then, uh, I'll record it and then, uh, put it up for download somewhere.