5.88 Miles

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Episode Information[edit | edit source]

Date of video
March 23rd, 2014
Date of upload
March 25th, 2014
6 minutes 2 seconds
Edited by
Michael Aranda
Appearances by
Michael Aranda
Katelyn Salem
Stefan Chin

Locations[edit | edit source]

Missoula, Montana
Michael Aranda's Temporary Apartment
The Source Health Club

Transcript[edit | edit source]


(Running footsteps)


Michael Aranda: Five point nine miles.

Katelyn Salem: We didn't go six?

Michael: Five point nine miles. Actually, is was five point eight eight.

Katelyn: What about that extra point two miles?

Michael: Ehhhh.

Michael's Temporary Apartment

Michael: This is sad.

Katelyn: It almost made it.

Michael: Yeah, the Roomba almost made it back to it's charging station. But then it died. So close.

Regarding this competition that Stefan and Matt Gaydos, who is not present, uhm, their quest for six thousand subscribers we mentioned yesterday. Uh, I just realized they don't have any sort of, like, wager. There's nothing to lose or gain if one wins and the other loses.

Stefan Chin: (Chuckling) Yeah.

Michael: So, what do you guys want to have happen? Should the loser get punished somehow? Does the winner get a prize? I'm lookin' for suggestions cause we gotta make this thing more interesting.

Do you know how many you've gotten since yesterday?

Stefan: Uhhhm, I don't know the number, but I had a solid, uh, wall of email notifications for subscribers so.

Michael: I better check.

Stefan: I mean I could check. Yeah go check.

Michael: Stefan is sitting at 5,960.

Stefan: Woah.

Michael: Matt Gaydos is sitting at 5,644.

Stefan: So I'm gonna win. (Laughing) So..

Michael: You gotta get 40 more before he can get 300 something more?

Stefan: So we should pick some kinda good punishment that Matt's gonna have to do.


Outside The Source Health Club

Michael: This is the brand new gym.

Stefan: (High pitched) Oooooh.

Michael: They Just built it. So were gonna check it out.

Stefan: So fancy.

Katelyn: Check it ooout.

Inside The Source Health Club

(Music playing)

Michael: Jessica left us and uh, didn't say goodbye to the vlog, which was very rude of her. Also, she just texted me and told me that, not only did she not do her computer science homework, she apparently has a research paper due tomorrow that she hasn't started yet, which she kept hidden from us.

Stefan: Eh, he he.

Katelyn: (inaudible)

Michael: There's an arrow. Nick pointed out to me that across the street there's a V8 mustang and I've been wanting to test drive one recently. So I may go over to JJ's Used Cars later and see if they'll let me drive that thing.

Roll it! Roll it!

Stefan: Ahhhh, ahhh.

Michael: Roll it farther. Go up, Yeeaaah.

Stefan: Woah, that's actually kinda hard. Uh.

Michael: That's a small roller.

Stefan: I know. I want bigger wheels.

Michael: You should, steal them from Monkey Bar.

Stefan: I want 22s on that bee.

Michael: Got some pads. Some ropey ....ropes. Bouncy boarder stunt maker-majig.

(Stefan talking in background)

Stefan: Can you increase the speed?

Michael: Increase the speed?

Stefan: More speed!

Michael: More speed?

Stefan: More speed.

Kinda jarring.

Michael: Yeah, I mean, I can kinda see how it's limited by the height of the ceiling, but I kind of wish it was longer.

Stefan: Yeah.

Katelyn: They have really sweet bathrooms.

Michael: Sweet bathrooms?

Katelyn: There's like, uh, they have, uh...

Stefan: Toilets?

Katelyn: Well, yeah, obviously they have the stalls. And they have these really cool hand-washy things where the center is the, the water fountain and they have these two bars that go off to the side and you just put your hands underneath and then this infared beam detects that your hands are there and it blows your hands dry. And then you go around the corner and they (Laughing).

Stefan: There's also showers.

(Stefan washing hands in bathroom)

Stefan: (Sticks hands under sink dryer) They're not dry.

(Michael laughs)

Stefan: Come on, ahhhh! ...... That's pretty intense. I like it.

Michael: Look, you can piss and keep watching the ball game at the same time.

Michael's Temporary Apartment

Michael: I'm recording this later while I'm editing this video just to explain that I used one of those urinals after I recorded that clip. And discovered that the implementation of the television and urinal doesn't really work very well, because as your standing there, the tv is, like, right here (Holds hand about an inch from face). That doesn't work very well. Stefan's home.

Stefan: Heh?

Michael: Katelyn braided my blonde stripe.

Katelyn: It's chkikekiki. (Laughing). I thought about putting multiple little ponytails all over your head, but, um, I'm going to save you the humiliation and I will not do that.

Michael: Why? It felt kinda cool.

(Now with braid and little ponytails) Oh, now I look so pretty! Mmmmm. Maybe I should go to VidCon like this.

(Katelyn makes weird laughing sound)

Michael: Right cat?..............Right.